covers a very important process in the development of a scientific research

This week’s assignment covers a very important process in the development of a scientific research paper: the peer-review process. This week you will critically review one of your peer’s first drafts of their evidence-based research paper. The following criteria must be met:
First off, the more detail you put into your review, the better. The idea of this entire process is to provide the original author with ample information to help them greatly improve their final draft of their evidence-based research paper. The more specific you can be with your comments/revisions, the better it will be for the original author to make the suggested changes/revisions.
Use the “Track Changes” feature of Microsoft Word, and if feel that specific changes/edits need to be made, make them directly onto the document. The Track Changes function will completely register all changes made to the original document.
Also, if you have any questions to the author, suggestions to them, or comments regarding the formatting/content/writing, use the comment boxes (under the Review tab of Microsoft Word). Again, the more specific you are, the better.
Knowing the requirements of the first draft, if any of those requirements are missing (e.g. definitive hypothesis, missing required sections, improper APA formatting), make sure you comment on them to the author.
Make sure you consider the clarity, conciseness, and organizational clarity throughout your review.
Lastly, make sure you include a detailed summary review at the end of your paper
Be sure to review the grading rubric prior to creating your paper to ensure that you know what is expected for each section and how each section is weighted in terms of points.

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