Using no less than 1,800 and no more than 2,000 words, write an individual resea

Using no less than 1,800 and no more than 2,000 words, write an individual research paper on the project you have chosen for Activities 1-6. Please submit your Midterm to your Midterm Examination Assignment Folder (see below).
As a minimum, the research paper will include the following areas:
What is the background of your problem statement?
Why did you select the specific problem statement?
The decision to perform an acquisition is heavily influenced by how it relates to the strategic business goals of an organization. Explain why you think the acquisition you are detailing in your submitted Activities potentially supports the strategic business goals of the organization.
Risk analysis is a critical part of the acquisition process and is often not done very well. Looking back at the risks you identified for your submitted project, which ones do you believe would be most likely to be identified and accurately measured and which ones either less likely to be identified at all or measured correctly. Explain why. Does your analysis allow you to draw general conclusions on the type of risk that would be likely to be overlooked or mis-analyzed in future projects you might work on?
Many scenarios submitted for your alternative solutions included either a COTS product or a SaaS based solution. Gartner is a top analyst that provides great insights on IT solutions across a wide range of business needs. Go to or leverage on another research DB to look at articles related to the IT solution you are acquiring and share the analysis on key vendors, product trends, and market potential.
In Week 5 lecture notes, under the heading Commercial Acquisitions, there are references to three readings. Determine if any of them apply to your project. If so, why? If not, why not?
NOTE: This is a research paper, not a Q&A session. The questions above are intended to be used as guidelines for your research paper.
Double spaced
Word count (1800 to 2000 words), only applies to the body of the paper, EXCLUDING title page, abstract, & references
Cite at least twelve (12) references

NEED TO FOLLOW AND TALK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Topic: Employment Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question chosen: Many people predict that artificial intelligence will impact employment in various ways. What do young Emiratis (United Arab Emirates) think will be the implications for their future employment prospects?
Hypothesis: Young Emiratis believe that the increasing influence of artificial intelligence will both create new job opportunities and pose challenges to traditional employment sectors, shaping a dynamic landscape for their future employment prospects.
Based on the above information I need to write a literature review and put APA reference, as you can see instructions and 2 sample works from different topics are available in the files.*NOTE: The lecture review should include both indirect and direct citations with (name, date, pg)…refer to sample *
Comments from Customer

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying the urban expansion phenomenon of Copenhagen and understanding how demand-responsive transport (DRT) and autonomous mobility systems can be seen as public transport solutions to facilitate the integration of artificial islands like Lynetteholm, land reclamation project to be completed in 2070, to tackle the challenge of lack of housing and urban expansion. The thesis is part of the completion of my masters in Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering at TU Delft. However I am working so I cannot fully focus on my thesis so I dragged it for a year now and is my chance to finish it.
I have drafts and feedback from my supervisors, so I will attach everything in the assignment.
Please keep close to what has already been done in my (a bit messy) drafts. I’ll try to be as clear as possible with my instructions, and I hope my supervisors won’t have too much feedback after you complete the thesis.
Ps: TU Delft has a strict ANTI Chat GPT scan process. Please don’t make it entirely through chat gpt as it will be penalised. I know that I have selected the “academic writing” package which is the one where you write everything from scratch but I will still send you material to review and draw from. This is because my supervisors have already read my work and gave me feedback. However, I need you to put in the highest quality of work (and send me a document with all the processes for the research) so that I can deliver a high quality thesis and be able to “Defend” it. In TU Delft we “defend” our theses, meaning that we will have a 90 minutes oral assessment on the thesis, with questions about methodology, data collection, reasoning and processes. Therefore, I’ll need you to explain these to me in a separate document, despite majority of material being presented to you already. Please also review the CBA part, as I am not sure about the quality of it and the data reliability but maybe you can review it and incorporate the feedback of my supervisors.
Read all the feedback given to me and follow the structure (in the index section) that I wrote at the beginning of the draft document so that you know in what order the parts should come one after the other. The worst thing for me is the methodology. This is the part where I struggle the most, especially because I am using secondary data, literature review, and secondarily sourced numbers for the CBA from a Cost-benefit analysis done by a consultancy company Arup which need to be adapted to our Copenhagen case. My supervisors also want me to make the thesis on a conceptual level, since we are dealing with very innovative and breakthrough mobility solutions (DRT + Autonomous Water Mobility). They also want me to indicate and study the option of Roboat and potential routes that the ferry can take from Langelinie Marina to where Lynetteholm will be constructed (design potential routes the ferry can take), the costs of building and operating ferries (which I can give you in consultation) and how the service will can estimate an increase of passenger demand? How can the price be influenced by the utility of a service? consider researching price elasticity.
Would be happy to get on a call to explain further. but find attached all links about my first draft thesis + feedback + other parts I wanted to incorporate in the thesis and don’t know how to fix properly. First draft of thesis:
Feedback of supervisors through email, google docs comments and my personal notes taken during video calls with them:–lzozGfo5Fkfd3BCXVriQxT8egc42YJ0/edit
More content I want to incorporate into the thesis about DRT + Autonomous Mobility to incorporate into the first draft of thesis:
again, the material might be messy for you so I’d like to get on a call asap to explain what needs to be done so we don’t waste time.

To position yourself in the best possible way to succeed in your career field, y

To position yourself in the best possible way to succeed in your career field, you need to start researching your professional development now. As part of this, focus on the voluntary professional certifications (McKillip, 2000) your career field offers it’s professionals. First, consider what career you want to have. Second, visit and search for jobs that relate to your career. Read thru several of the job postings and determine what voluntary professional certifications your industry recognizes and rewards professionally.
Submit an approx 250 word response in .doc or .rtf file format on a voluntary professional certification in or related to your career field. Grading will be based on:
– Topic coverage
– Personal reflection
– Correct APA format – citations, references, paragraph and double-spacing, etc.
– Writing standards
McKillip, J. (July 2000). Voluntary Professional Certifications: Requirements and Validation Activities. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Retrieved online 31 Jan 2011.

NEED TO FOLLOW AND TALK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Topic: Employment Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question chosen: Many people predict that artificial intelligence will impact employment in various ways. What do young Emiratis (United Arab Emirates) think will be the implications for their future employment prospects?
Hypothesis: Young Emiratis believe that the increasing influence of artificial intelligence will both create new job opportunities and pose challenges to traditional employment sectors, shaping a dynamic landscape for their future employment prospects.
Based on the above information I need to write a literature review and put APA reference, as you can see instructions and 2 sample works from different topics are available in the files.*NOTE: The lecture review should include both indirect and direct citations with (name, date, pg)…refer to sample *
Comments from Customer

A WBS is prepared for the two or three best alternative solutions. They will dep

A WBS is prepared for the two or three best alternative solutions. They will depict the scope and expected cost of each alternative. A WBS breaks the work down into task or work packages (we will refer to them as tasks). These tasks must be analyzed to determine the resources that will be required to successfully perform them. In preparing a WBS, it is very important to obtain good estimates of labor hours, labor costs, and the cost of other resources for the tasks in each phase. This makes it possible to make an informed estimate of the probable cost of a proposed solution. The cost information also serves as inputs into the Template 7 economic analysis software. The economic analysis enables the IPT to compare the two or three best alternative solutions from a financial standpoint.

What is Machine Learning, and AI? What is robotic process automation (RPA)? What

What is Machine Learning, and AI? What is robotic process automation (RPA)? What are Generative AI and Large Language Models? Why and how are organizations using these things to create business value? What are some of the concerns? (Research on your own). I have 2 requests for the writer. 1st one is that English is my second language, so when it comes to writing essay my word choices are not the best. 2nd is that this is only a simple brief so any sources are fine and it doesn’t have to be a scholarly source, HOWEVER, please write everything in your own word as he is very clear about it. His instruction is” If your first paragraph contains material copied from internet sources you will receive a zero, and you may get points taken off if 50% or more of your paper is identified from internet sources.” Included below are my writing skills and style for reference.

What is IT Service Management? What is ITIL & ITSM? What is the concept of “DevO

What is IT Service Management? What is ITIL & ITSM? What is the concept of “DevOps” and Continuous Integration / Continuously Deployment? (Research on your own). I have 2 requests for the writer. 1st one is that English is my second language, so when it comes to writing essay my word choices are not the best. 2nd is that this is only a simple brief so any sources are fine and it doesn’t have to be a scholarly source, HOWEVER, please write everything in your own word as he is very clear about it. His instruction is” If your first paragraph contains material copied from internet sources you will receive a zero, and you may get points taken off if 50% or more of your paper is identified from internet sources.” Included below are my writing skills and style for reference.

What is Machine Learning, and AI? What is robotic process automation (RPA)? What

What is Machine Learning, and AI? What is robotic process automation (RPA)? What are Generative AI and Large Language Models? Why and how are organizations using these things to create business value? What are some of the concerns? (Research on your own). I have 2 requests for the writer. 1st one is that English is my second language, so when it comes to writing essay my word choices are not the best. 2nd is that this is only a simple brief so any sources are fine and it doesn’t have to be a scholarly source, HOWEVER, please write everything in your own word as he is very clear about it. His instruction is” If your first paragraph contains material copied from internet sources you will receive a zero, and you may get points taken off if 50% or more of your paper is identified from internet sources.” Included below are my writing skills and style for reference.

Big Data, Columnar Databases and No SQL – What’s the impact; why and when is it

Big Data, Columnar Databases and No SQL – What’s the impact; why and when is it important? (Research on your own). I have 2 requests for the writer. 1st one is that English is my second language, so when it comes to writing essay my word choices are not the best. 2nd is that this is only a simple brief so any sources are fine and it doesn’t have to be a scholarly source, HOWEVER, please write everything in your own word as he is very clear about it. His instruction is” If your first paragraph contains material copied from internet sources you will receive a zero, and you may get points taken off if 50% or more of your paper is identified from internet sources.” Included below are my writing skills and style for reference.