You must submit your answers to the reading questions in two places each module

You must submit your answers to the reading questions in two places each module: 1) as a Microsoft Word file in the reading questions submission link, and 2) copied into a discussion thread in the discussion forum for that week. Both submissions are due by Wednesday. If you post your answers in just one place or the other, you will receive zero points for the reading questions. 
Specs for reading questions

Length: 100+ words per question

Citations: Each answer must contain at least two parenthetical citations. Most citations will be in sentences that do not include quotations. 

Quotations: No more than 10 words quoted in entire assignment

Content: A good-faith effort to answer the question with specific details from assigned materials

Grammar: A good-faith effort to write in complete sentences with proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation is required (see grammar handout for details)

Outside research: Absolutely no outside research is permitted

Plagiarism: Paraphrase plagiarism, outside source plagiarism, and AI plagiarism will all result in a zero (see specs grading handout for details on each)

Format: Assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file with your name on the first page. Each question must be answered in a separate paragraph, and the questions must be answered in the order in which they are posted below.
For more information on each of the specs, see the reading questions and discussion requirements section of Canvas. Remember to check all assignments for spelling and grammar; for help, see the grammar handout Download grammar handout

Module 2 reading questions
Is Eusebius a biased source for the life of Constantine? Why or why not?
What do the laws found in the Twelve Tables tell us about what Rome was like in the fifth century BCE? What kind of society do they reflect?
What qualities did Pliny believe characterized a loyal Roman subject? How did this understanding influence Pliny’s criticisms of Christians and his justification for punishing them?
Based on the assigned Crash Course World History video assigned for this module, why did people become Christians in the first centuries CE? According to Eusebius, why did Constantine become a Christian? How are these reasons similar to or different from how and why people might become Christians today?
What did Eusebius think made a good ruler? What did he think made a bad ruler?

I recently discovered Zameen Locator, and I’m interested in exploring its resour

I recently discovered Zameen Locator, and I’m interested in exploring its resources for country maps and regional population data, along with historical information. Does anyone have experience using this platform for such purposes? How accurate and detailed is the information on Zameen Locator regarding countries, regions, and their histories? I’d appreciate any guidance or tips on how to navigate the site for these features. 

I recently discovered Zameen Locator, and I’m interested in exploring its resour

I recently discovered Zameen Locator, and I’m interested in exploring its resources for country maps and regional population data, along with historical information. Does anyone have experience using this platform for such purposes? How accurate and detailed is the information on Zameen Locator regarding countries, regions, and their histories? I’d appreciate any guidance or tips on how to navigate the site for these features. 

   How did Russian empire building differ from Chinese empire building? How were

How did Russian empire building differ from Chinese empire building? How were they similar?
Please remember to put the page number citation at the end of the sentence. It should be done like this: This is the sentence (13). This is another sentence (14-15). Put the actual page number(s) of the part of the book that supports your statement at the end of sentence. Look at 9 and 0 on your keyboard. Shift-9 for ( . Shift-0 for ).
What drove (what were the underlying motives of) European involvement in this part of the world?
Please have a short thesis that succinctly answers the assignment question. Please support your answer with specific details–but not actual text/verbiage–gleaned from the readings. Please support your answer with specific details–but not actual text/verbiage–gleaned from the readings.
Please remember to put the page number citation at the end of the sentence. It should be done like this: This is the sentence (13). This is another sentence (14-15). Put the actual page number(s) of the part of the book that supports your statement at the end of sentence. Look at 9 and 0 on your keyboard. Shift-9 for ( . Shift-0 for ).

as you explored the Brooklyn Musuem. Please write about your experience here. Yo

as you explored the Brooklyn Musuem. Please write about your experience here.
You can guide yourself by answering the following questions: 
Was it your first time at the Brooklyn Musuem? What did you think about the museum overall? 
Tell me about the Africa Fashion Exhibit. What was the purpose of the exhibit? What did you see? What did you learn? Provide some specifics.
You also had the opportunity to use time to explore other parts of the museum. What else did you learn/gain from attending this cultural event? 
How did experiencing this broaden/expand your understanding of culture? Did anything about your experience surprise you? Explain.
In addition to uploading your comments, please also choose a picture you took at the Brooklyn Museum to include in your journal and explain its importance/significance to you.

I am visiting Australia Melbourne city, I need a one-page travel plan to say wha

I am visiting Australia Melbourne city, I need a one-page travel plan to say what I am going to do where and visit and how to spend my 15 days’ vacation in Melbourne (Like visiting friends, going to Musume, going to nature, parks and so on…

Imperialism 2 *bonus The following readings are assigned to everyone. You ma

Imperialism 2 *bonus
The following readings are assigned to everyone.
You may choose to collect up to 5 bonus points toward your final grade by also participating in a discussion on these readings.
Telegraphs and Territoriality in Ottoman Africa and Arabia…Imperialism.pdfDownload Telegraphs and Territoriality in Ottoman Africa and Arabia…Imperialism.pdf
Uncommunicative Communication Competing…Imperial Ventures 19th c Egypt.pdfDownload Uncommunicative Communication Competing…Imperial Ventures 19th c Egypt.pdf
While reading these two articles, consider imperialism within several complex frames:
 Modernism — Imperialism
 Technology — Imperialism
 Language — Imperialism
 Communication — Imperialism
 Empire v. Empire: One might imagine an empire as a single power running roughshod with ease over vulnerable nations, governments, or peoples, but what about two or more imperialistic protagonists trying to out-empire one another?
1. Describe and analyze how command of technology, science, or technical/scientific knowledge can empower an imperialistic authority in pursuit of dominance over another nation or people.
2. Comment thoughtfully on a classmate’s post.

Imperialism Use the links below for the readings for this discussion:  Cecil R

Use the links below for the readings for this discussion: 
Cecil Rhodes, “Confession of Faith.”(1877)
Winston Churchill, excerpts from The River War: An Account of the Conquest of the Sudan. (1902) 
Mohandas K. Gandhi, excerpts from Hind Swarj. (Indian Home Rule, 1910)
For this module’s discussion, read each of the primary source excerpts above, then choose ONE of the three readings to make a discussion post answering both of the following two questions:
1. How does the author describe the differences between the Western conquerors and the inhabitants of the countries that were conquered?
2. According to the author, what were the most important consequences of the encounter between these two groups?