Did the author(s) select an appropriate theory to describe what they were studying? Why or why not?

For the reflection paper assignments (1 and 2) this semester, you will be asked to search the literature for a peer-reviewed article that applies some criminological theory to an act or case and describe to us in no more than 2-3 pages double spaced the following:
1. Did the author(s) select an appropriate theory to describe what they were studying? Why or why not?
2. Was there another theory or theories that could also be used to explain the behavior, criminal or deviant acts they were studying?
3. If you had to deliver professional feedback to the author(s), how would you share with them other options they may have considered?
4. Was there any part of the article that was unclear? Did the authors miss an opportunity to explain something in more detail?
5. Where did you find your article?
Many of the databases the library subscribes to have filters where you can select “peer-reviewed” or “scholarly” so that the list of articles you retrieve will all meet the requirement for the assignment.
**Again, these papers are short and are YOUR reflections about someone else’s work, so there are not really wrong answers. You will be graded on how throughly you explain your perspectives, the type of article you select, etc.

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