In Chapters 1-10 of Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom the author Stephen Platt care

In Chapters 1-10 of Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom the author Stephen Platt carefully delineates several strands of momentous developments during 1858-1860 that gave the Taiping movement renewed vitality, and arguably its best opportunity to supplant the Qing Government. These developments included the timely arrival of Hong Rengan in Nanjing, the deterioration in the Qing court’s relationship with the western powers, the Taiping’s ensuing military breakthrough and expansion across Jiangnan, and last but not least, the expressed interest among some westerners in siding with the Taiping in the country’s civil war.
Examine Three of these four strands by delving into Platt’s major findings and arguments. Discuss how these developments intertwined to make 1858-1860 perhaps the most perilous time in the Qing’s two centuries of imperial rule.
Book: Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom by author Stephen Platt
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