. A first draft should show all references (8) and meet the word minimum (2,500)

. A first draft should show all references (8) and meet the word minimum (2,500). Abstract and References do not count towards a word count
Learning Objectives:
Use appropriate evidence from multiple sources to illustrate how a chosen topic is relevant to a particular field.
Convey ideas clearly, coherently, and effectively for a particular purpose, occasion, or audience representative as appropriate for the field.
Students will write an essay on the topic of intergenerational communication from a hospitality standpoint (Park and Rec., Theme Parks, Hotels and Resorts, Sports, etc) based on the principles contained in the book ReGenerations by J. Stolling. This report must be at least 2500 words in length, and must contain 8 scholarly references (references from websites or Wikipedia are not acceptable.)
In addition to Rubric:
KThe first draft should have every element in APA style with a title page, abstract, body and reference page (-4 points per element missing)
Meet the word count 2500 words- does not include Abstract (points deducted for not hitting word count)
Have at least 8 references. (-5 points per reference missing)
Good Grammar and flow of paper
Must discuss at least 2 generations. If you only mention one generation (-10), no generations (-20)
Topic 1: Employee engagement and office culture is perceived by millenials, baby boomers and traditionalist in hospitality
Topic 2: how conflict resolution with employees and consumers; along with perceptions of dissatisfaction in human resources is communicated

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