Answer the following two questions in 6 pages total. Each question should have a

Answer the following two questions in 6 pages total. Each question should have a response of 3 pages long. All responses should be double spaced with 1.25” margins using Times New Roman, 12-point font. Include the question number (not the whole question) at the beginning of each response and begin each response on a new page. Use the files and resources listed in the assignment description with the materials attached to this order. <
1) In their chapter on legal instruments and regulatory agencies, Bennett and Raab (2006) describe seven different roles that data protection authorities can play in advanced industrial countries. Summarize each of these roles, and of the seven, identify the three main roles that the Privacy Commissioner of Canada performs. Provide specific examples of these roles from the website of the Privacy Commissioner here: (<
2) Provide a comparative overview of federal privacy laws in Canada and the United States. Include a comparison of the mandates and enforcement powers of the regulators responsible for ensuring compliance to those laws in each county. If comparable regulators do not exist, explain how matters pertaining to personal information are regulated in the private sector in that country. What are the limitations of privacy enforcement in each country? <
Make specific reference to ideas or arguments in the readings and use in-text citations (e.g., Zuboff, 2015) including page numbers if necessary (e.g., Haggerty, 2015: 32). The questions are interrelated so it is possible that some specific ideas or examples may be useful for more than one question, however the questions are distinct enough that there should not be significant overlap amongst your responses. <

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