Based on attached readings answer following questions: (about 3-4 sentences each

Based on attached readings answer following questions: (about 3-4 sentences each-except question 3)
1. Identify ONE story/ritual connected to Athena or Poseidon that you think helps us to understand their respective links to practical wisdom or the sea.
2. Identify how you think this story/ritual shows Athena or Poseidon as overlapping Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hades, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, OR Ares in terms of their spheres of influence.
3. Do a list of FOUR oppositions associated with that you see present in Callimachus Hymn 5 (The Bath of Pallas). Your list should be in columns Your list should start with MALE and FEMALE. You will add THREE more oppositions for a total of four. The part of the opposition you think the Greeks might associate with maleness, list under MALE. The part of the opposition you think the Greeks might associate with femaleness, list under FEMALE.
4. A)A brief statement of where you see this opposition in Callimachus’ hymn.
b) What do you think the list given says about how we can interpret the figure of Athena.
5. Identify ONE opposition present in the cosmogony featuring Neith AND ONE question about how this opposition relates to interpreting Neith.
6. Identify ONE opposition present in the cosmogony featuring Marianne/Liberté OR the Statue of Liberty AND ONE question about how this opposition relates to interpreting Marianne/Liberté OR the Statue of Liberty.
7. An answer to BOTH questions from question 6
8. An explanation of how the opposition identified appears in any classical myth(only based on creation histories, Zeus and Hera, Demeter and Hades)
9. Describes how the overlap between Athena OR Poseidon and other gods might represent an opposition that can be used to make sense of the world.
10. Describes one contemporary piece of culture (story, song, book, film, etc.) in which this opposition or a similar one can also be found. Where possible give a picture or link.
11. Identifies one question about the world that this opposition in the contemporary piece of culture seems to address.
12. Answer this question (question 12) by stating what you think this opposition tells us about the world.
13. State how you think Marianne/Liberté OR the Statue of Liberty can be understood as responding to this question or a similar one.
14. State how you think the selection from “Cosmogonies at the Temple of Esna” can be understood as responding to this question or a similar one.
15. State how you think Athena OR Poseidon can be understood as responding to this question or a similar one.

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