Critical Thinking Outsourcing and offshoring initiatives can help an organizati

Critical Thinking
Outsourcing and offshoring initiatives can help an organization fine-tune its business model to become more resilient and profitable. At the same time, these initiatives present challenges.
In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable, and dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply chainmanagementbecomesmore sophisticatedandthedifferencebetweenwhat firmswanttoachieveandwhattheycandoin-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right thing becomes more interesting than doing everything.Accordingly, they are becoming better focused and more specialized by outsourcing and offshoring activities that are far from their core businesses. In many cases firms decide to outsource this function in whole or in part to agents or third-party logistics firms.
Using this concept of offshoring and outsourcing answer the following questions by taking any Saudi Local company or any Multinational company.
Questions: Each Question Carrying 2.5 Marks.
Define the working procedure of third-party logistics firms. (300-400 Words)
Explain the different motivational factors for going internationally. (300-400 Words)
On what ground do companies choose developing country’s location for offshoring? Use examples. (Mention the country and decisive factors). (300-400 Words)
Why do companies outsource? (Use the example of any Saudi company along with its objective and scope for outsourcing). (300-400 Words)
The Answer must follow the Keyword/ outline points below:
Outsourcing, offshoring, Third Party Logistics
Their Main functions
Motivational Factors /Drivers
Any local example
Reasons with suitable Examples

Its on page 144 out of 518 for chapter 4 1-10 And page 215 out of 518 for chapte

Its on page 144 out of 518 for chapter 4 1-10
And page 215 out of 518 for chapter 5 1-10
Answer each question thoroughly
Provide the page number to where you found the answer to the question
You are encouraged to provide additional information to the questions to display an understanding of the concept
It is imperative you do not just provide your opinion to the questions – the goal is to ensure the subject content is understood.

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study. make s

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study. make sure to avoid plagiarism as much as possible.
* ensure that you follow the APA style in the case study and references.
Students must mention the question number clearly in their answers.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
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Just solve the 2 questions 10,11 And be aware about : Plagiarism is a serious

Just solve the 2 questions 10,11
And be aware about :
Plagiarism is a serious offence. Any kind of plagiarism will result in a mark of 0.
Say No to Plagiarism. There should be no any plagiarism. Do not copy your answers neither from other students’ answer nor from internet. In case of you have visited any website for your understanding, write the sources of website/article under Reference.
Poor structure of the assignment/If the word count is not correct, or if the assignment has multiple spelling, grammar, or punctuation issues.