Number 10: Watch these brief clips of Time Wise:

Number 10:
Watch these brief clips of Time Wise: (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
After viewing the clips, answer the following:
What are your thoughts, feelings and take-aways from Tim Wise’s talks?
How does he distinguish between white guilt and responsibility?
What can you do to challenge white privilege on a personal level? How about on a communal level? A national level? A global level? Explain your ideas in each instance.
Number 11
Analyze and comment on the points raised in these articles.
Include personal examples, if you have either been asked this question and/or have ever asked someone else this question. Why do you think people ask this question or the question “What are you?” How might this makes other feel? Why?

would be timed. I provide a paper rather than a test for a few reasons: A) I wa

would be timed.
I provide a paper rather than a test for a few reasons:
A) I want students with various learning styles and abilities to be able to achieve the highest grade possible, I believe that a paper rather than test helps more students across a spectrum of styles and abilities succeed.
B) I want each of you to be able to apply what you learn in this class to your life and future career rather than memorize information just to pass a test. I do not believe that memorization and learning are the same thing. I also want you to have the ability to choose your topic so that you can make it most applicable to your future.
C) Many of you work in addition to taking classes. If we were to take an exam it would fall during hours where many of you work and some of you have more job flexibility or ability to take time off than others. I don’t want any student to have to choose between taking a test and putting food on their table.
For these reasons, the paper rather than test seems to be the most inclusive option that gives you all the most flexibility possible. However, I need to be fair to your classmates who work hard and plan in advance in order to complete their work on time as well as respect university policies- therefore I WILL NOT accept late papers.
I wanted to provide a few tips to help you be successful in achieving the highest grade possible for your final paper.
1) Required Topics: Please refer to your syllabus around what subtopics are required to be covered. It may serve you best to break your paper down into those specific subtopics as it relates to the overall topic you selected and had approved during midterms. Typically, students who receive the highest grades choose to use headings for each of those subtopics and write the pertinent information below to be sure each subtopic is covered adequately. It is a requirement that you cover each of these listed subtopics and use research to support your positions.
2) Research: Keep in mind that this is a research paper and not an opinion piece or a reiteration of your midterm interview. Proper in text citations and a works cited page MUST be utilized. These citations must be from peer reviewed scholarly sources- not personal blogs or other non-research based sources. It is a requirement of this assignment to utilize 6 or more peer reviewed and scholarly sources. If you need assistance in the library with research, Mandi Goodset (she/her) at our CSU library may be a helpful resource. You can email her to set up an appointment here:
There are many research articles available to you through the CSU Library which can be accessed here: (
This may also be helpful information as you determine what is and what is not an academic and peer reviewed source:… (…)
3) Page Count: Your title page (not required) and works cited page (required) are NOT part of your final paper’s 7-10 required page count.
4) Format: Only 11-12 point font, normal margins, and double spacing is acceptable. If you are not familiar with APA format the following resource may be of help to you: (
5) Submission: Please submit your paper by email in PDF format. If you submit your paper early (weeks early, not hours early) I will give you feedback so that you may work on improving your grade.
A former student, Audrey Stratton, agreed to let me share her final paper as an example for each of you. That example can be accessed here: Sample Final Paper (file:///C:/Users/2433489/Desktop/WGS%20151%20section%20502%20–%20Final%20Paper%20(1).pdf)
If you need additional help with writing your paper please keep in mind that The Writing Center is available to you as a resource, although they tend to book up quickly at the end of the semester:… (…)
I hope this information helps each of your to achieve the highest grade possible on this assignment and in this cla
ss. As always, feel free to reach out if I can answer any questions or provide any additional clarification.
There are a wide variety of topics that each of you have chosen, all of which are important concepts to explore. I am really excited to read your papers as we close out our semester togetherIt’s incredibly important that you utilize credible sources within this course. Outside sources are not a requirement of weekly assignments (reflection and discussion) but are necessary if you aim to introduce a challenge to the assigned course materials. For your final research paper, you will notice that you need to focus solely on peer reviewed and academic sources to develop your content.
Based on this requirement, I am providing a couple of helpful resources that should assist you in determining whether or not a source is credible and should be used within this course.
How do I know if my sources are credible/reliable?: (
Evaluating information: (
Evaluating reliability of scholarly sources: (
Flowchart to determine scholarly source: Scholarly source flowchart.pdf (
Don’t forget that CSU’s library is also a great resource and can be accessed from your computers without going in person. I find th
is particularly helpful with my busy schedule and I’m sure many of you can relate to that challenge.
I hope this helps each of you to achieve the highest grade possible in this course!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Referring to this week’s reading, pages 37 – 82 in Click! 1. Martin describes t

Referring to this week’s reading, pages 37 – 82 in Click!
1. Martin describes the “click” as “the flipping of the switch.” In the introductory readings on feminism, Baumgardner and Richards state that most come to feminism through personal experience.
Share YOUR click moment in 550-600 words. Even if you don’t identify as a “feminist” (yet — or maybe you never will), you are enrolled in this class and there most have been a click moment that led you to consider this class or, perhaps, you’ve had some moments of “recognition” or awareness since enrolling. . Maybe, like many other women, you felt compelled to take action and publicly ask that question, “what it mean to dress like a woman?” or, perhaps, take action and show people the many ways
However large or small, share your “moment” (or simply “a moment”) or realization that have, at the least, caused you to ponder things you’ve taken for granted up to now or those that have (or will) act as a catalyst for action in your life.
In addition, compare and contrast your moment of recognition with at least 2 of the click moments shared in pages 37 – 82…
link to book here^

After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550

After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550-600 words:
1. How did the reading confirm or dispel the ideas you had about what it means to be an “activist” (in any movement, feminism or otherwise)? How — be specific. How did the readings expand the possibilities for action? Describe 3 ways you can be actively involved in the feminist movement (or any other movement that inspires you)?
2. List and describe at least 2 pieces of practical advice on how to become active and list and describe at least 2 missteps or pieces of advice offered in the chapters for budding activists.
3. Is outrage, even anger, valuable or helpful when it comes to activism? Why or why not (or both)? Explain

Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” beca

Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” because:
1. They don’t know enough about feminism to claim the label
2. They are deterred or turned off from feminism (and learning what it actually is) because of the stereotypes that are all pervasive (in fact, most people know more about the negative stereotypes than they know about the women and men in the movement or what the movement actually stands for, let alone any historical leaders and/or accomplishments)
3. Some may know what feminism is (and aren’t distracted or deterred by the stereotypes), but they don’t think they’re “active” enough with a capital “A.”
In last week’s reading, “What is Feminism?”, Baumgardner and Richards state that “the goals of feminism are carried out by everyday women [and, I will and, men] themselves.” This means that everyday people are enacting the goals of feminism every day in both large and small ways. You need not be a “professional” activist to be an active feminist.
After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550-600 words:
1. How did the reading confirm or dispel the ideas you had about what it means to be an “activist” (in any movement, feminism or otherwise)? How — be specific. How did the readings expand the possibilities for action? Describe 3 ways you can be actively involved in the feminist movement (or any other movement that inspires you)?
2. List and describe at least 2 pieces of practical advice on how to become active and list and describe at least 2 missteps or pieces of advice offered in the chapters for budding activists.
3. Is outrage, even anger, valuable or helpful when it comes to activism? Why or why not (or both)? Explain

After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550

After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550-600 words:
1. How did the reading confirm or dispel the ideas you had about what it means to be an “activist” (in any movement, feminism or otherwise)? How — be specific. How did the readings expand the possibilities for action? Describe 3 ways you can be actively involved in the feminist movement (or any other movement that inspires you)?
2. List and describe at least 2 pieces of practical advice on how to become active and list and describe at least 2 missteps or pieces of advice offered in the chapters for budding activists.
3. Is outrage, even anger, valuable or helpful when it comes to activism? Why or why not (or both)? Explain

Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” beca

Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” because:
1. They don’t know enough about feminism to claim the label
2. They are deterred or turned off from feminism (and learning what it actually is) because of the stereotypes that are all pervasive (in fact, most people know more about the negative stereotypes than they know about the women and men in the movement or what the movement actually stands for, let alone any historical leaders and/or accomplishments)
3. Some may know what feminism is (and aren’t distracted or deterred by the stereotypes), but they don’t think they’re “active” enough with a capital “A.”
In last week’s reading, “What is Feminism?”, Baumgardner and Richards state that “the goals of feminism are carried out by everyday women [and, I will and, men] themselves.” This means that everyday people are enacting the goals of feminism every day in both large and small ways. You need not be a “professional” activist to be an active feminist.
After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550-600 words:
1. How did the reading confirm or dispel the ideas you had about what it means to be an “activist” (in any movement, feminism or otherwise)? How — be specific. How did the readings expand the possibilities for action? Describe 3 ways you can be actively involved in the feminist movement (or any other movement that inspires you)?
2. List and describe at least 2 pieces of practical advice on how to become active and list and describe at least 2 missteps or pieces of advice offered in the chapters for budding activists.
3. Is outrage, even anger, valuable or helpful when it comes to activism? Why or why not (or both)? Explain

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigne

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigned article (Hagsploitation) as well as provide media examples of the analysis.
Finally, you will provide feedback on at least 1 article analysis submitted by a colleague. Please be respectful in your feedback of others’ work.
The format will be the following:
1) Summarize the reading in 1 paragraph. The paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentences, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Summary”.
2) Select 3 key themes/terms highlighted in the reading. Analyze and discuss the key themes/terms. Your analysis of each key theme should be at least 3 sentences long, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Key Themes” before providing the key themes.
3) Provide 2-3 applied media examples that illustrate the key themes. Provide the media clip
and discuss how it is connected to the readings. (Provide 2-3 applied examples in total, not for each key theme). Title this section “Media Examples”.
Below are some methods you may use:
3a) Are there media clips (tv, youtube, social media) that might
provide an example of themes discussed in article?
3b) Are there current events or a recent news article that illustrate what
is being discussed? What are the connections? How can we apply the
themes in your assigned article to what is going on in today’s world?
Please provide the links to current event webpage.
3c) Is there music that relates to the themes? Provide the link to the
music, provide the song lyrics, and analyze song. Discuss
how it illustrates reading themes.
Some suggestions for success in the assignment: Move BEYOND summary to critical analysis. What does this mean?
Be as specific as possible in the information you provide. Don’t assume we know what you know.
Please don’t use AI to write this, my professor has AI detectors. Please follow all the instructions.

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigne

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigned article (From the Handmaid’s Tale… The Female Gaze Is Thriving) as well as provide media examples of the analysis.
Finally, you will provide feedback on at least 1 article analysis submitted by a colleague. Please be respectful in your feedback of others’ work.
The format will be the following:
1) Summarize the reading in 1 paragraph. The paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentences, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Summary”.
2) Select 3 key themes/terms highlighted in the reading. Analyze and discuss the key themes/terms. Your analysis of each key theme should be at least 3 sentences long, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Key Themes” before providing the key themes.
3) Provide 2-3 applied media examples that illustrate the key themes. Provide the media clip
and discuss how it is connected to the readings. (Provide 2-3 applied examples in total, not for each key theme). Title this section “Media Examples”.
Below are some methods you may use:
3a) Are there media clips (tv, youtube, social media) that might
provide an example of themes discussed in article?
3b) Are there current events or a recent news article that illustrate what
is being discussed? What are the connections? How can we apply the
themes in your assigned article to what is going on in today’s world?
Please provide the links to current event webpage.
3c) Is there music that relates to the themes? Provide the link to the
music, provide the song lyrics, and analyze song. Discuss
how it illustrates reading themes.
Some suggestions for success in the assignment: Move BEYOND summary to critical analysis. What does this mean?
Be as specific as possible in the information you provide. Don’t assume we know what you know.
Please don’t use any AI my professor will know. Please follow all the intrusions. Let me know if you have any questions.