Please select ONE of the following readings for your critical response (covered

Please select ONE of the following readings for your critical response (covered in weeks 2-4) and write a critical response about it.
GWS, Chapter 1, bell hooks, “Excerpts from Feminism is for Everybody”, p. 16–19.
GWS, Chapter 3, Wanda Nanibush, “Anishinaabe-kwe and/or Indigenous Feminist?”, p. 37–39.
GWS, Chapter 6, Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Why Intersectionality Can’t Wait”, p. 57–59.
GWS, Chapter 7, Mia McKenzie, “The Myth of Shared Womanhood and How it Perpetuates Inequality”, p. 62–64.
GWS, Chapter 18, Lila Abu-Lughod “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?”, p.172-181.
GWS, Chapter 29, Marika Morris, “Women’s Experience of Racism: How Race and Gender Interact”, p. 272–281.
GWS, Chapter 12, Nelly Oudshoorn, “Introduction to Beyond the Natural Body”, p. 109–113.
GWS, Chapter 13, Kate Allen, “How the Practice of Sex-Testing Targets Female Olympic Athletes”, p. 115–120.
GWS, Chapter 14, Georgiann Davis, “Contesting Intersex”, p. 121–129.
GWS, Chapter 15, Anne Fausto-Sterling, “Dueling Dualisms”, p. 132–143.
GWS, Chapter 16, Stephen Gould, “Women’s Brains”, p. 144–148.
GWS, Chapter 20, Raewyn Connell and Rebecca Pearse, “Gender in Personal Life”, p. 196–205.
GWS, Chapter 23, Michael A. Messner, “Becoming 100% Straight”, p. 226–232.
GWS, Chapter 25, Leila J. Rupp, “Loving Women in the Modern World”, p. 246-256.
GWS, Chapter 44, Ivan Coyte, “The Facilities”, p. 426–428.

1. Provide a brief overview of the challenges women face in leadership (15 pts.)

1. Provide a brief overview of the challenges women face in leadership (15 pts.)
2. Determine a specific purpose for your interviews. Explain what you hope to achieve by interviewing one or more women in leadership. (10 pts.)
3. Determine 3-5 questions you will ask your participants. (10 pts.)
4. Conduct your interview. You may collect responses by video, audio, or in writing.
5. Revisit your initial purpose for the interview and what you hoped to achieve. Did this interviewhelp satisfy that? Explain your answer. (10 pts.)
7. Use APA formatting and provide at least 5 references from the readings (not just generalwebsites you find online) at the end of your presentation. (15 pts.)
Questions to help drive your interview (you may include these but are not limited to otherquestions you would like to include):Do you experience resistance when you are leading men? …How can women “work across the divides” of opinions?How can I be powerful without alienating people or upsetting them? …How can women navigate power structures

****In Community and Public Health job interview questions**** 1-Share your

****In Community and Public Health job interview questions****
1-Share your experience or relevant skills in developing and maintaining relationships with community members, stakeholders, and direct service providers.
2. In your own words, how would you describe the drivers of health inequities in maternal health? What experience do you have implementing strategies to address inequities, or what strategies would you implement if given the opportunity?
3. What do you believe is the most critical issue facing pregnant and postpartum individuals in Iowa right now?
4. What is one strategy you would recommend to make systemic change to improve maternal health outcomes?

This paper is 5-6 pages double spaced using any format (APA, MLA, etc.). Don’t f

This paper is 5-6 pages double spaced using any format (APA, MLA, etc.). Don’t forget to include one scholarly source with your paper- it could be an article about dating, sexual scripts, socialization, why women read such advice books, etc.
For your book review paper, you are to choose an advice book. This advice book should be about dating, relationships, marriage, sex, etc. The first two pages should give an overview of your book, main points/topics discussed/etc.; the last half of your paper should focus on addressing stereotypes associated with men and/or women, assumptions made about men and/or women, and relationships; gender role expectations and/or sexual scripts. What assumptions about sexuality are made? Are there gendered expectations? What is the author assuming about its audience and their sexual orientation?
Here are some examples of books chosen by students in the past (please note these are just examples – you do not have to pick one of these books)
He’s Just Not That Into You
Be Honest, You’re Just Not That Into Him Either
The Rules
The Hook-Up Handbook
The Bitch In the Bedroom
Dating For Dummies
Dyke Drama
It’s Called a Breakup Because It Is Broken
The Perfect Marriage for Dummies

Instructions (Screenshot) and articles are uploaded below.

Instructions (Screenshot) and articles are uploaded below.

Instructions (Screenshot) and articles are uploaded below.

Instructions (Screenshot) and articles are uploaded below.

“The Intersection of race, ethnicity, class, age, and geographic location…in

“The Intersection of race, ethnicity, class, age, and geographic location…in an individual’s life often determines their life chances–the quality and outcome of their life.”Speak about intersectionality within the LGBTQ+ community and what it might mean, especially for those seeking specialized health care.

“The Intersection of race, ethnicity, class, age, and geographic location…in

“The Intersection of race, ethnicity, class, age, and geographic location…in an individual’s life often determines their life chances–the quality and outcome of their life.”Speak about intersectionality within the LGBTQ+ community and what it might mean, especially for those seeking specialized health care.