Case Study #1 Instructions International and Comparative Disaster Management Cas

Case Study #1 Instructions International and Comparative Disaster Management Case Study #1 is simply a descriptive summary of a specific international disaster event. *Note: you must select a disaster event that took place outside of the United States and its territories. Exclude popular cases: Chernobyl, Haiti Earthquake, Japan Earthquake and the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami. * You will check and reference at least three credible sources for information about the disaster event and provide a succinct synopsis that should include the following elements: Content to be included in narrative APA style with in text citations and references: * Name of the Event * Type of hazard * Date of the disaster event * Location of the event * The impact of the event, e.g, number of casualties or injured, houses destroyed, monetary damage, infrastructure impact, etc. * Problems encountered in the disaster response/recovery phases * Something that you found interesting about the disaster Format Case Study #1 should be approximately ½ page (single spaced) in length.

International and Comparative Disaster Management For Case Study #2, you will co

International and Comparative Disaster Management For Case Study #2, you will compare and contrast disaster management in two countries of your choice focusing on the preparedness and response phases of emergency management. **Note: you must select countries other than the United States and its territories** You will check and reference at least three credible sources for information about the countries and provide succinct analysis that should include the following elements: Content • Names of the two countries • Implementation pattern that applies (top-down, bottom-up, or confused: What we mean here – are response and recovery actions triggered by the national government or by local government, or is it a mixture. Here in the U.S. everything is driven by local government, then when they are overwhelmed, they ask for help from the state, then, the federal government if the state does not have enough resources. In other countries, this is not always the case, and not always appropriate. For example, they may have most of their resources at the national government level, therefore a top-down response might be stronger.) • What sorts of preparedness activities are done to educate the public about potential hazards? By whom? • What are the strengths and weaknesses of each disaster management system? • How might the commonalities and the differences be explained? Format Case Study #2 should be approximately ¾ of a page to 1 page (single spaced) in length and appropriately organized in paragraphs with in text citations and references.

In this assignment, you will write a short essay to answer the following questio

In this assignment, you will write a short essay to answer the following questions: What is historic preservation? What is the role of the preservationist? Why is historic preservation important? In this essay, you should present your own personal statement on these questions based on your previous work and educational experiences. Provide examples from your own interactions with historic preservation (MIAMI). This assignment will introduce your ideas and reveal your experiences with the discipline. There is no wrong answer- this essay will help the teachers understand your own interactions with preservation. You will be asked to reflect on this question again at the end of the semester. Please upload a Microsoft Word Document, 3-5 typed, double-spaced pages, with your name in the header. No cover page needed. If you use citations, please include a Reference page in addition to the 3-5 page requirement.

Three essay questions. Please answer the two required questions. Then, select a

Three essay questions. Please answer the two required questions. Then, select a third essay question from the four choices listed below. Each essay response should be a minimum of 500 words. The exam is open book and open note, but your exam answers must be your own. You may use your assignments and current events, as well. You may not use ChatGPT, or any other generative AI, in the preparation of your assignment. This is an individual assignment. Group work or collaboration on exam answers is prohibited. Please carefully read the rubric and consider how the course can help you provide the specific information you need to craft an excellent essay. For example, for “understanding of planning law concepts”, the readings might provide good support. For “analysis of case studies/legal precedents”, you might draw on the readings and also your case analysis assignment. For use of evidence and examples, you might draw on your current events, the public hearing you attended, etc. Remember that we are looking for critical thinking and originality in your responses as well. Proper APA citation is required. See Perdue OWL APA page for guidance: to an external site. Please follow these formatting instructions: • Use the question as a heading for each essay • 12-point Times New Roman, Aerial, or similar professional typeface • 1-inch margins • Double-spaced lines • Page numbers on each page Final Exam Questions Required Questions 1. Explore the legal principles governing land use conflicts between private property rights and public interests, such as nuisance law, takings doctrine, and regulatory takings. Analyze how courts balance these competing interests in land use disputes. 2. Explain the sequential steps involved in the land use planning process, highlighting the key considerations, stakeholders, and legal frameworks at each stage. Using real-world examples or case studies, analyze how the land use planning process interacts with broader social, economic, and environmental factors to shape land development outcomes. Finally, discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with ensuring transparency, equity, and public participation in the land use planning process, and propose strategies for addressing these issues within the legal framework of land use regulation. Choose One from the following: 1. Explore perspectives on the role of comprehensive planning in land use regulation. Discuss the importance of comprehensive planning processes in achieving sustainable development goals and addressing community needs. *notes* The essays should be in traditional essay format (Intro paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion). Use the questions as headings. List your references after each essay rather than providing one big reference list at the end. You should not do any outside research in developing your essays. The text is your primary reference, supplemented with other course materials and assignments. You may also use personal experiences for context and to demonstrate critical thinking and originality. But they should be secondary material in your response. The “land use planning process” in question 2 is purposefully broad.

The final document should be a 2-5 page document including all items listed for

The final document should be a 2-5 page document including all items listed for your selected approach below. The format should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and a 12-point font. Policy brief: The policy brief is related to the production of public policies. For this, imagine you are bringing the issue and a proposed policy-based solution to a town or city leadership. If you choose this option, your finalized project will consist of the following an introduction to the problem, a brief literature review of at least four sources, two case studies of how other cities and towns dealt with a similar problem, and your final recommendation(s). Here is the Policy brief template Download Here is the Policy brief template. Preliminary Wisconsin Idea Fellowship application: the Wisconsin Idea Fellowship (WIF) application is related to hands-on community-led projects. Imagine you are bringing your project proposal to the Morgridge Center for Public Service. If you choose this option, your finalized project will follow part of the WIF template (which will be made available), consisting of the following an introduction to the problem (which includes a brief literature review of at least four sources and a selection of prospective community partnerships), project goals and objectives, and expected project application and results. Here is the WIF application template Download Here is the WIF application template. Triple bottom line business plan: Includes a business proposal to a social need that adheres to the three pillars of the triple-bottom-line sustainable business practice – People, Profit, Planet. For this option, one can imagine bringing their executive business summary to a pitch competition, lender, or entrepreneurial incubator. If you choose this option, your finalized project will consist of an Executive Business Summary that includes: An overview of the proposal, serving as both an abstract and (brief) literature review. The problem (includes a brief literature review of at least four sources), solution, how it follows TBL practice, and the team. At least two case studies of TBL businesses (HINT- look for Certified B Corps), related either topically or structurally, in the TBL section. A general template can be found here: Executive-Summary-Template

Choose one question to respond to. For this discussion question, also look at th

Choose one question to respond to. For this discussion question, also look at the indicators of child well-being datasets provided and incorporate local data into your response. Your original discussion post should provide evidence of critical thinking and reference course material with at least two citations and a minimum length of two paragraphs, each no less than 4 sentences. (10 pts) * Legal permanency is one of the three pillars of the child welfare system, through adoption or guardianship if reunification cannot be supported. Discuss one critique of the system’s orientation towards legal permanence and provide options for addressing this issue. * Relational permanence is a concern for youth in care, aging out of care, and post-permanency. What could the child welfare system do to better support continuity of relationships with important adults (i.e. not biological parents) and what are the pitfalls or institutional barriers to this approach?  * What should be the child welfare agency’s role in supporting families post-permanency and/or youth that have aged out of care?§ion=22&id=&print=section§ioncount=1&ext=.pdf&nocover=&display=0

In the first part of this assignment, you were asked to locate and attend a publ

In the first part of this assignment, you were asked to locate and attend a public hearing involving a land use matter. For this assignment, you will analyze a Staff Report or Memorandum from that meeting. You will be expected to do an in-depth analysis of how the public hearing was influenced or affected by the Staff Report (if at all), and explain what role the Staff Report and staff’s recommendations played in the outcome. Take note of the process by which the public hearing is conducted – who makes the initial presentation, public comments, discussion, and debate among the public officials, and then the final vote or other action taken on the matter. Please also submit a copy of the staff report. Note. As you’ve come to recognize, one of the key roles played by the planner, whether working for a government entity or a private developer, is to assist in the preparation of what is known as the “Staff Report” or “Staff Memorandum.” The primary purpose of the Staff Report or Memorandum is to provide the elected or appointed decision-makers (City Council members, Planning Commissioners, Planning Director, etc.), as well as members of the public, with a comprehensive, accurate and objective analysis of a proposed land use project that requires approval by that decision-making body. The Staff Report contains a review of the project, the setting, and a detailed explanation of the specific land use and regulatory elements that need to be reviewed as part of the approval process. The Staff Report sometimes includes a summary of the alternative options the decision-makers can vote on, based on the applicable land use and planning laws, and sometimes includes a recommendation by Staff.

Tasks Using American Community Survey Links to an external site., summarize educ

Tasks Using American Community Survey Links to an external site., summarize education and income level in the city Boston Massachusetts. ACS provides detailed socio-economic indicators. You are expected to give us the overall picture of the selected city with respect to education and poverty levels. You can access the ACS Data for Urban Areas using this link Download link. Using the selected city’s online resources, summarize the crime rates in the city. Many cities provide crime data and rates. Please search online resources for this information. Analyze and reflect on changes in neighborhood structure over time in the United States. Consider what has changed since you were a child and compare it to today’s conditions. Resources City governments, municipalities, universities webpages American Community Survey, US Census (if applicable) Regional Planning Association’s planning reports and database Metropolitan Planning Agencies’ planning reports and database Requirements Please provide your assignment in APA guidelinesLinks to an external site.. Your essay should be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″), with 1″ margins on all sides. Your essay should include your paper title, the page number, and the author’s name. acceptable fonts are: sans serif fonts such as 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, and 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode as well as serif fonts such as 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, 10-point Computer Modern. All citations should use APA standards. Figures, tables, and graphs have to be readable Criteria for Success A successful work has to include a summary of education, poverty levels for the selected city using ACS data, and crime rates based on the available resources (if applicable). Use of maps or any visuals is strongly encouraged. Also, the use of resources from professional recourses like Regional Planning Associations and Metropolitan Planning Agencies are also strongly suggested when they are available. There is no minimum page or word requirement for the assignment.

Your third paper will address the implementation of your policy recommendation.

Your third paper will address the implementation of your policy recommendation. The purpose of the paper is to describe the logic model for the implementation, the results you intend to achieve (goal and objectives), a high-level implementation plan (actions or activities), the resources needed to implement the plan, plans to communicate information regarding the policy to stakeholders, and methods to evaluate the performance and results of implementing the plan. The following are elements to cover in the policy implementation paper. Policy Implementation 1. Problem Statement Include the brief problem statement used in the Policy Options Paper 2. Policy Present the policy recommended in the Policy Options paper 3. Plan Logic Model (10%) Present and discuss the logic model for your implementation approach. The pertinent information from the logic model should be discussed and summarized with a rationale for selecting the proposed implementation plan. Include the logic model template as an appendix. Policy Goal and Objective(s) (10%) Present the program goal(s) and objectives for achieving the policy option selected (what effect do you expect, to what extent, and by when). Actions/Activities (10%) Describe the actions/activities needed to achieve the program goal(s) (impacts) and objectives (outcomes) (e.g., increase access to complete streets for communities with low SES and high rates of obesity; Work with the county council to identify high-risk areas and develop a plan for infrastructure improvements using a complete streets model; establish health clinics in underserved areas; modify education or licensure requirements for specific health professionals, etc.) 4. Implementation Resources: Provide a summary description of the implementation resources needed to implement the policy and the role of those resources in that implementation. Detailed descriptions will be included in appendices. (25%) Personnel Identify the types of personnel or relationships needed to implement and carry out the activities selected (e.g., county planning commissions, health educators, etc.) Describe how the personnel will be provided. For example, do you plan for the program to support new hires, contract with outside entities, or do you plan to assign additional responsibilities to existing personnel? Consider and describe: Can these personnel absorb more responsibilities? Or will the new responsibilities replace current responsibilities? If so, will those displaced responsibilities be stopped or reassigned to other personnel? If you need to hire staff, include your estimate of how many of each type/skill level are needed. Facilities (if included in your plan) Describe the type of facility/facilities needed to operate the program based on your policy. Consider and describe: Do the facilities have special requirements? What is the estimated cost of each facility? Equipment (if included in your plan) Describe, at a high level, any specialized equipment needed to implement the policy. Projected costs for specialized equipment will be used in preparing the budget. If you only need typical office equipment such as computers, telephone service, etc. you can use an average cost per person in preparing the budget. Supplies Describe, at a high level, what specialized supplies will be needed to operate the program (e.g., additional asphalt to widen roads, educational materials, etc.). The cost of specialized supplies will be used to develop the budget. If you only need routine office supplies there is no need to report more than office supplies will be used. You can use an average cost of office supplies per person to project office supplies costs Other Resources Describe, at a high level, your estimate of other resources or expenditures needed to implement and operate the policy. For example, will there be extensive travel [in-state and out-of-state], or consultants? For travel by car, project the number of miles to be traveled and the Federal income tax allowance for business travel mileage to develop the travel budget. If implementation requires air travel, use an online flight reservation system to determine an estimated cost of air travel. If implementation requires the use of consultants, use cost per hour and estimate the number of hours needed to calculate the consultant costs. 5. Prepare a Project Budget (20%) Summary Description Provide a summary description of the projected costs associated with the resources needed to implement the policy. These include: personnel, facilities, equipment, supplies, and other resources For personnel include salary, by category of personnel, and benefits costs (use a fixed percentage). For facilities and equipment you can consider buying or renting/leasing. Describe the possible (realistic) sources of those funds (e.g., grants, loans, fees, etc.) Investigate previous programs or topics of interest that the funding source has been involved with (e.g., a foundation supporting research or programs related to your health topic). If you are assigning new responsibilities to existing staff, will displaced responsibilities need to be assumed by other staff or new staff? If so, this is an opportunity cost that must be accounted for. The budget details will be attached as an appendix. Include a ½ to 1-page budget justification describing how the resource contributes to implementing and/or operating the policy selected. 6. Communications Plan (10%) Describe the key communication points about the policy and its purpose. What medium will be used to reach the key stakeholders and other audiences? Describe how those who need or will be impacted by the policy/service/program are made aware of it. Details for the communication plan (e.g. brochures, logo, advertisements) can be included as an appendix. 7. Other Considerations (5%) Describe any key partnerships with other organizations to support policy implementation. Describe any regulatory requirements, including changes in current regulations, which may affect implementation. Describe how you will address those requirements. 8. Evaluation (10%) Describe at a high level how the program will be evaluated to ensure efficient operation and use of resources (process evaluation) and assess its success in achieving the policy goal and program goal/and objectives (outcomes evaluation) What indicators will be tracked? How will you collect the data to track the indicators? 9. References Include appropriate references to support the implementation plan. Use APA standards for the references in the paper (including citing references in the paper).