Network Redundancy and Data Storage In many instances, redundancy is avoided in

Network Redundancy and Data Storage
In many instances, redundancy is avoided in the IT world. However, redundancy can be part of the recommended planning process for networks and network security. In addition, many different techniques are used to harden a system. Keep these topics in mind as you research them to complete this week’s discussion.
Examine network planning and share what you find. Where is redundancy recommended?
Explain what redundancies are recommended and why you agree or disagree with the recommendations.
Examine the various techniques to determine where to apply redundancy, and select two techniques that you would recommend be used in your organization, as well as two that you would not recommend. Provide the rationale for your selections.

Network or host-based intrusion detection systems (IDS) and network or host-base

Network or host-based intrusion detection systems (IDS) and network or host-based intrusion prevention systems (IPS), along with firewalls, represent some of the tools available to defend networks and keep them secure. As you progress through the various labs and readings in this course, keep these fundamental security concepts in mind.
Complete the following for both IDS and IPS:
Examine two advantages and two disadvantages of each system.
Explain where you recommend using each system, or both systems, and why.
Provide a specific example of each system that meets the budget and defensive needs of a home or small office.Include the strengths and weaknesses.
Provide a specific example of each system that meets the budget and defensive needs of a large corporate office.Include the strengths and weaknesses.

Design Binary Arithmetic Components using Altera Quartus software 1 bit Half Add

Design Binary Arithmetic Components using Altera Quartus software 1 bit Half Adder – constructed with all NANDs
1 bit Full Adder – constructed with all NANDs
4 bit Adder – constructed with all full adders
8 bit Adder – constructed with 4 bit adders
16 bit Adder – constructed with 8 bit adders

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SearchSummarizeWhat is Software Engineering and its Evolution in Hindi with examples
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Software Engineering: Definition and Evolution
Software engineering is a field that has evolved over time, and there are many definitions of what it entails. One of the best definitions is that it is a systematic, disciplined, and cost-effective technique for software development.
Systematic: Software engineering follows a step-by-step approach to development.
Disciplined: Rules and guidelines are followed consistently throughout the process of software development.
Cost-effective: Software engineering aims to develop software in a cost-effective way that meets the needs of the user.
Overall, software engineering is a process that involves planning, designing, testing, and maintaining software. It is a field that has become more important as technology has advanced, and it is now a crucial part of many industries.
Cost-effective and Disciplined Software Development
Meeting deadlines and staying within budget are crucial in software development. Cost is an important factor to consider, and the technique used should be chosen with cost-effectiveness in mind. Time is also a crucial consideration, as work must be completed within the given timeframe. It’s important to use a combination of techniques to achieve success in software development.
Software Development is More Than Just Coding
Software development is not solely about coding. It encompasses a complete approach, including ideation, requirement gathering, and feasibility study. A disciplined approach is necessary for success.
Engineering Approach in Software Development
Software development involves several steps, including planning, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. An engineering approach to software development means systematically completing each step to achieve the end goal. Just like how branded companies follow a rigorous process to create a reliable product, software development also requires a similar approach.
Software engineering is not just about coding; it’s about following each step from idea to maintenance and regular updates. It’s a process that ensures a product is reliable and effective even after delivery.
The Evolution of Software Engineering
The term “software engineering” originated between 1945 and 1965 during the development of software for organizations like NASA and IBM. Before that, software development followed a “build and fix” method, which meant creating a product and delivering it without following a systematic approach. This approach often led to problems and ineffectiveness.
The Origin of Software Engineering
Software engineering was born out of the need for a long-term approach to software development. The term “software engineering” was coined during NATO conferences in the early days of the field.
The Software Crisis of 6585
The software crisis of 6585 was a time when software development was characterized by a lack of approach or methodology. Developers followed a “build and deliver” approach, rushing to complete projects and deliver them to clients. This resulted in a situation where only 2% of the software produced during this time was actually used. The rest was either not delivered or scrapped due to budget overruns or time constraints.
One example of this is IBM’s OS/360 operating system, which was developed without a coherent design and was ultimately labeled a “multi-millionaire failure project.”
The Importance of Approach
While following an approach or methodology does not guarantee success, it does increase the probability of success. Not following an approach increases the likelihood of failure. The software crisis of 6585 was a clear example of what can happen when a structured approach is not used.
The Evolution of Software
During the “software crisis phase,” many projects failed despite years of work and significant budget expenditures. The advent of the internet in the 1990s brought about the development of popular software such as Microsoft Windows and web browsers. With the rise of mobile technology, there was a need for lightweight software that could run efficiently on mobile devices. Today, the focus is on AI and machine learning.
Failed Projects
The Torus project spent 10-12 years in development and consumed a lot of UK pounds, but was ultimately scrapped.
Several US products focused on creating autonomous systems, but their budgets were over-run and they too were scrapped.
Internet Era
The 1990s saw the rise of the internet and the development of software such as Microsoft Windows and web browsers.
Mobile Era
As mobile technology became more prevalent, the need for lightweight software that could run efficiently on mobile devices arose.
AI and Machine Learning
Today, the focus is on the development of AI and machine learning software.
The concept of self-learning in software, known as deep learning, has become increasingly popular. It works by allowing the software to learn by itself, similar to how humans do. This evolution has led to most software being free, which was not the case previously when companies kept proprietary software to themselves. This allows individuals to work and learn how to use the software, leading to advancements in software engineering. These points may be tested in college or university exams, or even in job interviews.
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