View the presentation on capitalism (links) and the reading on the impact of the

View the presentation on capitalism (links) and the reading on the impact of the fluctuating gasoline prices on the trucking industry. Compose an essay that will integrate these various concepts. The theme of the paper should center on how fluctuating diesel (fuel) prices will influence the growth of capitalism and impact the gap between current and future goals. The discussion needs to address how the future planning, plans and capabilities of an enterprise will be impacted. For your enterprise, you may either use a trucking industry enterprise or an enterprise from another industry of your choice. Through this paper, the reader will be able to see how the fluctuation in fuel prices can influence financial, physical and structural capital. As part of your paper, you need to develop a frame of reference that will be the basis for the remainder of the paper. This frame of reference should include both an internal and external perspective of the situation and should be developed in the form of a SWOT or QFD analysis. You will be using this paper again in week six to develop a problem-solving case analysis based on these readings. You should have a minimum of 2-3 pages (1 inch margins) of discussion (single space). This does not include your title and reference page. Be sure to include the following:
An introduction providing background information on the subject and the content of the paper
The frame of reference which forms the basis of the remainder of the paper
Your understanding of the readings and the Essentials of Capitalism presentation
The SWOT analysis
A conclusion summarizing the key points of your paper

i need to slied and excel to show what the 1- Client Segmentation (in Portfolio

i need to slied and excel to show what the 1- Client Segmentation (in Portfolio excel sheet you will find all date you need). 2- Termination Impact (in lost in Portfolio excel sheet use this date to know what the impact to portfolio sheet).
need summery in 2 slied PowerPoint and chart

Compose an essay (single space) discussing quantitative and qualitative models.

Compose an essay (single space) discussing quantitative and qualitative models. The discussion should include a summary of the differences between the two types of models, when each is appropriate and examples of each type of model. You should incorporate information from your previous assignment in your essay. Your essay should be at least 600 words in length.

Guidelines: Read the case study carefully as well as the Rubric so that you know

Read the case study carefully as well as the Rubric so that you know what you will be graded on. Don’t lose points because you didn’t include something that is in the Rubric.
NOTE: for the file label use what is shown. The ‘title’ is ‘XYZ Tech’, not some arbitrary title you have decided to use.
Please read the APA summary sheet so that you do not lose points for formatting properly

Ch 13 Q9.-What are the potential benefits and disadvantages of employing local t

Ch 13 Q9.-What are the potential benefits and disadvantages of employing local third parties in the operation of supply chains?
Ch 14 Q3.-Are supply chains for services the same as for physical goods? Identify some of the similarities and differences.
Ch 15 Q7.-Social networks are extremely important to an increasing number of consumers. Can social networking be utilized in a supply chain? If so, how can it be done?
Ch 16 Q5.Which are more important: cost or service metrics? Provide support for your position.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a supply chain case study and need the explanation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a supply chain case study and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
The instructions are attached. The rubric is detailed in this post. Follow the directions accordingly. Make sure to include graphs, tables, etc.
Module B – Linear Programming Applications in Marketing, Finance, and Operations Management
Case Study #4: Planning an Advertising Campaign
Grading Rubric- Make Sure to Include all portions of the Grading Rubric in the paper…identify them in Bold letters.
Define, model and solve the LP problem (40 pts)
The linear programming model ( 20 pts ) broken out as …Define your decision variables (5 pts)
Objective function (5 pts)
Constraints (5 pts)
Using the shadow price to determine the total exposure rating (5 pts)Was the additional $10K worthwhile?
Prepare a spreadsheet model ( 20 pts )Determined the optimal solution (5 pts)
Was able to validate the model results (5 pts)
Conducted the sensitivity analysis for part 2 solution, OR
Reran model to determine new optimal solution and value based on $10K increase (5 pts)
Optimized the correct objective function (maximize the exposure rating and not new customers being added) (5 pts)