JOURNALCRITIQUEASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONS For each Journal Critique, you will evalua

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article from a professional
journal. The journal can be from any discipline that details the current trends in special education
leadership. You are encouraged to select articles to help you complete your Journal Analysis
Paper Assignment. All articles must be current (published within the last five years). The
assignment must be in current APA format and must include a title page and a reference page; it
must also be 225–250 words. The title page, in-text citations, and reference page are NOT
included in the word limit.
Journal Critiques consist of 3 parts (each part must be only 1 paragraph): Part 1 – Summary
Paragraph, Part 2 – Analysis of Author’s Key Points, and Part 3 – Personal Response. Personal
pronouns are appropriate only in the Part 3 – Personal Response section of the Journal Critique.
When composing your reviews, remember to use professional, graduate-level writing. Do not
begin with “This article is about…” Instead, open the review with a strong thesis statement and
summarize the author’s main points in the first paragraph. Using third person, state your personal
reaction to the article in the final paragraph (“This author agrees/disagrees…” or “one can see
Note: This assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

1. Select one job announcement or posting in the sports industry. Develop a resu

1. Select one job announcement or posting in the sports industry. Develop a resume and cover letter to apply for that job.…
2. After locating a job, type a cover letter for that job.
Use this cover letter as a guide for your cover letter. Sample Cover LetterFile using “Clarke University” name joel talley
3.… explain

Integration of Faith and Learning: Responsibility Assignment Instructions Overvi

Integration of Faith and Learning: Responsibility Assignment Instructions
MBA programs around the country are starting to require their students to become more effective writers. This is in response to industry’s urging for grad schools to improve the writing skills of graduate students. Writing at the MBA level should be informative, colorful, and nuanced, and the writing should include simple words vs. complicated (especially if used out of context). This assignment requires the integration of a directly quoted Bible verse with the selected marketing management topic. Be sure this applies specifically to marketing management, not management or business in general.
To ourselves and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
The Scripture verse from the Old Testament (Joshua 1:9) says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
1.In a 500-word (12 point, double-spaced) document that is in current APA format, discuss this Scripture verse within the context of marketing management. Relate this to a specific for-profit brand or business organization of your choosing. Use two scholarly sources (ex. Journal of Marketing) or practitioner sources (ex. Wall Street Journal) in addition to the course textbook (Marketing Management 2023, Grew W. Marshall / Mark W. Johnston)
Submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word document.
Discuss how Christian faith impacts marketing management decisions in the selected organization, including how faith was the source of its marketing management decisions, and how many company founders have demonstrated such faith.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Learning Goals: The final project paper is directly linked to all three of the s

Learning Goals: The final project paper is directly linked to all three of the student learning outcomes for this course. It will allow you to demonstrate familiarity with research and thought in the field of small group communication.
Instructions: For this paper, please think about an a small group you are currently in or where a member of in the recent past (work group, school group, religious group, etc…) You will analyze this group by focusing on communication theories, concepts, and skills we have learned about throughout the semester.
You will be analyzing a small group/team that you’re currently a member in or have been in the recent past. You will describe and analyze the group/team by utilizing what you have learned this semester. Below, you will find a step by step prompt for the paper.
In your paper, you will:
1. describe a group/team you are a member currently or in the recent past
2. whether this was a “primary” or “secondary” group and why
3. why you joined the group
4. explain if the group/team was functional or not and why
4. choose one chapter from our textbook and analyze the group in relation to the identified concepts from the chosen chapter. You do not need to address every concept from the chapter but have to have a minimum of 3 ideas/theories/concepts. In addition, you will need to have one supplementary source as well (article, book, etc…) other than your textbook.
You will also need to cite one library source for this paper. Your book should be used for the majority of the paper, but at least one library source is also required (such as a book or journal article). Make sure you cite your library source at the end of your paper (bibliography) and within the paper (in-text or parenthetical citation) in MLA or APA format.
Your final project paper should be 4 pages, typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, with one inch margins all around, and in essay format. DO NOT just list answers (it should be in essay format). Submit your paper here on Canvas by the due date.
*This course uses an anti-plagiarism software called Turnitin for your assignment submissions.
**Remember that your new student email (Office 365) provides access to Word, which you can use to write your pager.