Diphtheria Ms. Millie is a 79 year old African American female who resides at an

Ms. Millie is a 79 year old African American female who resides at an assisted living facility. She is widowed with one son who lives nearby. Her past medical diagnoses include congestive heart failure, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension. She worked as a secretary for the local police department, but has been retired for 15 years. She ambulates independently with a walker and standby assist and requires minimum assist during bathing. For the past two weeks, she complains of feeling short of breath and is unable to tolerate ambulating to the dining room and around the facility. She enjoys attending group activities at the facility, but hasn’t joined the morning exercise group for the past week. She has a recent weight gain of 2.5 kg.
Orders include:
Ambulate with walker and 1 standby assist
Daily weights
NAS diet
1.5L fluid restriction/24 hours
Furosemide 20 mg PO daily
Warfarin 2 mg PO daily
Simvastatin 20 mg PO daily
Sertraline 100mg PO daily
Metoprolol 75 mg PO BID
Do not resuscitate
System Disorder Active Learning Template (fill in all the blanks)
Points rec’d
Each box of template is worth 0.5 points
3 credible references in APA format (include reference list and in-text citations). You need a citation in each box.
You must have an entry in every box and a citation in every box. Follow the rubric. Include a reference list in APA format and nothing earlier than 2016.

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