Create a new Microsoft Access file, which you will name: StudentLastName_Police.

Create a new Microsoft Access file, which you will name: StudentLastName_Police.accdb, where your last name is in place of StudentLastName.
Then you will create a new table for the police officers.
Fields will include, but are not necessarily limited to:
Primary Key, which is a unique ID that will go along with each officer, this will be an autonumber field, Last Name, First Name, Sex, Race, Address, City, State, Zip, Date of Birth, Shield Number and Rank
Rank abbreviations, in increasing order of rank, will be: PO, DET, SGT, LT, and CPT.
There is a people.txt file in the content folder that you will use to populate many of the fields.  The race fields appear to be largely filled in from this listing.
You must have at least 50 entries in your database.  There is an import function that you may use, but do not need to use today.
Part 2:
Run a series of queries and display their results.
Query 1: Display all police officers of the rank of LT.
Query 2: Display all police officers below the rank of SGT.
Query 3: Display all female police officers (of any rank).
Query 4: Display all female police officers, at or above the rank of LT, who are below 50 years of age.
Copy these query-result tables into a MS Word doc.  All four (4) queries must also be visible in your uploaded Access database.
Upload both the Access database and the Word doc to receive credit.

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