For this assignment, you must critique a LIVE THEATRE performance – you may opt

For this assignment, you must critique a LIVE THEATRE performance – you may opt to view a RECORDING of a live production but you may not see a movie adaptation. This live, theatrical performance must be scriipted (no improv) and must have designers. You may not see a high school production. There are a lot of things on YouTube, but many are not professional productions. Please check in with me if you have questions about what an acceptable production is or if you would like to confirm that the production you choose works for this paper.
All papers must:
be typewritten using a standard 12 pt. font (Times New Roman or Arial) or 11pt Calibri
be double spaced
be 3-4 pages
have correct spelling/grammar/sentence mechanics
be in standard essay format (not merely a list with numbered bullet points)
have a citation (including a url if watched online) for the production you watched
over every main area below (use the questions to help you organize your thoughts if necessary)
Reminder: Give clear, specific examples to support your opinions and point of view. When you state an opinion, give supporting details: “for example…” Paint a vivid picture for the reader.
Introduction: Start with something snappy to hook the reader in. Then summarize the play’s story in a short paragraph (this will not be the main point of the paper, I’m far more interested in your critique of the performance not the summary of the play): _____________________ by __________________________ is about______________. Tell something about the history of the play text and the playwright, or about past productions.
Thesis of paper: Summarize your overall impression of production: _________Theatre’s production is/isn’t worth seeing because _______
Critique the cast members as an ensemble: In general, could you see and hear the actors? Did the actors work as a team to tell the story? Were the actors, in general, believable, focused, in character, and engaging? Give examples.
Choose one main actor to critique: Did this actor engage you for the entire play? How? Was the actor focused, in the moment, and emotionally inside the character? Technically, did this actor move and speak well? Seem confident of his/her lines? Vigorously drive the play forward or drag it down? Did the actor make you care about, or be interested in, the character? Give examples.
Critique the spectacle and technical aspects of the production: Describe stage configuration used. How effective was it? Critique the physical set, lights, costumes, sound (music, sound effects, etc.), props, and any special effects. Did all these areas together help or hinder the dramatic action of the characters? Give examples.
Analyze and discuss the historical elements of this play. What era did it take place in? What era was it written in? Was it updated or translated to fit into a different era? If the play is modern, do you see any connections in themes or ideas to another era? Cite all outside sources.
Discuss the theatre’s goal in producing the play. What type of audience did the producers of the play have in mind for this play? Do you feel that you were their ideal audience? How do you think that you match or differ from the company’s perceived audience? Where do you think this production would be the most successful
Conclusion: Restate your thesis in different words: Summarize why this particular production is/isn’t worth seeing. Was it powerful? Moving? Gripping? Stupid and pointless? Long and boring? Educational? Disturbing? Entertaining?

After reading the presentations, (The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

After reading the presentations, (The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde) I would like for you to write a short essay.
Choose one of the theatrical eras discussed one of the Theatre History Group Projects.
Put your self in the place of someone going to one of the plays and write a letter to a friend which contains the following information:
What kind of person would you be in this era? What kind of work do you do?
What are you wearing to watch this play?
When you finally take your seat (or standing position) what does the theatre look like?
What do you think the differences were from the person you were pretending to be attending a play in their era and you attending a play in the present time?

After reading the presentations, (The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

After reading the presentations, (The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde) I would like for you to write a short essay.
Choose one of the theatrical eras discussed one of the Theatre History Group Projects.
Put your self in the place of someone going to one of the plays and write a letter to a friend which contains the following information:
What kind of person would you be in this era? What kind of work do you do?
What are you wearing to watch this play?
When you finally take your seat (or standing position) what does the theatre look like?
What do you think the differences were from the person you were pretending to be attending a play in their era and you attending a play in the present time?

These essays are comprised of questions on content from across the course. These

These essays are comprised of questions on content from across the course.
These essays will be graded in terms of your completeness of expression and/or accuracy in answering the prompts.
1) A New Classical Tragedy?
What events in your life – from the news, history, or elsewhere —might be used as subject matter for writing a new traditional tragedy in the Greek style? Why are these events suitable?

2) A Unique Point of View
Identify and elaborate on the similarities and differences between the five major theater venue types; Proscenium, Thrust, Arena, Black Box, and Found Space. After you have defined the different venue types, develop a short opinion on which type of venue you find most interesting as an audience arrangement, and why.

3) Who is Involved in Production?
Name at least four positions on a theatrical production team not including performers, and describe their responsibilities during at least two different phases of production.
These phases include pre-planning/production meetings, rehearsals, technical rehearsals, and performances.

Research on “The Outsiders” it will serve as the source material for a focused,

Research on “The Outsiders” it will serve as the source material for a focused, original, useful Educator’s Guide that offers a variety of teaching strategies and resources on a specific subject and pedagogical approach. This has to be 100% original work and has to be different as in can’t be copied of the internet. My professor is very strict and aware of plagiarism. This has to be in form of slides. I have collected some notes on the play and came up with a order of some of the things it should include in the table of content please add more research to fill in some spaces. i will attach an EXAMPLE of a HAIRSPRAY Educators Guide, and you should go of this as an example of what it should look like and my notes and ideas please communicate with me if you have questions. it has to look very pretty so please add pictures and make it look close to how the hairspray one looks like.

Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for

Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for this assignment. **special note to focus on the time period when it was called Lianozov not Lianozovsky**** < Do not use Wikipedia for ANY sources. Add a bibliography for all sources used. ... Explain what would it have been like to attend a production in a theatre from the past? What historical moment are you discussing? What did the theater look like? (Theater configuration, indoor/outdoor, seating, etc.) What plays and playwright were popular? Who attended? Why? What could the audience expect to happen during the performance? What were the expectations of the audience during the "live" event? ... Then explain "What place did theatre have in society?" What class/classes of people went to the theatre? Was theatre banned? Censored? Who could write plays? Who could perform in plays? Who could watch plays? Was theatre respected? Was it looked down upon? Or, did people not really care about it?