Chapter 6: Career Profile Case Study “Leticia Beason: Networking for Information

Chapter 6: Career Profile Case Study “Leticia Beason: Networking for Information”
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Leticia entered college without a clear focus, and chose a major and activities based on her interests and the classes she enjoyed. She hoped her career direction would become clear later on. This led her to major in sociology, join a sorority, and successfully land a place on the university dance team.
After a semester abroad in the fall of her third year, Leticia returned to school unclear about her career interests. In addition, she was about to hold two very demanding, year-long leadership roles, as captain of the dance team and public relations (PR) representative of her sorority.
Leticia approached her academic advisor to discuss her career concerns. She was encouraged to visit the career center, and participate in an alumni-student mentor program in which she could be paired with a recent graduate in a career areas that interested her. After reading the list of alumni in the program, she chose a mentor working in public relations, since she was holding a related position in her sorority.
At the career center, Leticia was directed to online resources where she could learn about the field. She contacted her men- tor and shared her interests and career uncertainty. Because the mentor lived nearby, they planned an in-person meeting. Leticia followed the recommendations in the mentor program hand- book, dressing in professional attire and bringing her résumé to the meeting.
Please answer the following questions:
Question 1:What steps did Leticia take to gather information for her career exploration?
Question 2: What specific questions could Leticia ask during the meeting with her mentor?
Question 3: How would these questions help Leticia?

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