For this assignment, you are going to write two body paragraphs. Make sure that

For this assignment, you are going to write two body paragraphs. Make sure that you take some time to plan out your paragraphs, some time to write your paragraphs, and then some time to proofread and edit your paragraphs. Remember what we have been talking about with respect to what makes good analysis.
You are going to use language from this quotation on page 105.
Quickly the one who haunted these waters,
who had scavenged and gone her gluttonous rounds
for a hundred season, sensed a human
observing her outlandish lair from above.
So she lunged and clutched and managed to catch him
in her brutal grip; but his body for all that,
remained unscathed: the mesh of the chain-mail
saved him on the outside. Her savage talons
failed to rip the web of his warshirt.
Then once she touched bottom, that wolfish swimmer carried the ring-mailed prince to her court
so that for all his courage he could never use
the weapons he carried; and a bewildering horde
came at him from the depths, droves of sea-beasts
who attacked with tusks and tore at his chain-mail
in a ghastly onslaught. The gallant man
Could see he had entered some hellish turn-hole
and yet the water did not work against him
because the hall roofing held off
the force of the current; then he saw firelight,
a gleam and flare-up, a glimmer of brightness. (1497-1517)
Look at the diction that Seamus Heaney uses in this passage. (Diction is a fancy word for word choice, and it has a lot to do with the feeling that certain words give a reader.) In particular look at the diction Heaney uses to describe Grendel’s mother in comparison to the diction he uses to describe Beowulf.
In your first paragraph, make an argument about how Heaney’s word choice characterizes Grendel’s mother in a certain way. In your second paragraph, make an argument about how Heaney’s word choice characterizes Beowulf in a different way. Your topic sentence has to capture how Grendel’s mother or Beowulf is characterized in the passage. MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE STILL LOOKING FOR WHAT IS BEING IMPLIED.
For this type of analysis, you don’t need a block quotation to work with. You are going to skip that step and go right to the analysis where you will embed words and phrases in your own sentences. So, your paragraph will look like this:
Topic Sentence
Analysis where you embed quoted words and phrases in your own prose.
In each paragraph, you should pull out at least three words/phrases to embed in your own writing and to explain as part of your analysis. You absolutely can do more if you think that will be helpful.

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