Cut-Off Date: –/–/—-. Total Marks: 100 marks turned to 15 marks Contents W

Cut-Off Date: –/–/—-.
Total Marks: 100 marks turned to 15 marks Contents
Warnings and Declaration…………………………………….……………………………………1
Phase 1 ……………….…………………………………. …………………………………………2
Phase 2 ………………………………………………………………………………….………….2
Phase 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Marking criteria …………………………………………………………………………………….3
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person’s work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU’s rules and regulations.
Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA work):
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized any other person’s work. I have provided all references of information that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.
Name of Student:…………………………….. Signature:…………………………………………… Date:…………………………………………………
Application Service Scenario
Develop a service-based distributed web application that is part of “OnlinePlant” system. It records all of the transactions (selling and buying) of different types of plants and keeps track of the number of plants available in store. The system user could sign in as a store employee (seller), buyer, or as a system administrator.
The system contains the following components: a web application with SOAP services for selling, buying and retrieval processes and a Restful service for viewing and searching the available plants in the store through a web client and SOAP client at the store employee (seller).
1.Phase 1 (client-side) [30 marks]
At phase 1, develop the client-side interface to ensure that SOAP services are accessed properly via a java application and RESTful service is accessed via a web browser
For store employee (seller) [10 Marks]
1.The employee should be able to issuing receipts either for the customers need to buy a plant or those need to retrieve plant details such as type of plant, name of plant, age of plant, and the prize.
For buyer [5 Marks]
1. The buyer should be able to view the plant details and place an order.
For system administrators: [15 Marks]
1.After a successful login process, system administrator should be able to view all available plants in the store.
2. System administrator should be able to search for a specific plant by name or by age or by price.
Hint: Provide the necessary attributes and GUI interfaces and use the necessary communicating protocol.
2.Phase 2 (Server-side service) [60 marks]
At phase 2, develop web-side services using the JAVA programming languages. For each task required in phase one, you should provide the appropriate service using JAVA and provide the required security for only Restful service to grant access only to authorized users. [15 Marks each]
Here are some details regarding the functionality of some services:
View all available plants in store: this service should retrieve available plants in store that exist in a file (JSON format) on the server side.
Add a transaction: this service should reduce the number of existing plants according to the applied transaction; modifying the JSON file accordingly. If the number of plants from a specific type of plant reached the lower limit of that plant, the plant details should be stored in an “fast_selling” file (JSON format).
Delete a transaction: this service should update the various associated file(s) after applying a retrieval request.
Search for plant in store: this service should enable the system administrator to search for plant in store by any of their attributes.
Hint:Use the appropriate presentation format to save and read the necessary attributes to and from file.
3.Phase 3 (Using Cloud services) [10 marks]
1.The system is to be deployed over the Cloud for saving organization the cost of servers and other equipment and make use of remote resources. Answer the following with justification: Which cloud deployment model should be used. [4 Marks]
2.Design an architecture for the above application services showing its components and interaction between the components. [6 Marks]
1.Submit two files zip file containing all the project’s folders, assuming that you are using NetBeans to develop your TMA, then you are required to send the whole project folder as a single zip file.
Use the following format to name your zip file:
b.Put in a word file
1. Phase 1 and Phase 2 codes of client side, the operations of the web services as well as screenshots after running each service.
2. Needed xml files.
3.Answers of Phase 3.
Use the following format to name your word file:
1. Violating the instructions would cause mark deduction.
2. Plagiarism policy is strictly applied in marking this TMA.
2. Fail to submit the Project File (Zip file) will deduct 50% of TMA marks.
3. Fail to submit the Word File will deduct 50% of TMA marks.
4. Every day late submission (after the due date) will deduct 10% of TMA marks.

Tasks: In this assignment you will create and publish a personal webpage using

In this assignment you will create and publish a personal webpage using a free website builder. It must be a personal website with your own content. You could create a portfolio site, a site showcasing a personal trip or event, or a site about a hobby or professional interest. You can choose your topic, but it must be personal and contain personal content such as pictures, video, etc. that you personally took.
Decide on a purpose / topic for your website and target users
We will be using the free website builder, GoDaddy. Create an account at using your school email address.
Follow the prompts to create your website. Watch this video for instructions on how to get started creating a website using GoDaddy: For more advanced information, see this informational guide from GoDaddy:
Your site should have at least four pages. The exact names and types of pages are up to you, but there must be at least four (e.g., About Us, Products, Services, Contact Us, Pictures, Projects, etc…)
Include a navigation menu so a visitor can easily move from page to page
Include at least six different and distinct images throughout the site or on one page
A. At least three of the images must be images you took/created. The other three can be free images and clip-art found on the Internet. Be careful to observe copyright rules. (Check out this article: Find Copyright-Free Images )
B. At least three of the images must be in a slideshow:…
C. You can use Paint or Photoshop to crop and save an image as JPEG, JPG or PNG files for the web. Saving for the web means compressing the image to smaller file size, so it will download quickly
7. One of your pages must have a contact form:
8. Publish the site (while you are creating and editing a site it is typically not viewable by others.). Make sure you click the Publish button when you are done creating your site.
9. Make sure you test the site and all the links from a different computer so you can be sure it works
Hint: give the URL address of your site to a friend so they can test
Site has at least four pages
Site has a navigation menu
Site has at least 5 distinct hyperlinks
Site has at least 6 distinct images that are appropriately sized for fast loading on the web (don’t violate copyright!) Three must be created by you!
3 of the 6 images on your site are in a slideshow
Site has a contact form on one of the pages
All content loads and functions without error
No spelling or grammatical errors
Creativity and overall quality

Hide Assignment Information Instructions Assignment 5 – Website Creation Purpose

Hide Assignment Information
Assignment 5 – Website Creation
Purpose: The Internet is now the preferred medium for publishing and communication. No matter what field you are going into, it is essential to know how to share information on the World Wide Web. In this assignment, you will gain experience creating a web page.
In this assignment you will create and publish a personal webpage using a free website builder. It must be a personal website with your own content. You could create a portfolio site, a site showcasing a personal trip or event, or a site about a hobby or professional interest. You can choose your topic, but it must be personal and contain personal content such as pictures, video, etc. that you personally took.
Decide on a purpose / topic for your website and target users
We will be using the free website builder, GoDaddy. Create an account at using your school email address.
Follow the prompts to create your website. Watch this video for instructions on how to get started creating a website using GoDaddy: For more advanced information, see this informational guide from GoDaddy:
Your site should have at least four pages. The exact names and types of pages are up to you, but there must be at least four (e.g., About Us, Products, Services, Contact Us, Pictures, Projects, etc…)
Include a navigation menu so a visitor can easily move from page to page
Include at least six different and distinct images throughout the site or on one page

WEB DEVELOPMENT ASSIGNMENT For this assignment, begin by reviewing the followin

For this assignment, begin by reviewing the following scenario:
You are being asked to create a website for an upcoming event. This event can be anything you want it to be – an in-service on how to properly fold laundry, a car show, or even a dance party. Select a “faux” event that you are interested in and would enjoy planning.
• Go to
1. In the Start a new site section, select the Event thumbnail and get started customizing your website!
2. On the Home page:
Provide a date, event name, and venue name.
Provide a brief description of the event under the event graphic “A three-day summit of talks….”
Set up the date section to reflect how many days your event will be (at least one day is required, two days is preferred.)
Edit the goal of the event.
Caption the photo about what event attendees can expect.
Provide photos, names, and “About this Person” info for at least two speakers.
Add information about the venue and provide a map location.
3. On the Schedule page, provide a schedule for at least one day.
4. On the Speakers page, provide name, photo, and bio for both/all of your speakers.
5. On the Venue page, provide venue name, information, and Getting Here information.
Feel free to customize the pages as you would like – be creative!
Take note of all of the Insert Pages, and Themes option at the right side of the page.

The only way you can do this assignment wrong is to do nothing at all. Please customize your site to reflect your personal presence. Make it different enough from the template that I can easily see your personality shine.
When you are finished, use the Publish button to publish your site to the web.
Choose a unique web address (you may have to be creative and try several options) and then record the web address to share in fulfillment of this assignment.
Test the URL to make sure it loads your published page to a browser and then paste the URL into the Write Submission area of the Assignment in Blackboard.

Be sure to review the rubric prior to submitting your assignment.

How to Start Coding | Programming for Beginners | Learn Coding | Intellipaat Int

How to Start Coding | Programming for Beginners | Learn Coding | Intellipaat
Welcome to the live by Intellipaat! In this session, we’ll be discussing how to start coding. If you’re a fresher or someone interested in getting into coding, this live is for you. We’ll cover various topics in this session, including:
Why learn coding
How to start coding
Which languages to start with
How to choose a project
Learning path
Various job opportunities
Let’s dive into the first topic.
Why Learn Coding?
There are various reasons why one would want to learn coding. Some may be interested in coding as a career path, while others may be curious about the field. Here are a few examples:
Wanting a high-paying job
Being interested in coding/programming
Adapting to changes in the market
It’s important to ask yourself why you want to learn coding because if you don’t have a clear motivation, you may lose interest when faced with errors or challenges.
How to Start Coding
The term “coding” can be overwhelming because computer science is a vast field. Here are some steps to help you get started:
Figure out what you want to do with coding (develop an application, make a bot, develop a website, etc.)
Learn the required languages and tools for your project
Learn the basics of the language and tools
Start with a simple project and gradually increase complexity
For example, if you’re interested in game development, start by making a simple game like Snake or Defender. If you’re interested in web development, start by creating a basic website where users can create accounts and post statuses.
Getting Started with Coding
If you’re interested in making a mobile app, it’s recommended to start with a simple app that tells the time. First, figure out what you want to do as a project, then choose the language and tools you’ll need. Popular languages include Python, C++, JavaScript, and libraries and tools like integrated development environments (IDEs) and compilers. For example, if you want to make a web application, you can use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create the front end, and Visual Studio Code as your IDE to write the JavaScript code. Learn the basics of the language, such as loops, if statements, variables, functions, and arrays, as well as the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Start with a simple project and gradually move to more complicated ones. Choose a language based on your project or interests. Python and JavaScript are good languages to start with, as they have easy-to-learn syntax and plenty of resources available. Python has many use cases, including software development, data science, and creating bots and scripts. If you need certification, there are courses available. If you’ve worked with other languages before, consider starting with those instead

How to Start Coding | Programming for Beginners | Learn Coding | Intellipaat Int

How to Start Coding | Programming for Beginners | Learn Coding | Intellipaat
Welcome to the live by Intellipaat! In this session, we’ll be discussing how to start coding. If you’re a fresher or someone interested in getting into coding, this live is for you. We’ll cover various topics in this session, including:
Why learn coding
How to start coding
Which languages to start with
How to choose a project
Learning path
Various job opportunities
Let’s dive into the first topic.
Why Learn Coding?
There are various reasons why one would want to learn coding. Some may be interested in coding as a career path, while others may be curious about the field. Here are a few examples:
Wanting a high-paying job
Being interested in coding/programming
Adapting to changes in the market
It’s important to ask yourself why you want to learn coding because if you don’t have a clear motivation, you may lose interest when faced with errors or challenges.
How to Start Coding
The term “coding” can be overwhelming because computer science is a vast field. Here are some steps to help you get started:
Figure out what you want to do with coding (develop an application, make a bot, develop a website, etc.)
Learn the required languages and tools for your project
Learn the basics of the language and tools
Start with a simple project and gradually increase complexity
For example, if you’re interested in game development, start by making a simple game like Snake or Defender. If you’re interested in web development, start by creating a basic website where users can create accounts and post statuses.
Getting Started with Coding
If you’re interested in making a mobile app, it’s recommended to start with a simple app that tells the time. First, figure out what you want to do as a project, then choose the language and tools you’ll need. Popular languages include Python, C++, JavaScript, and libraries and tools like integrated development environments (IDEs) and compilers. For example, if you want to make a web application, you can use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create the front end, and Visual Studio Code as your IDE to write the JavaScript code. Learn the basics of the language, such as loops, if statements, variables, functions, and arrays, as well as the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Start with a simple project and gradually move to more complicated ones. Choose a language based on your project or interests. Python and JavaScript are good languages to start with, as they have easy-to-learn syntax and plenty of resources available. Python has many use cases, including software development, data science, and creating bots and scripts. If you need certification, there are courses available. If you’ve worked with other languages before, consider starting with those instead

Putting it All Together link the interface to the database. you are going to w

Putting it All Together
link the interface to the database.
you are going to work on getting the website to interact with both the user as well as the database to display the data on the screen. Work on the following points and submit a screen shot for every element together with your HTML/PHP code:
Link the first page to display contents (items) from the database. Make sure every item has an “add item” button or link to add the item to the shopping cart.
Link the admin page that allows administrators (only administrator) to add or remove items from the database using an HTML interface. This page is accessed only through a link that shows up in the navigation bar after the user logs in and only if the user is an admin.
Create a shopping cart that displays the added contents in a tabular format together with the total amount of purchased items.
Create a Purchase.php page that takes user information (name, address, credit card, items purchased) and stores the information in the database.
Create a Contact Us page that users can use to contact the site owner, and the page needs to e-mail the comments to the site owner.