For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigne

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigned article (From the Handmaid’s Tale… The Female Gaze Is Thriving) as well as provide media examples of the analysis.
Finally, you will provide feedback on at least 1 article analysis submitted by a colleague. Please be respectful in your feedback of others’ work.
The format will be the following:
1) Summarize the reading in 1 paragraph. The paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentences, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Summary”.
2) Select 3 key themes/terms highlighted in the reading. Analyze and discuss the key themes/terms. Your analysis of each key theme should be at least 3 sentences long, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Key Themes” before providing the key themes.
3) Provide 2-3 applied media examples that illustrate the key themes. Provide the media clip
and discuss how it is connected to the readings. (Provide 2-3 applied examples in total, not for each key theme). Title this section “Media Examples”.
Below are some methods you may use:
3a) Are there media clips (tv, youtube, social media) that might
provide an example of themes discussed in article?
3b) Are there current events or a recent news article that illustrate what
is being discussed? What are the connections? How can we apply the
themes in your assigned article to what is going on in today’s world?
Please provide the links to current event webpage.
3c) Is there music that relates to the themes? Provide the link to the
music, provide the song lyrics, and analyze song. Discuss
how it illustrates reading themes.
Some suggestions for success in the assignment: Move BEYOND summary to critical analysis. What does this mean?
Be as specific as possible in the information you provide. Don’t assume we know what you know.
Please don’t use any AI my professor will know. Please follow all the intrusions. Let me know if you have any questions.

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigne

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigned article (The Rich Bitch) as well as provide media examples of the analysis.
Finally, you will provide feedback on at least 1 article analysis submitted by a colleague. Please be respectful in your feedback of others’ work.
The format will be the following:
1) Summarize the reading in 1 paragraph. The paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentences, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Summary”.
2) Select 3 key themes/terms highlighted in the reading. Analyze and discuss the key themes/terms. Your analysis of each key theme should be at least 3 sentences long, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Key Themes” before providing the key themes.
3) Provide 2-3 applied media examples that illustrate the key themes. Provide the media clip
and discuss how it is connected to the readings. (Provide 2-3 applied examples in total, not for each key theme). Title this section “Media Examples”.
Below are some methods you may use:
3a) Are there media clips (tv, youtube, social media) that might provide an example of themes discussed in article?
3b) Are there current events or a recent news article that illustrate what is being discussed? What are the connections? How can we apply the themes in your assigned article to what is going on in today’s world?
Please provide the links to current event webpage.
3c) Is there music that relates to the themes? Provide the link to the music, provide the song lyrics, and analyze song. Discuss how it illustrates reading themes.
Some suggestions for success in the assignment: Move BEYOND summary to critical analysis. What does this mean?
Be as specific as possible in the information you provide. Don’t assume we know what you know.
Please do not use Ai to write this my professor will know. Please use the article I uploaded to answer all these questions.

PART 1 OF THE ASSIGNMENT: THESIS STATEMENT I strongly suggest you make an appoi

I strongly suggest you make an appointment with me on Zoom to review your proposal. Email me to set up an appointment. This should help you narrow and organize your topic of interest.
1. Look into the list provided for possible topics published under Paper Part 2 link in the assignments menu. You can also find them below.
2. Map of your paper. It should include:
Thesis statement: Specific problem/question that you will be addressing.
Outline: Three main argument you will use to support your thesis.
Potential bibliography of five academic sources.
What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement is “a proposition stated as a conclusion which you will then demonstrate or ‘prove’ in your paper.” It is the cornerstone on which your research will be built upon. It is usually stated in the form of an assertion or statement you resolve through your research.
“Key decisions in large U.S. cities are made by a handful of individuals, drawn largely from business, industrial, and municipal circles, who occupy the top of the power hierarchy.”
A thesis takes a position on an issue. It is not neutral. You must take a position or develop a claim about a subject, you need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement in your research paper. It announces, in addition to the topic, the argument you want to make or the point you want to prove. This is your own opinion that you intend to back up. This is your reason and motivation for writing. A thesis statement:
i) tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.
ii) is a roadmap for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.
iii) directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay, might be Women, Nature, and Religion or Feminism and Religion; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the intersection of these concepts.
iv) makes a claim that others might dispute.
v) is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation. After you have done some preliminary research and reading on your narrowed-down topic, you should formulate a single-sentence thesis statement.
Paper Topic Options
The term paper may be on any one of the following topics. These are broad platforms, make sure to narrow it down. I will also entertain student suggestions for term paper topics.
The bioethics debate around sexual morality: roles of genetics and reason.
Feminist theology and their commentary on: (Focus on a particular religion)The problem of evil: how do women read scripture to justify evil events such as genocides and mass violence.
Environmental abuse.
Family and reproduction.
Education and inclusivity.
Mysticism and the experience of the holy.
The coming of modern democracy as the harbinger of changing sexual morality.
Equality for women and the authority of scripture. (Focus on a particular religion.)
Christian theology and the quest for women’s equality in society.
The ends of sex in ______ and _______ (choose two well -known religious thinkers who have written extensively on the topic).
GLBT members and ministers: analyze the current state of acceptance in two Christian denominations.
Judaism and homosexuality.
Islam: identifying the barriers to women’s religious, familial and social equality. (Best choose a particular Muslim nation or it can get too complicated.)
The goddess today: feminine representations of the sacred. The shifting faces of the Virgin Mary for Latin American women (Choose a country. You can also look into the case of Chicanas in the U.S.).

Drawing from your reading on the Social Construction of Beauty, what amused you,

Drawing from your reading on the Social Construction of Beauty, what amused you, surprised you, or disturbed you? How does this compare to your previous understanding of Asian/Asian American women? Your answers should be between 500-600 words. Don’t forget to include a creative title.
Please see attached

Reflection Guidelines All reflections are evaluated for completion. As long as y

Reflection Guidelines
All reflections are evaluated for completion. As long as you meet the requirements listed below, you will receive full credit for each assignment.
Please write freely as these reflections should function like a journal entry.
Each reflection should be a mix of personal reflections and critical analyses. You can be candid in your responses, but I do expect some academic analysis (this can be as simple as assessing how the materials are connected/build upon each other, what the authors did well, where arguments can be improved, etc.).
Most importantly, I really want to know what you think about the weekly materials, so please do not summarize the materials. You can quote (sparingly) if you want to, but these reflections should primarily be in your own words and should reflect your own views/beliefs.
Be sure to refer to 2-3 of the weekly materials (again, you can just refer to the article/author/concepts/etc. No need to provide a summary)
Reflection must be between 250-500 words.

Book Club Questions: Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of us [Revised an

Book Club Questions: Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of us [Revised and updated] by Kate Bornstein (November 2016) ISBN-13 978-1101973240
Which book did you choose, and what specifically drew you to this selection?
Talk about one idea expressed in the book that you really connected with.
Talk about one idea expressed in the book that you struggled with.
In what way did your thinking shift after reading this book? Be specific.
How might your behavior change after reading this book? Be specific.

Written Literature Review on Health Heroine Identify a female who has (or is c

Written Literature Review on Health Heroine
Identify a female who has (or is currently) making a positive contribution to Women’s Health.
Write an essay about her life and contributions to the field of Women’s Health.
Include references about her, about the issues she focuses on, or inings written & published by her.
Ideal length: 750 – 1000 word count (about 3 pages).
Use citations (to the references within the body of the paper.
Use good grammar and writing style.
The woman’s name is Nancy Mirian Hawley. Attached are the 5 references I chose to get information on her. You can use whatever information you need as long as you cite it.
1.Nancy Miriam Hawley. (n.d.-a). Jewish Women’s Archive. nancy-miriam
2. Nancy Miriam Hawley. (n.d.-b). DBpedia. 3. OBOS’s History is the History of the Women’s Liberation Movement – Our Bodies Ourselves
Today. (2023, March 22). Our Bodies Ourselves Today. liberation-movement/
4. Who we are – enlignment. (n.d.).
5.Women’s History Month: The Untold Stories of Public Health Heroines. (n.d.). Power. heroines

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Prior to university, how was sex ed taught in the schools you attended? Are there changes you wish had been made or think would be beneficial? How would these changes benefit students? If there isn’t anything you’d like to see changed, what was it about this education that you feel was most effective? 200-300 Words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Requirements: 200-300 Words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph
Please be sure to use credible or scholarly sources published within the last 5 years

Communion Essay Use the seven questions provided below. While the questions spec

Communion Essay
Use the seven questions provided below.
While the questions specifically ask you to reflect on what you’ve read and learned in Communion: The Female Search for Love, your answers should not be limited to Communion. The questions are broad enough to incorporate the terms and concepts that you’ve learned throughout the semester in your readings and through lectures.
The link to the book could be accessed through Internet Archive – Communion: The Female Search for Love if you create a free account and borrow it for however long you think you may need it.
4-5 sentences per question (paragraph)
Your answers to the questions should include a combination of:
References to Communion
Use of 1-2 direct quotes per question from Communion that serve as support for the statements made in your responses (indicate page numbers for your quotes)
Personal opinions/observations/experiences/insights are encouraged and expected.
Language (terminology and concepts) learned throughout the semester as it pertains to your analysis of this book. (NOTE: Each question should be clearly numbered in your paper and answered in a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs using complete sentences in an essay style. There may be overlap between some questions, but you must still clearly label and distinguish the questions so that I know what you’re answering).
What is the main point of the book? Why did bell hooks write this book?
Describe and discuss hooks’ critique of feminism. Why is this discussion important for younger 3rd wave feminists in particular and all women, in general? What new insight does she offer re: love and patriarchy, love and feminism? (NOTE: A helpful post to read is The Other L-Word: How bell hooks Dared Me to Love:
Describe the gender-specific relationship between men, women and love. How is it different? Why? How does gender socialization contribute to these masculine and feminine roles in relationship to love and relationships in general?
Explain hooks’ statement on p.105, “Nothing belies the assumption that women are more loving than men as much as the negative feelings most females hold about our bodies.”
On p. 134, bell hooks writes that “self-love is always risky for women within patriarchy.” Explain.
Pick any section/topic in the book and explain why you enjoyed it/found it interesting and insightful/could relate to it.
How does hooks define and describe love? How does her definition align with, contradict and/or expand cultural notions of love? Be specific.

The following essay must be able to read the book “Nasty Women: Feminism, Resist

The following essay must be able to read the book “Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump’s America” by Samhita Mukhopadhyay, and Kate Harding.
Your paper must be:
a. 6 – 7 pages in length
b. Double-spaced
c. Typed in 12-point font
d. Typed using Times New Roman
Choose five essays from Nasty Women.
a. Clearly label each new selection in your paper.
b. How have they challenged and confronted you?
c. How have they opened your eyes and expanded your perspective?
d. How do these selections challenge and confront the larger culture?
e. How do they offer the larger culture new ways of thinking, seeing, being, and doing?
Connect one reading of your choice from the assigned readings this
semester from any of the provided reading sources to your reflection and
analysis of each reading selection. How does the reading selection in
Nasty Women connect or contradict with this additional reading choice?
Be specific and support your statements with references to the reading
selections of your choice.
Keep the following in mind throughout your paper:
sure to start your paper with an introduction before exploring,
reflecting, and analyzing your first selection, and be sure to close
your paper after your 5th reflection with an appropriate conclusion.
Support your statements and opinions with references to Nasty Women and your additional reading selection.
Use the appropriate terminology and concepts you’ve learned in the class where applicable.
You’re welcome also to include personal opinions and experiences.