The objective of this assignment is to conduct research on public warehousing and provide recommendations to the Fishy Foods partners on the possibilities of a public space in Broward County.
Assume that you are the warehouse manager of Fishy Foods, an importer of canned salmon from Chile, South America. Fishy Foods is a startup company that will be receiving simultaneously two twenty-foot (TEU) containers per month, every month. Each unit has a CIF value of $35,000 US dollars. Each unit TEU will bring 20 one-ton pallets for a total each month of 40 pallets. Each pallet will weigh about one ton and be on standard-size pallets and only about 40 inches high. The sales team at Fishy Foods is guaranteed to sell out all of the product each month before the other units arrive. The sales department already has some 60 pre-orders which range from two cases to half pallets. You want to be located wisely for distribution to retailers in Broward County. Since this is a startup, the partners have decided to rent warehouse space in a full-service public warehouse.
Conduct research to find at least two potential spaces that offer services for off unloading the containers, racking the product, and dispatching loose boxes into your delivery trucks, which are small delivery vans.
Retrieve as much information as possible about the spaces, including the charges for complete service, time of service, and insurance coverage.
Your research paper should be 700 words in length.
The research paper should be written in APA format, including a title page, running head, page numbers, in-text citations, and a reference page.
The research paper should include:
an introduction, body, and conclusion.
at least two potential public warehousing options, including information about their services, charges, time of service, and insurance coverage.
include your recommendations on which public warehousing option would be the best fit for Fishy Foods.
be written in a professional manner and provide a clear and concise overview of your research results and recommendations.
The research paper should be submitted on or before the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Category: Supply Chain
DO THE FIRST QUESTION ONLY(Q1) Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what do
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain?
No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA (7th ed) style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Avoid plagiarism
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the suppl
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain?
Ques-2-Discuss the role of present technology and its Impact on the Leanness of E-Procurement Processes.
Ques-3-Examine and Outline the major issues being faced by supply chain manager(s) and how it affects the company they work for.
Ques-4- Information technology offers many valuable capabilities to the enterprise, especially in E-Auction / Negotiation, Discuss.
Ques-5- As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to improve the overall supply chain?
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the suppl
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain?
Ques-2-Discuss the role of present technology and its Impact on the Leanness of E-Procurement Processes.
Ques-3-Examine and Outline the major issues being faced by supply chain manager(s) and how it affects the company they work for.
Ques-4- Information technology offers many valuable capabilities to the enterprise, especially in E-Auction / Negotiation, Discuss.
Ques-5- As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to improve the overall supply chain?
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the suppl
Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain?
Ques-2-Discuss the role of present technology and its Impact on the Leanness of E-Procurement Processes.
Ques-3-Examine and Outline the major issues being faced by supply chain manager(s) and how it affects the company they work for.
Ques-4- Information technology offers many valuable capabilities to the enterprise, especially in E-Auction / Negotiation, Discuss.
Ques-5- As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to improve the overall supply chain?
The assignment requires you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of no more than
The assignment requires you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 10 slides, and convert to PDF before uploading it. The case study is about GENCO Supply Chain Solutions creating a better view for warehouse productivity.
As the owner of a warehouse, you are to identify the problems you are trying to solve and compare the RTLS versus RFI:
Their advantages
How they can fail
How employees can sabotage them
Finally, you will state what you would do and why.
Follow the slide setup below, add Audio to each slide as if you were to present in class.
Slide 1: Title slide
Reference SCM 2221
Title of presentation
Your name
Slide 2: Introduction
Background information on GENCO Supply Chain Solutions
Introduction of the problem
Slide 3: Problems faced
Inaccuracies from manually entered data.
Loss of productivity by operators when scanning and entering location and pallet information
Time-consuming training process
Audit processes due to improper location identification
Slide 4: Value to the operation
Ability to track and verify each move with 100% accuracy.
Mistake-proofed operational process
Productivity gains
More data for equipment utilization
Real-time visibility of operational progress
Slide 5: Optical RTLS Innovation
Use of CCD cameras
Low cost 2D ceiling location markers
Ability to achieve inch accuracy.
Integration with any WMS or ERP solution
Safety features
Slide 6: Comparison between RTLS and RFI
Advantages of each
Advantages of RTLS over RFI
Slide 7: Failure of the System
How RTLS can fail
How employees can sabotage the system
Slide 8: Sabotage of the System
Types of employee sabotage
Consequences of employee sabotage
Slide 9: What would you do and why?
Explanation of chosen system
Reasoning for your choice
Slide 10: Conclusion
Summary of presentation
Final thoughts
Slide 11: References, all in APA format.
Once you complete your presentation, you should save it as a file and submit it as your assignment.
Cite all references using APA format.
PowerPoint presentation, 10 slides in length
APA format
Save your PowerPoint as a PDF file to submit for this assignment.
Question I – Kansas passes a statutes which says all corn must be grown and proc
Question I – Kansas passes a statutes which says all corn must be grown and processed in a certain manner so as to avoid harmful pesticides. This statute is challenged as being unconstitutional. What are the two factors for the court to consider when deciding whether the statute is constitutional?
Question II – If a business does not agree with the decision of a hearing officer, may that business appeal the decision directly to the judicial court system? What steps must the business take to get the case within the judicial system?
Question III – Megatron, Inc. is a company with its principal offices in the United States. For years, Megatron has only operated domestically; however, Megatron’s board of directors now feels it is in the company’s best interests to explore how to do business internationally. Give at least three examples of actions Megatron can take with regards to foreign government officials, which would benefits Meagtron’s international growth without running afoul of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)?
Based on the readings for this week, consider what the supply chain or acquisiti
Based on the readings for this week, consider what the supply chain or acquisition process might look like in the future. For this paper, you will need to find at least one related article from the library that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future in order to reflect on what will change. Feel free to consider new technologies such as self-driving vehicles, drones, 3D printers, and robots on how they might change the future of supply chain management and acquisition. Note that the government is considering some of these new technologies and trying to use these technologies for efficiencies in the future.
Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.
As always, read all the lesson notes in Week 3 before you start this assignment as new or current events may have been updated since the start of class.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Search the Internet and determine the name of at-least 1 activity / task that mu
Search the Internet and determine the name of at-least 1 activity / task that must be carried out in the initiating process group, and one activity / task that must be carried out in the planning process group before the project manager and the project team can began execution of the project?
initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]
For your Week 1 assignment, you will review the Total Quality Management: The Hi
For your Week 1 assignment, you will review the Total Quality Management: The History and the Now video on the ASQ website https://videos.asq.org/tqm-the-history-and-the-now and complete this