1. In a well thought out and well written three (3) paragraphs using the vocabul

1. In a well thought out and well written three (3) paragraphs using the vocabulary of the class as your own, respond to the prompt. DO NOT quote nor cite anyone.
Do you think you know what words like “freedom,” “justice,” “democracy” mean? Are they natural? Where do you derive your own meaning for those words?
2. In a well thought out and well written three (3) paragraphs using the vocabulary of the class as your own, respond to the prompt. DO NOT quote nor cite anyone.
Studies have shown that partisan tv programs, films, books, etc are consumed mostly by those who already agree with their message, thus the persuasive impact of partisan media is limited. Does the proliferation of partisan fragmented media negatively impact our democracy? Why or Why not?
3. In a well thought out and well written three (3) paragraphs using the vocabulary of the class as your own, respond to the prompt. DO NOT quote nor cite anyone.
How influential are religious groups in American politics? Has this changed over time? How important should religion be in politics?

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