Capstone Assignment The Capstone Assignment for this course will be a 10-12 page

Capstone Assignment
The Capstone Assignment for this course will be a 10-12 page research essay (excluding title page and references page), with a minimum of 8–10 references, (at least six (6) sources should be from the Touro library). Now is the chance to synthesize and integrate everything you learned in all modules of the Capstone course coupled with any background experience that supports your essay. You will be building off the information that you have developed from your Case Assignment
Listed below are specific issues you should include in your Capstone assignment
Review the key statistics that highlight the psychology-based problem that you have chosen to research from Module 1 of the course (Module 1). Discuss how group dynamics can be included into the intervention program you are planning to develop (Module 4, Module 5)
Describe the developmental considerations (e.g., age, emotional maturity, social maturity) needs to be addressed in developing your intervention program to help address the real- world scenario you are targeting (Module 6, Module 7) Describe your plan to collect your data (survey, focus group, etc. ) regarding your planned intervention (Module 8) Assess any ethical issues (ex. privacy, confidentiality, consent etc.) in implementing your proposed intervention program (Module 8) In your conclusion, share what you believe are implications to use what you learned by completing the Capstone Project (e.g., can be used in your workplace, specific industry, etc.)
Writing Helps–APA Style Format Writing APA Style and Quick References. Retrieved from
Note: If you anticipate a problem turning in your assignment on time, please contact your instructor immediately.

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