Develop a script that represents verbal instructions given to a patient about a

Develop a script that represents verbal instructions given to a patient about a drug being prescribed. See drugs you can select from below.
For example, assume you are prescribing a psychopharmacologic treatment to a patient. Develop a narrative script of what you would tell that patient about the medication. Please follow the rubric in the syllabus and below:
1. Identify illness, symptoms targeted with the medication, patient demographic information.
2. Drug research: Use, MOA, Dosing, Benefits, Adverse Effects, dosing instruction, any other pertinent information.
3. Script demonstrate knowledge of person-centered care, health literacy and cultural competency.
4. APA format, clearly and succinctly written, 3 page maximum
Below is the list of medications you may use for your drug education script assignment. Please refer to the syllabus for further assignment instructions and the rubric.
Development of a script that represents verbal instructions given to a patient about a drug being prescribed. For example, assume you are prescribing a psychopharmacologic treatment to a patient. Develop a narrative script of what you would tell that patient about the medication. For example, why is this medication being prescribed? What can the patient expect? What are the benefits/harms? What symptoms are you targeting with this medication? How long will it take to work? What will it cost? Where can it be filled? What if the patient loses the prescription? Etc. In other words, the narrative dialog should reflect knowledge of mechanisms of action, pharmacodynamics/kinetics, dosing, side effects, pertinent patient instructions, e.g., take with food, don’t drive, stand slowly, when/why to contact provider or return to the office,
etc. It should be written in your voice, providing education/advice/instruction to a patient for a medication they have never taken before. Please identify the patient’s illness and demographic information (age, demographics and any
psychosocial considerations including education/comprehension). The script should demonstrate your knowledge of the medication, best practices, cultural competency, and knowledge of health literacy, etc. Please limit the script to 3 double-spaced pages. The drug education script is worth 10% of the course grade.

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