1. What is the research question or purpose of the study? 2. What is the significance of the study?

Research Article Analysis Paper
There are two (2) deliverables for your Article Analysis and Synthesis, a paper (20 pts) and a
presentation (10 pts) as described below.
I. Paper Criteria
The paper should be 3-5 double-spaced pages, using 12” font (no character fonts, please) and 1”
margins. The paper should answer the following questions:
1. What is the research question or purpose of the study?
2. What is the significance of the study?
a. Context – what is taking place in organizations or in research relevant to this
b. So what? Why should anyone care? Who should pay attention?
3. Methodology
a. Was there one or multiple studies? If multiple studies, discuss, why?
b. Describe the sample. If multiple studies, was the sample the same for all of them?
4. Conclusion – what did the researchers find?
5. What are the implications to a) individuals, and b) organizations?
Responses should be in narrative format (no lists) preceded by the question. Begin responses on
the first page, titled using the following format:
[Student Name]
Evaluation of [Article Title and Author(s) Last Name(s), year published]
NOTE: If more than 4 authors, use [1st author’s last name, et al., year published]

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