Instructions Search the internet for sample executive summaries. From your resea

Search the internet for sample executive summaries.
From your research, describe 3 items that need to be in an executive summary and your reasons why.
Include in your report the ways that you would ensure that your executive summary would get buy-in from the key stakeholders of this project.
Make sure your initial response includes at least one reference in the APA format.

Research on one or two Executive Producers at Global Productions, Ltd. Or Netfli

Research on one or two Executive Producers at Global Productions, Ltd. Or Netflix Asia Marketing. What does this work entail? Who holds this job and how did they get there?
1. Be sure to cite the source (author’s last name, page number) on any information you provide that is not common knowledge. We will deduct two points from your score each time you fail to do this.
2. Punctuation.
a. When quoting a source, the end quotation marks appear after the period at the end of a sentence, but before a semi-colon in mid-sentence. We will deduct two points from your paper’s score each time you fail to do this correctly.
b. When you quote from a work, the sequence of punctuation should be: end quotation mark, author or title of work in parentheses and then period or semi-colon. We will deduct two points from your paper’s score each time you fail to do this correctly.
3. Follow these standard conventions in writing about films, tv shows, books, Use italics for the titles of films, plays, TV shows, podcasts, newspapers, magazines and books. Use italics for websites. We will deduct two points each time you fail to do this.
Use quotation marks for the titles of articles found in journals, newspapers, magazines or on websites, as well the titles of book chapters. We will deduct two points each time you fail to do this.
Provide the year of release in parenthesis the first time you mention a film; provide the years a show or series ran the first time you mention it. We will deduct two points each time you fail to do this.
When introducing a new idea, create a new paragraph.

Read Chapter 14 thoroughly, view all the videos and resources provided under the

Read Chapter 14 thoroughly, view all the videos and resources provided under the week 7 Content tab, then answer the following questions:
Explain to your colleagues how health care is structured in the United States. Compare to at least one other country.
How does the U.S health care system support or inhibit the health of all of its citizens? What about non-citizens?
Is access to health care a basic human right or is it a privilege? Support your decision.
You should have a brief paragraph for each of the questions in your response supported by paraphrased, cited, and referenced content.

Complete the dissertation according to three chapters that you have written . ch

Complete the dissertation according to three chapters that you have written . change the dissertation according to comments of first three chapters
Write less than 15000 words
Use Oscola reference style
No plagiarism
Do not use ai. avoid robotic language

For this forum, you should write a paragraph on your topic for the radical behav

For this forum, you should write a paragraph on your topic for the radical behavior paper. Then put the concept into the three, then four term contingency. For the respond post, you should comment on the topic, appropriateness of the three and four term contingencies and offer an alternative view. Topic gambling addiction.

For this forum, you should write a paragraph on your topic for the radical behav

For this forum, you should write a paragraph on your topic for the radical behavior paper. Then put the concept into the three, then four term contingency. For the respond post, you should comment on the topic, appropriateness of the three and four term contingencies and offer an alternative view. Topic gambling addiction.

prepare a argumentative essay in topic Should video game be considered a sport?

prepare a argumentative essay in topic
Should video game be considered a sport?
Minimum Requirements:Approximately 3-4 pages, not including the Works Cited page (Essays less than three pages will receive a D grade or lower.)
A minimum of 5 credible sources.
An interesting and informative title
A clear thesis statement
At least one counterargument (which takes a position different from your own)
One refutation (which is a rebuttal of the counterargument)
A formal, third person academic style.
MLA format with in-text citations and a Works Cited page ( cited page should be from dallas college library database only)

firms Don’t Look Up (2021) Description(200 words)- In roughly a paragraph inclu

firms Don’t Look Up (2021)
Description(200 words)- In roughly a paragraph include a more detailed description of your particular cinematic experience watching the film. This may include your personal impression of what the film looks, feels, and sounds like. In other words, what stands out in your mind when you think about this particular film?
Analysis(500 words)- How does the thematic content (such as history, race, beauty, gender, sexuality, class, or the ability) affect your experience and interpretation? Does the organization of the film enhances or disrupt the narrative and plot? Is it important for understanding inequality? How does the film comment on, reinforce, or even critique social and political issues at the time it was released, including questions of inequality and the media?
Consider these conditions
– The purpose of film analysis: to explore how formal features such as scene scheduling, cinematography, editing, and sound affect the meaning of a film.
– Creative decisions made by filmmakers: to understand the reasons why filmmakers make films in a certain way and the intended effect on the audience.
– Analyzing formal features: asking specific questions about how elements such as music, shot composition, camera movement, and editing techniques affect the meaning of a film.
eg: explain how movies communicate meaning through form: does the use of music or noise change our attitudes to characters?
Bordwell, Thompson and Smith provide examples of issues; does the composition of the shot tend to focus us on a particular detail (4.153, the shot of Annie’s face in Day of Wrath)?
Does it create suspense by using camera movement to obscure story information, as in the beginning of Touch of Evil (pp. 213-215)?
Does the use of discontinuous editing prompt us to make thematic comparisons, as we did with the sequence we analyzed in October (pp. 259-262)?
– Persuasive writing methods: the analysis should present an argument and support it with evidence from the movie, possibly including external contextual sources.
– Avoiding Film Criticism: Focus on analyzing the structure of the film rather than stating a personal opinion or summarizing the plot.
– Narrative analysis: examine the narrative structure, point of view, and storytelling methods of the film to ensure that the analysis is specific to the medium.
How is the sequence of events in the movie? Is it linear or non-linear? From whose point of view does the movie tell the story? Is the narrative restricted or unrestricted, subjective or objective? What effect is achieved? If the film lacks a traditional narrative altogether, does it employ another organizing principle or mode?
– Themes: Identify and analyze the film’s themes and consider how the filmmaker deals with them and how form and style reinforce them.
– Genre, History, and Filmmaker: Understand the genre of the film, its place in film history, and the distinctive style of the filmmaker or director.
Ideological positions: analyze explicit and implicit values and beliefs in film, considering how they reflect the time and place in which the film was created, as well as representations of race, gender, and class. Does the film exhibit any unrecognized biases or prejudices?

Peer Review Report: To complete this assignment, after reading your classmate’s

Peer Review Report:
To complete this assignment, after reading your classmate’s paper,
1. Can you identify your classmate’s main point? If so, identify the main point or remind the student to clarify their main point.
2. Are you confused by any aspect of the writer’s paper? If so, identify any area of the paper that confused you.
3. Does the writer define stereotypes? If they did not remind them that this is a requirement.
4. Does the writer identify the ad they intend to use: did they provide a picture or link to the ad? If they did not, remind them that this is a requirement.
5. Advice for the writer’s paper. Offer the student advice on how to strengthen their paper.
You may use one of these prompts, or you may write your Discussion post based on any other aspect of this week’s guest lecture and our course materials (the readings and the audio and audiovisual material).
Can you unpackhesis that Machine Learning is a creative affordance and draw connections across more than one of the examples he provided as homework, and/or draw connections to the reading materials?
Can you discuss other examples of musical or artistic creation in which the creator intentionally and openly uses AI, DL, or ML as a tool, and draw connections to the examples we saw in class and/or draw connections to the reading materials?
Can you draw a connection between W9 materials and class discussion with your own experience using AI, DL, or ML to create a work, whether artistic or not?
AI is becoming ubiquitous and we are increasingly driven to using interfaces that encourage AI to represent ourselves. I’m thinking of everything from avatars and bitmojis, to the way that I, receive AI generated suggestions of prompts. In this context, How are you finding your voice in an increasingly AI-driven environment?

Visit one of the following newspapers’ websites: USA Today, New York Times, Wall

one of the following newspapers’ websites: USA Today, New York Times,
Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post. Select an article that uses
statistical data related to a current event, your major, your current
field, or your future career goal. The chosen article must have a
publication date during this quarter.
The article should use one of the following categories of descriptive statistics:
Measures of Frequency – Counting Rules, Percent, Frequency, Frequency Distributions
Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of Dispersion or Variation – Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
Measures of Position – Percentile, Quartiles
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
Write a summary of the article.
Explain how the article uses descriptive statistics.
Explain how the article applies to the real world, your major, your current job, or your future career goal.
Analyze the reasons why the article chose to use the various types of data shared in the article.
double-space the body of the text and align the text to the left
margin, leaving the right margin “ragged.” Use one-inch page margins and
12-point Times New Roman typeface. Assignment will be check for