• This assignment is an individual assignment • The Assignment must be submitted

• This assignment is an individual assignment
• The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via the allocated folder.
• Students are advised to make their work clear and well-presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling in your information on the cover page.
• Students must mention the question number clearly in their answer.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
• All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Outsourcing and offshoring initiatives can help an organization fine-tune its business model to become more resilient and profitable. At the same time, these initiatives present challenges.
In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable, and dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply chain management becomes more sophisticated and the difference between what firms want to achieve and what they can do in-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right thing becomes more interesting than doing everything. Accordingly, they are becoming better focused and more specialized by outsourcing and offshoring activities that are far from their core businesses. In many cases firms decide to outsource this function in whole or in part to agents or third-party logistics firms.
Using this concept of offshoring and outsourcing answer the questions by taking any Saudi Local company or any Multinational company.
The Answer must follow the Keyword/ outline points below:
• Outsourcing, offshoring, Third Party Logistics
• Their Main functions
• Motivational Factors /Drivers
• Any local example
• Reasons with suitable Examples
• Reference APA style

The company is FEDEX. Please use some of the following sources type to complete.

The company is FEDEX. Please use some of the following sources type to complete. Also provide the link to the source.
US Department of Transportation
Census.gov/econ — for company and industry data. Use 2017 Economic Census
Companies’ websites
Securities and Exchange Commission – to view companies’ 10K.
Wall Street Journal
American Trucking Association
The document contains instructions. Please respond fully to all questions. This is an analysis.

The company is FEDEX. Please use some of the following sources type to complete.

The company is FEDEX. Please use some of the following sources type to complete. Also provide the link to the source.
US Department of Transportation
Census.gov/econ — for company and industry data. Use 2017 Economic Census
Companies’ websites
Securities and Exchange Commission – to view companies’ 10K.
Wall Street Journal
American Trucking Association
The document contains instructions. Please respond fully to all questions. This is an analysis.

• The Assignment must be submitted on (WORD format only). • Students are advised

• The Assignment must be submitted on (WORD format only).
• Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Late submission will NOT be accepted.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
• All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
• Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Go through the given case scenario
Choose an organization operating in any part of the globe (preferably a super market, hyper market chain (or) a fast-food industry or an electronics equipment manufacturer/distributor, automobile manufacturer or automotive parts or retail products / services.
The organization that you choose should either manufacture or market or distribute some products / services. The competition in these businesses majorly depends upon price, quality, timely delivery and service (which are core aspects of Supply Chain Management). Hence there is immense pressure on all the organizations in these businesses to keep the four aspects mentioned to their supreme best.
As these businesses are the most emerged industries in the recent past, the supply chain has seen huge transformations. These businesses are getting to the maturing stage and so as the transformations in the supply chain management of these business become more and more competitive, the customer gets only the best products / service.
Note: In case your chosen organization is operating in many countries and deals with many products, it is enough you consider the operations in any one country and indicate some materials that are part of the business and select 2 or 3 materials out of them for providing answers to the questions given below.
• You must include at least 5 references.
• Format your references using APA style.
• Each answer must not be less than 300 words

This week you will use an excel spreadsheet to analyze forecasting performance.

This week you will use an excel spreadsheet to analyze forecasting performance. Your company produces and distributes two lines of Consumer External Hard Drives: 1 Terabyte drives (1 Tb) and 5 Terabyte Drives (5 Tb). The unit sales levels and forecasts for the last two previous years are in the table below. For this exercise, You have been asked to calculate the Forecast error, Forecast Percentage, Mean percentage Error (MPE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) for (a) each type of terabyte (b) each year, and (c) for each two-year period. The concepts, equations, and examples for how to calculate these forecasting effectiveness are covered in your textbook on pages 107 – 114. Finally, for each set of problems you will provide insight into the sales trends, and forecasting effectiveness with a written summary of your findings.
Utilize the Excel template attached below for this assignment. Label your submission document as follows: yourlastname_Assignment4.xlsx (ex: JJohnson_Assignment4.xlsx)
Carefully read the problem statement in order to understand what you are asked to analyze.
Plagiarism in any form will result in an automatic zero for this assignment:Using another author’s exact words without quotations AND without an in-text citation
Paraphrasing by changing a couple of another author’s words and claiming them to be your own.
Turning in another student’s work
There are no late assignments accepted after the last day of the course unless: (a) prior approval has been obtained from the professor or (b) you have an approved 30 day extension

QUESTION #1 – Transportation is the most important factor for economic developme

QUESTION #1 – Transportation
is the most important factor for economic development. Do you agree? Explain
your rationale in detail.
QUESTION #2 – Describe the attributes of information
quality and how they impact transportation decision making.
QUESTION #3 – Explain
how a TMS enables delivery process planning, execution and control. You must
discuss in detail each one of those capabilities of a TMS.
QUESTION #4 – Discuss
the major forces that affect carrier pricing strategies?
QUESTION #5 – Compare and contrast the TL segment of the motor carrier
industry with the LTL segment in terms of infrastructure, cost structure,
market structure and operating characteristics.
No sources needed

Watch one of the full episodes (approx. 50 minutes) or the full documentary (app

Watch one of the full episodes (approx. 50 minutes) or the full documentary (approx. 90 minutes) and
write a report in which you will list and discuss the three most significant concepts/ideas/revelations
concerning operations and supply chain management that you took away. In your discussion, explain why
you believe that each of these three are “most significant”.1-
1- typed
2- Three page minimum (a full three pages); four page maximum
3- 1.5 line spacing
4- font size between 10 – 12
Option 1:
An episode from America Revealed (previously available through PBS)
Three episodes of this series are available through the following YouTube links, which are available at
the time of this point. Watch any one episode for the report.
Made in the USA:
Food machine:
Electric nation:
Report Option 2:
American Factory (documentary film available on Netflix; if you don’t have an account just watch an
episode of America Revealed instead!)
Report Option 3:
An episode of Inside the Factory
Free episodes available in full here: https://www.smithsonianchannel.com/shows/inside-th…

All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font

All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font
please Avoid plagiarism; copying from the resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. kindly use your own words
You must include at least 5 references.
Format your references using APA style.
Each answer must not be less than 300 words
Go through the given case scenario
Choose an organization operating in any part of the globe (preferably a super market, hyper market chain (or) a fast-food industry or an electronics equipment manufacturer/distributor, automobile manufacturer or automotive parts or retail products / services. You can choose one of these : McDonald’s, KFC, Apple Inc, Toyota Motor Corporation, Amazon
The organization that you choose should either manufacture or market or distribute some products / services. The competition in these businesses majorly depends upon price, quality, timely delivery and service (which are core aspects of Supply Chain Management). Hence there is immense pressure on all the organizations in these businesses to keep the four aspects mentioned to their supreme best.
As these businesses are the most emerged industries in the recent past, the supply chain has seen huge transformations. These businesses are getting to the maturing stage and so as the transformations in the supply chain management of these business become more and more competitive, the customer gets only the best products / service.
Note: In case your chosen organization is operating in many countries and deals with many products, it is enough you consider the operations in any one country and indicate some materials that are part of the business and select 2 or 3 materials out of them for providing answers to the questions given below.

Students can make use of graphs, tables, illustrations, maps, pictures, images to add clarity to your answers.

Examine and evaluate your chosen organization’s Supply Chain, describe its basic working, strategy used by them, key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain. What is the SCM model used?
Go through the typical Working of the chosen Organization’s logistics process, Is there a role for reverse logistics for your chosen organization’s products / services ? If there is a role, explain the process that is applicable.
Analyse and understand the different modes of transportation employed by your chosen organization. Indicate whether the current arrangements are effective. Suggest improvements for making the transportation sustainable and new modes of transportation.
What is the Warehouse design used by the chosen organization and provide your idea on the appropriate warehouse design that will be suitable for the future. Justify your choice with proper reason.
Given the nature of the products that you have selected for your chosen organization, what is the type of Inventory management control that your chosen organization should adopt? Give reasons.