An Exploration of the Socio-Demographic and Regional Disparities in the Uptake o

An Exploration of the Socio-Demographic and Regional Disparities in the Uptake of Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria During Pregnancy in Nigeria – A Secondary Data Analysis Using Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2018.
Please note the following;
1. This is based on DHS 2018, data set. Hence, referencing should be made to them.
2) kindly Follow my outline to write
Write chapter 3, 4 and 5.
Chapter 3: Methodology
a) Methods
i. Conducting secondary data analysis using Nigeria Demographic and Health survey 2018.
ii. Use of cluster-based household survey design
iii. Study design and selection of participants for interviewing
iv. Explanation of stratified sampling technique selection as used in the Nigeria Demographic and Health survey 2018.
b) Data analysis
Use of statistical data analysis techniques and tools, including Excel and descriptive statistics for socio-demographic factors.
c) Ethical consideration
Obtaining informed consent from participants and explanation of the ethical approval by relevant bodies, such as Nigeria National Health Research Ethics Committee.
6. Chapter 4: Results
Presentation of data and findings on sociodemographic characteristics, use of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria, and antenatal clinic attendance by pregnant women in Nigeria. Presentation of additional results relating to factors such as age, level of education, marital status, employment and unemployment, residence, region, and wealth index.
Chapter 5: Discussion
Justification of research topic and study methodology. Brief recap of findings and comparison with literature review, and a summary of solutions to the research questions.
3. use Havard referencing style
4. The references shouldn’t follow the word count as I will prefer a separate referencing sheet.
5. Once a writer is allocated, I will provide the literature review to the writer to aid the coordination.
6. sources cited should depend on the writers discretion for a graduate work.
7. chapter 5( discussion )should have less than 1,500 words the rest should be allocated to chapter 3 and 4.
8) kindly use diagrams and chats and more so, statistics (data) from DHS as this is very important. Number of charts should depend on the writer’s discretion.
Please should there be any query, I would be open to questions.
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Discipline: Public health

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