Answer the 6 questions according to the case. And it must be done within five ho

Answer the 6 questions according to the case. And it must be done within five hours.Computational problems require detailed procedures and explanations. Other questions require detailed answers. Answering these questions requires the application of appropriate supply chain knowledge.

Alliance is a service in which customers pay a flat-rate to Alliance Air and are

Alliance is a service in which customers pay a flat-rate to Alliance Air and are guaranteed a seat on an airplane between any two locations. To offer this service, Alliance Air pre-purchases daily seats between every pair of major cities. A route, which has been growing in popularity, is between Phoenix and Dallas. Alliance Air is seeking your advice on how many seats to pre-purchase between these two cities so that they maximize their daily profit.
Whenever an Alliance Air customer flies on a pre-purchased seat, Alliance Air obtains $150 in profit. However, if not all of the pre-purchased seats are taken, then Alliance Air has a profit of -$80 by selling the seats at a discount to passengers outside of their customer base. In addition, if Alliance Air has more customers seeking a seat than they have pre-purchased, Alliance Air is forced to book that passenger on a seat purchased that day. In this case, Alliance Air has a profit of -$70 due to the high cost of same-day flights.
Alliance Air understands that its demand is uncertain. Therefore, they have been keeping track of their historical daily demand.
Using this information, complete the following tasks/questions:
Develop an Excel spreadsheet model which can calculate the daily profits for Alliance Air, assuming any particular demand for that day and that Alliance Air pre-purchased 37 seats on the plane. Hint: Your model should include an understock and an overstock formulas.
Fit distribution to Historical Demand data to find a statistical distribution that fits these data best. Then apply this distribution to your demand, and set-up your spreadsheet as a simulation model using daily profits as an output. Run a simulation assuming Alliance Air pre-purchased 37 seats on a plane. What is the average daily profit in this scenario?
How many seats would you recommend Alliance Air to pre-purchase if they wanted to maximize their average daily profit? To answer this question, modify the number of Pre-Purchased Daily Seats from 25 to 55 (in the increments of 5) and fill in the table provided with statistics about the expected daily profits (Note that the average, min and max might keep changing slightly as you record those values, that’s ok). What are the minimum and maximum daily profits if they were to purchase this quantity?
IMPORTANT: A. Please complete the problems using Excel, answer the questions asked in Word, and then submit both files.
B. You do not have to automate your table (you can if you wish). Just run six simulations and input your values manually.
C. As during the in-class example, you will need to directly apply your distribution to your uncertain input cell

Guiding questions:How can AI influence the competitiveness in manufacturing comp

Guiding questions:How can AI influence the competitiveness in manufacturing companies?
How can AI influence the competitiveness in service companies?
How can AI influence the operation in companies?
How can AI influence the supply chain operations in companies

Directions Answers should be submitted for both chapters on one Microsoft Word d

Answers should be submitted for both chapters on one Microsoft Word document and are due by Sunday midnight (CST) each unit.
You should indicate the appropriate question number and write out the full question before answering the question (see example below). You do not need to cite your answers if they come from the text. You must site any additional resources.
Answers should contain full sentences and should address ALL parts of the question; grammar and spelling should be correct.
Chapter 13 Study Questions: Page 454. Answer Q8 and Q10.

Introduction This project provides a project scenario to complete via an Excel s

This project provides a project scenario to complete via an Excel spreadsheet. Includes two data sets and questions to answer for both data sets. This project requires you to use several analytical tools to arrange, display and analyze data.
Download and review the following files:
Project Excel file for completing this project: LG415_Course_Project.xlsxDownload LG415_Course_Project.xlsx (Attached)
Additional project information you will need to know in order to create the charts and perform the analyses correctly: LG415_Project_Additional_Info.docx Download LG415_Project_Additional_Info.docx (Attached)
Review the following for more information about creating X-bar and R and S Control Charts in Excel: Project VideoLinks to an external site. (See above video)
Read the following scenario to begin and complete the steps below.
You are the Quality Manager for Widgets, Inc. You have just won a contract to produce a specialized widget that the customer requires a very tight specification limit. This widget is to be 5.50” in length, plus or minus .50”. This gives the total specification limit of 5.00” to 6.00”.
You have set up the production line to produce a test run of the widgets (Data Set 1). The sample size consists of a total of 20 samples per run, with a total of four (4) runs. A total of 80 samples will be used to determine if the process is capable of producing the widgets within specification.
Due to the specifications of the customer, and the setup of the manufacturing processes, the systematic random sampling technique was used to ensure that samples from each run were collected at the same point in time on different days. This provides the basis for the X-bar chart to group the sample from each run into logical subgroups.
Perform the following for:
Data Set 1
Date Set 2
X-Bar Charts Requirements
Calculate the subgroup mean for each numbered sample
Calculate the grand mean and standard deviation of the subgroup samples
Calculate the UCL and LCL of the grouped samples
Create the X-bar chart
Provide detailed analysis of the X-bar chart
IM Chart Requirements
To ensure that the process in actually producing individual widgets within specification limits, you have decided to use an Individual Measurement chart that will plot each of the 80 samples against a calculated UCL and LCL, as well as plotting the data against the customer specification limits.
Stack the sample data (place the run data into a single column. Run 1 first, Run 2 second, etc)
Using the Data Analysis Toolpak, create the Descriptive Statistics for the stacked data
Using the Descriptive Statistics output, calculate the UCL and LCL
Create the IM chart using the calculated UCL and LCL
Recopy the stacked data, and enter the customer specification limits
Create the IM chart of the sample data against the customer specifications
Provide a detailed analysis of both IM charts
Answer Questions for Data Sets
Answer the questions on the “Questions DS 1 or DS 2” tab on the spreadsheet, and follow the instructions.

Assignment: Answer the three (3) questions at the end of Case 8.2 Resources: Cou

Assignment: Answer the three (3) questions at the end of Case 8.2
Resources: Course Textbook and the Internet
Acceptable Length: Well-written response must be at least 100 words (failure to meet word count will result in points deducted.). Page 305 out of 518

1. Exercise 5 on p. 303 2. Exercise 6 on p. 303 3. Exercise 8 on p. 303 4. Exerc

1. Exercise 5 on p. 303
2. Exercise 6 on p. 303
3. Exercise 8 on p. 303
4. Exercise 13 on p. 304
5. Exercise 14 on p. 304Submission Format:
 Submit your answers in a Word document.
 Optionally, if you use Excel for calculations, you can embed the Excel
sheets into the Word document

Simulation Experiental Exercise – SEE- 2 Purpose To estimate the cost vs time ex

Simulation Experiental Exercise – SEE- 2
To estimate the cost vs time expenditures. {Project Team}
Build a graph of the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) vs the project periods. Discuss any obvious issues with the project as it is planned.
BCWS vs. time chart and short discussion of issues. BCWS = Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
BCWS is also = Planned Value (PV)
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.
Approach the assignment from the perspective of a project management of a company.

اريد حل وافي وكافي لهذا المشروع ولابد ان تكون الشركة داخل السعودية The project r

اريد حل وافي وكافي لهذا المشروع ولابد ان تكون الشركة داخل السعودية
The project requirements are:
– Give the different types of technologies used in the busines organization.
– The impact of these technologies on the organization running (with detailed data).
– If there is any change in the organization mode of working, explain how these technologies have contributed to these changes.
– Present the persons with whom you have dealt.
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