1- self-evaluation will be about how i did on a simulation How i did: i made som

1- self-evaluation will be about how i did on a simulation
How i did: i made some mistake like i forgot to ask my patient question in regard to psychiatric history, if her fatigue was related to stress at work or home, any questions related to depression.
i did not ask about any trauma/accident in the past. also the date of her last menstrual period to role out pregnancy. i did not go deep with questions related to diabetes/hypothyroidism. Otherwise i did pretty much good. for the physical assessment part, i intentionally prefer to have patient do or show me part of their body when i meet with her in office visit, instead of showing me your tongue in front of camara
2-formulate goals for continued improvement and a plan for future learning goals and needs. My action plan
Comments from Customer
The simulation was done already, it was about a patient who had telehealth visit with her provider for the 1st time. Telehealth meaning the visit was done over zoom or let say over the phone. After simulation done, I had realized that I missed to ask the patient couple of questions, for example I did not ask about her mental history, any stress at work….(those I previously mentioned in the instruction). And I said to you that other than those questions that I missed, everything else went pretty good.
With this information, I provided you I want to to do a self evaluation of the situation. You are a physician who so a patient via zoom, than after that. You have to evaluate yourself of what you did good and of what you did do good.
I hope you understand it now.
The second part of the paper is what is your action plan? Details to that was previously mentioned.
If any concerns, feel free to reach out to me
FYI: you don’t need to write a story of you seeing a patient, just your self evaluation of what you have done. And I already explained to you what happened.

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