Advanced Diagnostics in Speech-Language Pathology course.

This assignment is for Advanced Diagnostics in Speech-Language Pathology course.
Multicultural assessment paper
Task descriiption rubric:
1 Select a test from the diagnostic inventory – summarize (this is the test I have selected CLQT)
2 Review the manual and test booklet – summarize(I have attached all the files)
3 State the key diagnostic areas assessed and the target population in the original test
4 State (3) modifications that would make the test relevant to a specific multicultural population AND
WHY; Include an example of each task item in an outline format
5 State your recommendations on how the test modification could be field tested
6 Summarize (3) recent peer reviewed publications form the last 5 years that support your project
7 State specifically how your adaptation would forward the field of speech-language pathology
8 APA 7 format
9 Use paragraph headings and proofread your work
10 State relevant information from ASHA practice portal and evidence maps as primary sources
Summary : Define a problem in SLP diagnostics related to bilingual/multicultural issues that require ongoing research as per current literature, conduct background research, summarize existing approaches and limitations, identify steps to modify an existing battery; or propose a novel battery based on an existing test. Paper should be approximately 5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 pt font, with APA style referencing throughout including bibliography.

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