For this assignment, you must code fifteen pages of my interview, with at least

For this assignment, you must code fifteen pages of my interview, with at least 6-8 codes per page. You may code larger pieces of text and individual words or lines, and you can use the same code numerous times. Please be thoughtful about this! Some possible ways to approach this: (1) open code the entire interview inductively, (2) code selectively by focusing on particular questions from the interview guide and your accompanying follow-up probes, (3) code by exploring a motivating research question that you think the data answers.
How to code your interview transcript
Using the “comments” feature in MsWord (or whatever word processor you use), begin assigning labels (codes) to different segments of text, as described in lecture, the handout, and posted vidos.
HINT: You can look at the interview protocol for an idea of themes that your interviews will address.
You may create more than one code for the same word or line of data and you may repeat codes/descriptions as appropriate throughout the interview
You may also include notes to yourself in the comments, particularly if you find some data particularly noteworthy, interesting, or worth remembering for your final research paper.
*For those of you using google docs, the only way your codes will be visible is for you to change the settings so that anyone with the link can edit. If you do not do this, then anyone who clicks on the link will not be able to see your codes and we will not be able to give you credit for completing the coding exercise and you will receive a deduction for not following directions.
Preliminary analysis of codes (post on the discussion board)
Select 10 codes that you write about separately in more detail in the discussion forum. What does the respondent generally say about this topic? What does it reveal about how the respondent sees themselves?
R26 Transcript Kashanian (final).pdf – this is the file that needs to be coded and perferably on google docs