Please solve the questions below using the Excel sheet where you’ll need to use

Please solve the questions below using the Excel sheet where you’ll need to use the Solver feature on excel. The Excel sheet already contains some information of the answer so it will be helpful, so it shouldn’t take long. The questions are listed below. The Excel sheet is attached.
give me the excel sheet as the submition also the answers of the questions on a word document
Homework Assignment – Network Design
1.Please read the “Managing a Merger at Lightning Networks” Case study on page 135-137 of your course textbook “Supply Chain Management, Strategy, Planning, and Operation” and then answer the following questions. ( just sove the excel and it hsould be fine while answering the questions below)
Please feel free to use the Excel spreadsheet available to you as part of this homework assignment – As a guidance, some of the calculations are provided to you in the Excel file.
a.What is the annual cost if Lightning uses the current network (with warehouses specialized as in Table 5-17) optimally to meet European demand? (30 points)
b.Should Simone make all warehouses flexible given the additional cost of 200,000 euro per year? (30 points)

A group presentation is NOT required for this project. Hard copies for project p

A group presentation is NOT required for this project.
Hard copies for project paper due at 6 pm when class starts.
I will make a presentation on tariff codes and Ford Transit case as our guest speaker isn’t available this semester so that you have the full picture and context for this activity.
attache below document

Supply Chain MRP Assignment. For the assignment I am to construct inventory stat

Supply Chain MRP Assignment.
For the assignment I am to construct inventory status records for all parts as listed on the BOM worksheet. How in the world do I at least get started with this assignment? I believe I understand the MPS worksheet and you just apply yield and finite numbers but I am totally lost when it comes to the Parts worksheet. I would like this assignment solved or at best started and for someone to explain what the heck I need to do to complete all of it. I feel like its simple and I am just totally overthinking it…

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Write a paper that analyzes CSX Transportation Financials in the United States.
Use current data (no more than 12 months old).
Discuss the following: Return on Investment, Return on Total Assets, Return on Equity, Operating Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, Working Capital Turnover, Current Ratio, Earnings Per Share on Common Stock, Price-Earnings Ratio, and Dividends Yield.
Don’t just report the ‘numbers,’ explain what they mean.
Cite your sources
Have a introduction and a conclusion with a reference page.
There is no word limit
Requirements: Please be sure to Address and Meet all of the Requirements Listed Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.

the company we created name is Pheonix we are a reseller. In these 4 slides ( th

the company we created name is Pheonix we are a reseller. In these 4 slides ( the slides 9-12) just need you to write what happened in quarter 1 until quarter 4, by reading out the charts in the slides and I’m going to give the access to the simulation project so you can access the information.

This assignment is an individual assignment. Due date for Assignment 2 is 04/05/

This assignment is an individual assignment.
Due date for Assignment 2 is 04/05/2024
The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Logistics Management
Submission Date by students:Before 4/5/24
Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre
Weight: 10 Marks
Learning Outcome:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice.
2. Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles.
3. Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.
Assignment Workload:
This assignment is an individual assignment.

Critical Thinking
In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable, and dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply chain management becomes more sophisticated and the difference between what firms want to achieve and what they can do in-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right thing becomes more interesting than doing everything. Accordingly, they become better focused and more specialized by outsourcing and offshoring activities that are far from their core businesses. In many cases, firms decide to outsource this function in whole or in part to agents or third-party logistics firms.
Using this concept of offshoring and outsourcing answer the following questions by conceding any Saudi Local company or any Multinational company.

1.What are the roles of Third-party logistics firms in the smooth running of Supply chain process of a multinational organization? (3 Mark)
2.What are the motivational factors for companies going internationally? (3 Mark)
3.On what ground do companies choose developing countries’ locations for offshoring? Use examples. (Mention the country and decisive factors) (3 Mark)
4.References (Use APA style of referencing (1 Mark)
The Answer must follow the Keyword/ outline points below:
Each answer should be 300 to 400 range of word counts.
Outsourcing, offshoring, Third Party Logistics
Their Main functions
Motivational Factors /Drivers
Reasons with suitable Examples
Note: You can support your answer by reading your book.
You can use secondary source available on internet.

The deliverable should be a clear, concise, and compelling write-up that covers

The deliverable should be a clear, concise, and compelling write-up that covers the four sections described above. Your write-up should be no longer than two pages of text—i.e., 900 words—plus exhibits. Show your word count in the upper-right corner. In addition, you must submit your Excel spreadsheet including the Scorecard and Financial Analysis. It is expected that you will include formulas in the cells where appropriate. Be sure your ratio and scorecard printouts are clear and accurate. Also, be sure your summary clearly communicates your recommendation.**
Please follow the instructions below:
Evaluate individual suppliers. Each member of the group will select one of the suppliers from the initial supplier list for evaluation. This part of the project is to be completed and submitted individually. (No in-class update)
It is expected that you will use headings and sub-headings to organize your paper. Each individual should do the following as part of the analysis of his or her supplier:
Supplier Description (no longer than 150 words):
Provide basic demographic information. Where is the company headquartered? How big is it—revenue and number of employees?
Be sure to explain why you are considering this particular company. That is, why did this company make it to your finalist list? How does it fit the strategic needs of your company?
Supplier Scorecard Results (no longer than 300-500 words):
Any suggested revisions to your scorecard from Part 3 must be made prior to submitting Part 4
In this section, you will assign ratings to each of the scorecard criteria for your supplier. Please be sure not to discuss with your teammates the score you assign for your supplier unless you are using a “relative method of measurement” requiring the scores to be shared. Scores should be determined individually. You will have an opportunity in Part 5 to collaborate on the scoring and make any appropriate adjustments. Discuss the highlights related to your scorecard analysis. Share the most important facts, i.e., the ones that lead to your score in the evaluation. For instance,
What does each unit cost? What is its on-time delivery record? What is the defect rate?
Does the supplier run lean, six-sigma programs?
Is the supplier a leader in corporate social responsibility – do they have CSR certifications?
Does the supplier have the capacity/scale to meet your needs?
Can the supplier fulfill your orders from multiple plants/stocking points around the world?
The highlights should be associated with EACH OF the criteria you identified as important to the selection process. If you find something unexpected during the research, be sure to share this as well.
Include three tables in your appendix:
A table with the scorecard results for this supplier (also submitted in Excel)
A table summarizing your justification for the score assigned for each criterion.
A table summarizing the complete financial analysis (see below- also submitted in Excel)
Financial Analysis and Evaluation (no longer than 200-300 words):
Describe the financial health of your supplier by interpreting the ratios. Be sure to highlight the ratios that gave you insights into the supplier’s health—or lack thereof.
Provide a table that clearly shows the financial ratios (see Appendix II for details). Calculate these ratios for the past three years. (A spreadsheet will make the number crunching easier – I expect to see formulas in the appropriate cells). Use this analysis to consider trends that might affect the supplier’s future financial stability. If a ratio cannot be calculated, explain why. The ratios must be accurate.
Recommendation (no longer than 100 words): Is the supplier a viable option? Why? How strong of a recommendation would you give the supplier? Can you/should you argue for your group to select this supplier?
REFERENCE LIST: Include a reference list of all the sources used to gather the information for your analysis. In addition to the company’s publicly available documents (e.g., 10-k), you are expected to search for information in trade and popular press. DO NOT DISTRACT ME BY OMITTING REFERENCES!
This analysis is the input for the final discussion and decision. That is, for the final deliverable, each group member’s individual supplier information will be entered into the comparative scorecard spreadsheet. It is critical that each member of the group carries out their own share of the work by doing an excellent job of supplier analysis.

5-7 peer-reviewed journals:

5-7 peer-reviewed journals:
Example Template for the STOP Paper:
Demographic information about the organization: industry classification; markets, locations, # of employees, products & services, operations, suppliers, other pertinent information
How does this supply chain support the organization’s strategic goals?
How does this supply chain currently support the United Nations’ 17 Goals of Sustainable Development?
What are the strengths of this supply chain?
What are the weaknesses of this supply chain?
What metrics does the organization utilize for its supply chain?
What transportation improvements has it implemented for operations?
What should be the next steps be to improve operations of the supply chain in support of the 17 Goals?
Provide details to support your conclusions.
This is a continuation of your STOP research paper from prior assignments.
ASSIGNMENT Week 6-Part 3 is the detailed outline of your plan with your beginning research but with a minimum of facts and information from 5-7 peer-reviewed or other journal sources from the APUS Library or Information Literacy Toolbox provided in this course. This is 5-7 pages of written copy or content. Also include title page, references page using APA 7th edition style. Microsoft WORD document format. Grading Criteria:
Percentage Scale 100 Point Scale
Integration of course concepts30%30 points
Completeness of analysis30%30 points
Logically supported conclusions, recommendations20%20 points
Bibliographic support, APA format10%10 point
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation10%10 point
TOTAL100%100 points

Discussion 1 Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Review Chapters

Discussion 1 Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,
Review Chapters 13 and 14 in the course textbook Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence.
Review the weekly lecture for this week.
Understanding and assessing your organization’s culture can mean the difference between success and failure in today’s fast-changing business environment.
In your discussion post, address the following:
What is organizational culture, and how are cultural values reflected in organizations?
What impact does organizational culture have on TQM practices and principles?
Can an organization change its organizational culture to promote TQM practices and principles?
Is it easy to change organizational culture?
What are common barriers to change?
What are some questions that organizations must ask and steps they must take in the change management process?
Also cover the following in your post:
Imagine you were asked to describe your organization.What 10 words would you use to describe your company?
What is really important? What does your organization reward and recognize?
How would you assess your organization’s culture?
What is a learning organization?Select an organization of your choice, and explain why you think they are or are not an effective learning organization.
Discussion 2
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,Review Chapters 13 and 14 in the course textbook Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence.
Review the weekly lecture for this week.
In your discussion post,Assess key supplier–management approaches.What are their strengths and weaknesses?
What approach do you think the organization you selected uses?
How does your selected organization benefit from the approach, and if it does not benefit from their approach, why not?
Apply at least two supplier–management approaches or models to your organization, and explain the benefits and drawbacks specific to your selected organization.