Objective: The objective of this assignment is to enable students to research a

The objective of this assignment is to enable students to research and report on the specific concept of ABC Inventory Management, its advantages, and its implementation in the supply chain.
Research and find relevant sources about ABC Inventory Management, including articles, academic papers, and industry reports as your references.
Write a report that includes the following sections:
Introduction: Provide an overview of ABC Inventory Management and its importance in the supply chain.
Advantages of ABC Inventory Management: Discuss the benefits of ABC Inventory Management, including better inventory control, improved cash flow, and more efficient use of resources.
ABC Analysis: Explain the ABC analysis method used in ABC Inventory Management, including how it works and how to implement it.
Implementation of ABC Inventory Management: Describe the steps involved in implementing ABC Inventory Management in a supply chain, including how to classify inventory items, how to set up inventory levels, and how to monitor inventory performance.
Case studies: Provide examples of companies that have successfully implemented ABC Inventory Management and the benefits they have achieved.
Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the report and provide recommendations for companies interested in implementing ABC Inventory Management.
The report should be 5-7 pages long, APA style formatting the body and for citations and references.

Question I- Eddie Embezzler has worked for Betty Boss for many years as an accou

Question I- Eddie Embezzler has worked for Betty Boss for many years as an accountant. During his employment, Eddie has taken thousands of dollars from Betty’s business. As a result, Betty has suffered. Did Eddie violate a criminal law, a civil law, or both? Explain.
Question II – Two (2) high ranking managers of Anrun Corp. know that the company’s revenue is rapidly declining. However, at a recent shareholder meeting, they tell the shareholders to expect record profits in the next quarter. Explain the three Blanchard and Peale questions that these two managers should have asked themselves before the shareholders’ meeting.
Question III – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?
Questions IV – During the course of a divorce proceeding, the judge orders the husband and wife attempt to settle their custody dispute through the mediation process. During the course of the mediation, the husband tells the mediator that he has secretly been selling marijuana to their children’s friends. Ultimately, the mediation breaks down and the parties cannot come to a settlement. During the divorce trial, can the wife introduce the mediator’s testimony as evidence?
Requirements of essay:
There is no minimum or maximum required number of pages. Your analysis will be considered complete, if it addresses each of the 4 components outlined above.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. A minimum of 7 sources (excluding the course textbook) from scholarly articles or business periodicals is required.
Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.

The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 1. Read and study the c

The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 1. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysis. Questions should be answered using case study format. Ensure that you adequately explain the problem, describe alternative solutions and justify your recommendation. This exercise should be able to be completed in approximately 3-6 doubled space pages. Attached completed Case Study #1 as a MS Word document in the assignment area of the classroom – Case Study #1.
Case Study 1
Case Study Outline (see Outline for Case Analysis below)
Title Page (APA formatted)
Case Name:
I. Major Facts
(State here the major facts as you see them. Make statements clear and concise for your own understanding as well as for the understanding of the other students and the instructor.)
II. Major Problem
(State here the major problem as you see it. Emphasize the present major problem. You may wish to phrase your statement in the form of a question. In a few cases, there may be more than one major problem. A good problem statement will be concise, usually only one sentence.)
III. Possible Solutions
A. (List here the possible solutions to the major problem. Let your imagination come up with alternative ways to solve the problem.
B. Do not limit yourself to only one or two possible solutions. These solutions should be distinct from each other.
C. However, you may wish to include portions of one solution in another solution, as long as each solution stands alone. Only in this manner will your subsequent choice be definitive.
D. Briefly note advantages and disadvantages of each possible solution.)
IV. Choice and Rationale
(State here your choice, A or B or ___ and the detailed reasons for your choice. You may also state your reasons for not choosing the other alternative solutions.)
V. Implementation
(Prepare a plan to implement your choice)
Appendix (Answer case study questions)
Reference Page (APA formatted)

Chapter 14, “Determining Project Progress and Results.” Topics include: Change c

Chapter 14, “Determining Project Progress and Results.” Topics include:
Change control systems.
Monitoring and controlling risks.
Reporting project progress.
The importance of reporting.
Wall Street Journal, “U.S. port backups are extending into freight rail supply chains,” Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-port-backups-are-extending-into-freight-rail-supply-chains-11656094494?mod=hp_minor_pos13
One year ago ports were back upped, not one year later, ships yards have a lot of empty containers.
Wall Street Journal, “Idled ships, empty containers. Ocean shipping faces biggest slump in years” link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/idled-ships-empty-containers-ocean-shipping-faces-its-biggest-slump-in-years-6f8dfcc4?mod=article_inline
Please read Chapter 14 and the Wall Street Journal articles before answering the questions below.
How could transportation and logistics operators work to develop a balanced scorecard for project determination (Exhibit 14.1) focused on reduced demand and empty containers?
How could project progress communication, either from the ports or freight rail supply chains, help with the empty containers?
Last discussion board question: Please tell the class 3 concepts that you learned more about, or learned about for the first time. How will you be able to utilize that knowledge in future projects?

The past sales history for Store G is provided in the table below. Using the sa

The past sales history for Store G is provided in the table below.
Using the sales provided for Years 1 and 2 (Periods 1-24) determine the seasonality index for each month. Remove seasonality from the data by dividing each period by the associated seasonality index. Forecast the sales for each month of Year 3 using time series forecasting (trend projection) on the de-seasonalized data. Then multiply the Year 3 monthly values by the seasonality index to determine the re-seasonalized forecast. Use the method for determining seasonality provided in Canvas. Do not use the method provided in Meredith. Report the MAD value for the re-seasonalized forecast.
MonthYearPeriodStore G
May 1581,929
May 21795,439
You have now moved through the next year and have the sales data available for this year:
MonthYearPeriodStore G
May 32994,898
Use only Year 1 and Year 2 to create the forecast, then compare that forecast to the sales for Year 3.

Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required.

Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. An overall course total of 70 points is required to pass the course. Due dates and
times are always in Geneva time.
Course MSTCO303 – Innovation in Materials and Technology (3CH/4ECTS)
Instructor Edel Drage
Assessment 2- Final
Description Due date and
Weight of
course total
Task Description: The students have to develop a communication strategy for the implementation of a new material
/technology across the different product categories of a world-leading firm.
Core Aim:
With the help of research, analysis, and insight from this course, the students should be able to roadmap the feasibility of a worldleading brand to reach Net-Zero Emissions in all production by the year 2050.
Core proposal: World-leading label
Core problem: Sustainability
Core challenge: Net-Zero by 2050 in all production
Core Objectives:
To find the dialogue between material, function and form, where the product starts taking form.
To get an insight into the digital manufacturing process
To come up with a socially responsible production
Core Outcome:
Innovative solution based on new technology development
Long-term and stable customer satisfaction & long-term financial growth (preferably built on an omnichannel approach)
Assessment type: Written
Wordcount: 2500
Upload as a pdf document in Moodle
For further details of this assessment task, please consult the activity description on the relevant week of the course site.
To help you structure:
Task name
Table of Contents
Executive summary
PART 1 (Wordcount: 500-600)
Material Understanding
A brief introduction to the evolution of materials through the different decades
Material classification; different families of materials
The Problem; Future Scenario
New Material/Technology Introduction
Technical and sensorial properties:
Circular Design Thinking:
Company Introduction
History, heritage, mission, vision, values, and product range (from its beginning until today)
Sustainable communication strategy analysis
– Environmental Certainties / Uncertainties (PESTEL)
– Certainties / Uncertainties by applying the material or technology (SWOT)
The problem contextualized
PART 2 (Wordcount: 2000)
Proposal of New Application
Develop a justified marketing plan for the brand, built on an omnichannel approach
3 SMART Marketing Objectives
Objectives Explained
Propose 5 marketing activities the brand can apply with the purpose to reach net-zero emission, with justified tactics and KPIs.
When, to whom, with what product, and in which channels
Campaign Summary
Approach: Omnichannel
Marketing content:
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirementsWordcount: 2500
Upload as a pdf document in Moodle
For further details of this assessment task, please consult the activity description on the relevant week of the course site.
To help you structure:
Task name
Table of Contents
Executive summary
PART 1 (Wordcount: 500-600)
Material Understanding
A brief introduction to the evolution of materials through the different decades
Material classification; different families of materials
The Problem; Future Scenario
New Material/Technology Introduction
Technical and sensorial properties:
Circular Design Thinking:
Company Introduction
History, heritage, mission, vision, values, and product range (from its beginning until today)
Sustainable communication strategy analysis
Sustainable communication strategy analysis
– Environmental Certainties / Uncertainties (PESTEL)
– Certainties / Uncertainties by applying the material or technology (SWOT)
The problem contextualized
PART 2 (Wordcount: 2000)
Proposal of New Application
Develop a justified marketing plan for the brand, built on an omnichannel approach
3 SMART Marketing Objectives
Objectives Explained
Propose 5 marketing activities the brand can apply with the purpose to reach net-zero emission, with justified tactics and KPIs.
When, to whom, with what product, and in which channels
Campaign Summary
Approach: Omnichannel
Marketing content:
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements

I have a file that we can collaborate. It is about the procedures of an orgnziat

I have a file that we can collaborate. It is about the procedures of an orgnziation. I need a preamp and a working method. I have 3 files, two files, the event support function and the warehouse, each word must be present in the procedures. but the third one will be a guide to help you understand the picture.

Step 3: Development of Possible Solutions Once we have the situation clearly de

Step 3: Development of Possible Solutions
Once we have the situation clearly defined, we are in a position to develop a set of strategic options that have a reasonable potential to solve the problem. A key problem students face in this step is that they generate a laundry list of a dozen fairly detail-oriented items. These items have a lot more to do with the tactics of implementing a strategy than with presenting alternative strategies from which we will make our selections. For example, if we are addressing issues in a sourcing process the list may include ideas such as:
Ensure active management of contracts to increase transparency with key suppliers
Require more frequent financial analysis of key suppliers to ensure stability
Use dual or multiple sourcing to ensure supply continuity
Maintain updated market information on key materials to expedite new bidding processes
While these may all be good ideas, they are not strategic alternatives. The term alternative suggests an either/or situation. From the list above, you might include several items in your recommendation section. Strategic alternatives should identify basic directions the firm might go with the acquisition of these materials.
One option is always the status quo. You must understand that this is not a means of avoiding a decision. If recommended as the next step, it is a conscious decision, based on a careful evaluation, that the present strategy in use, perhaps with some tactical modifications, is the best course of action in the current situation.
Besides the status quo, you should use creative thinking to come up with several truly strategic alternatives. For a raw material sourcing example, one option might be to avoid the external market altogether and start using internal manufacturing capabilities to make these items in-house. Another alternative would be to use a substitute product/material and avoid using that particular raw material. Another possible option is to redesign the final product (especially if the purchased items are not critical to consumers) and eliminate the need for that item altogether.
Frequently, the underlying problem facing the organization is the failure to have a current, widely used, well-developed supply chain plan. If the analysis indicates this to be the case, conducting a comprehensive strategic supply chain planning process should be one of the alternatives listed. This is one of the few options that might be selected in combination with some other alternative.

Please use the attached 3 sources only about implementation of sustainability i

Please use the attached 3 sources only about implementation of
sustainability in supply chain management Methodology – Analysis of
articles in view of the chosen topics and how they contribute towards the
chosen topic – Findings, Recommendations and Limitations-
Conclusions and Remarks – Reference APA
*Articles will be attached once it’s finalised
1. Article Analysis (300 words)
Analysis of articles in view of the chosen topics and how they contribute towards the chosen topic
2. Findings (900 words)
3. Recommendations (300 words)
4. Limitations (300 words)
5. Conclusions (300 words)
6. Future Directions (300 words)