Abolishing Filibuster IN ORDER TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU NEED TO HAVE COMPLETED POLICY ASSIGNMENT 1 AND POLICY ASSIGNMENT 2. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO, PLEASE DO SO NOW. Surviving the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Hurdles Over the course of the next few lessons, you will see how an idea turns into a policy. Both Congress and the President will have a say before a bill becomes a law, and the Courts we potentially weigh-in on the policy’s constitutionality. A lot of things can happen between the first proposal and its final form. For this assignment you will be taking your proposal and navigating it through the process of becoming law. This assignment will be split into three parts: First, in order to turn an idea into policy, it most often must first become law. For this step, take your idea and try and write a bill or amendment. (A bill is for a new law or a change to a law, an amendment is for changing the Constitution. Pick which one best fits your proposal.) Follow the template as shown below. Second, write a short letter, addressed to President Biden explaining to him why he should sign the bill into law. Try and take into account any agreements or disagreements he might have about the bill. Third, review your bill and try and find anything that might be unconstitutional. If you think that your proposal is fine, write a short brief (essay) to the Supreme Court explaining why the law is constitutional. Be sure to cite the sections of the Constitution that support your legislation. If you see a problem with your law in terms of the Constitution, then you may need to write an amendment instead. You will be graded based on how well you complete each step of the assignment. Be sure to use the work you have already done in this assignment. LEGISLATIVE BILL TEMPLATE A Bill to [What will your bill be doing?] BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: Section 1. [State the new action in a brief declarative sentence, or in as few sentences as possible.] Section 2. [Define any ambiguous terms inherent in the first section. Section 3. [Name the government agency that will oversee the enforcement of the 6. bill along with the specific enforcement mechanism. Go into further details if necessary. Go into further details if necessary.] Section 4. [Indicate the implementation date.] “This bill will go into effect…” Section 5. [Include the following statement] “All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.” Introduced by [insert name(s)] CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TEMPLATE BE IT ENACTED BY THIS CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: RESOLVED, By two-thirds of Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress: ARTICLE ## SECTION 1: State the first part. SECTION 2: Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

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