As provided in the Case Instructions File , the assignment consists of • Title Page • Executive Summary

As provided in the Case Instructions File , the assignment consists of
• Title Page
• Executive Summary (150-250 words)
• Introduction (including a Situation Analysis) (1-1.5 page)
• Problem and Opportunity Analysis (2-3 pages)
• Recommendation (1-1.5 pages)
• Conclusion (including Anticipated Results) (1 page)
• References
• Appendices (optional)
I already finished the problem and opportunity analysis part which I will upload once assigned for confidentiality purposes. You will need to do the rest. It will give you a brief idea of how to work and the flow you need to follow. You need to identify a problem related to an OB concept and relate them together.  YOU SHOULD USE EMPIRICAL ( PEER REVIEWED) SOURCES This is a case proposal assignment where I choose Amazon company to analyze.. You should relate them to key concepts from the course and how they affect them .

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