In this final assignment for the Treating Trauma Course, you will assess a client using a provided case study, determine a specific trauma diagnosis, and demonstrate how you would use trauma-informed care principles in this case. Additionally, you will create psychoeducational materials to help the client understand their trauma experience and demonstrate how to use a trauma-informed intervention through a role-play exercise and reflection.
You will choose one of the following case studies to complete.
The Case of Robin
After reading the case study, complete the following parts of this assignment.
Part 1: Clinical Impressions and Diagnosis
a. Write a narrative about the client and the case history to date, including the DSM-5-TR diagnosis. Provide the specific criteria needed to meet the diagnosis and examples of how the client meets these criteria.
b. Assess the resources, strengths, and/or competencies evident in the client’s situation.
c. Discuss your clinical impressions of the case.
Part 2: Applying Trauma-Informed Care
a. Discuss the trauma-informed care principles you would use at the beginning of your work with the client.
b. Explain if and how these principles might change as your work continues. Support your answer with course materials, using appropriate APA7 citations.
Part 3: Theories, Treatment, and Strengths-Based Perspective
a. Determine two appropriate trauma treatment theories and/or approaches that fit the client’s needs. Integrate course materials and at least two scholarly sources outside of the course materials to support your selections.
b. Explain why you chose these treatment approaches, integrating information from the case study, course materials, and scholarly literature. Use appropriate APA7 citations.
c. Provide researched evidence supporting the efficacy of your chosen interventions for the specific type of trauma experienced by the client.
d. Discuss the client’s strengths and resilience factors and how these can be incorporated into the treatment plan.
Part 4: The Therapeutic Alliance and Client Education
a. Create psychoeducational materials for the client related to their diagnosis and symptoms. Consider the client’s life stage when developing these materials.
b. Ensure that the language used in the materials is free of social work jargon and is clearly written for the client to understand the relevant symptoms and concepts surrounding their experience of trauma, diagnosis, and symptoms.
c. Discuss how psychoeducation can help build the therapeutic alliance with the client in your case study.
Part 5: Intervention Role-Play and Reflection
a. Conduct a role-play exercise with a colleague from the field, a field supervisor, or a social worker that you know in which you demonstrate how to introduce and execute one of the clinical interventions covered in class that you would use when working with the client in this case study. If you can work with someone who has experience treating trauma that would be an excellent learning opportunity!!!
b. After the role-play, write a reflection addressing the following:
– Describe the intervention you chose and why you believe it is appropriate for the client in the case study.
– Reflect on your experience during the role-play, discussing what went well and what challenges you encountered.
– Analyze how the intervention aligns with the principles of trauma-informed care and how it addresses the client’s specific needs.
– Discuss what you learned from this experience and how it might inform your future work with trauma survivors.

Complex Trauma Assessing Trauma – Share Your Perspectives In Modules 12 and 13,

Complex Trauma
Assessing Trauma – Share Your Perspectives
In Modules 12 and 13, we learned about clients who experience complex trauma as well as how complex trauma is treated. Please reflect on what stood out to you from these materials. Some questions to consider:
What new information, skills, or insights did you gain complex trauma and the treatment of it? Was there anything that surprised you or made you reconsider previous assumptions you may have had?
What challenges do you anticipate when working with clients who experience complex trauma? How might you handle those challenges?
What are your thoughts about complex trauma not being included in the DSM-5?

WEEK #2 – PERFORMANCE OF SELVES, GROUPS & “REALITY” (+5 points) (2) What are


(2) What are some ways that “doing” and “displaying” perspectives apply to your experiences within a kinship group (i.e. family, sorority, fraternity, sports team etc.)? What are the main functions that each of these practices serve? Overall, what do they aspire to express/convey about this group? (4 paragraphs)

● What are 3 “doing” rituals/practices which apply to your experiences within a kinship group (i.e. family, sorority, fraternity, sports team etc.)?
● doing family example #1
● doing family example #2
● doing family example #3

● What are the main purposes/functions of “doing” these practices?

● What are 3 “displaying” practices enacted within your kin group?
● displaying family example #1
● displaying family example #2
● displaying family example #3

● What are the main purposes/functions of these “display” practices?

● Overall, what do these doing and displaying practices aspire to express about this group?
WEEK #4 – EMBODIMENT (+5 points)
(4) Summarize how the following theories would uniquely account for a social basis related to public health/epidemiological outcomes: environmental racism, discrimination/bias, cultural capital, social causes/conditions, and social contagion. A few supplemental resources about these perspectives are posted in our Week #4 Module. (write 1 paragraph for each of the 5 theories)
●Describe how each theory below would uniquely account for a social basis related to public health/epidemiological outcomes, and then provide at least one example:
● environmental racism
● discrimination/bias
●cultural capital
● social causes/conditions

●social contagion

discuss ways that the brain injuries from violence might be prevented, how victi

discuss ways that the brain injuries from violence might be prevented, how victims of this type of violence might be better helped, and, if you choose, how perpetrators of this type of violence might be helped to not repeat their violence. One to two pages, please.

Research Project Paper Format and Structure Rules 1. The following is the Resear

Research Project Paper Format and Structure Rules 1. The following is the Research Project Paper format description. The paper length in pages of text is listed in your syllabus. 2. The Reference and Title pages are additional pages (font is 12 point) Margins: Top .5, Bottom .5, Right .5, and Left .5 3. The paper is doubled spaced except as stipulated by APA formatting rules for quoted text. The paper will not contain more than twenty-five percent quoted materials. 4. Sections are only separated by Section Headings. All Sections Headings must be included in your paper. The Title page and Reference page are separate pages and do not count in the page length total. 5. The required number of references and corresponding citations ONLY from peer reviewed journals are listed in your syllabus. The Research Project Paper requires 4 hypotheses. 6. All citations must directly correspond to the references. Each citation required in the paper must appear in the Literature Review, Findings and Discussion sections and of the paper and also referenced in the Reference section of the paper (i.e., Lopez (2001) is cited and reviewed in the Literature Review; The finding of Lopez (2001) is stated and cited in the Findings; Lopez (2001) will also be discussed and cited in the Discussion section and Lopez (2001) is referenced in the Reference Section). 7. Remember: You must use the most current APA Publication Manual Edition for all citations and references. Outline of Research Project Paper (Section Headings) Title Page- Title of Paper in named using the same subject line as required with email communication with the QC suffix changed to RPP. Abstract- An overview of the social problem of interest. Statement of Problem- A statement of the essential question of your study. Literature Review- A review of the literature (peer reviewed journal articles) you have read cited according the APA manual. Theory- The theory you have chosen and the explanation of the social problem using said theory. Hypotheses- Four core questions you can answer after reading the literature. Stated in the form of research hypotheses. Methodology- All classes–describe a Meta-Analysis as related to your Research Project Paper topic. Methodology and Statistics classes ONLY: You must reference the class lecture on the completion standards for this section. Findings- A listing of the answers to the four hypotheses cited according to the APA manual. Methodology and Statistics classes ONLY: You must reference the class lecture on the completion standards for this section. Discussion- Discuss the implications and ramifications of the Findings using the theory discussed in the Theory section of the paper. Conclusion- Summary of the implications for the field. References- All references in the paper must be referenced according to the APA manual specified above. RPP sections page length Abstract .5 Statement of Problem .5 Literature Review 3 Theory .5 Hypotheses .5 Methodology .5 Findings 1 Discussion 3 Conclusion .5 Total Pages 10

The research paper must have MLA/APA writing style evidence. Significant points

The research paper must have MLA/APA writing style evidence. Significant points will be deducted without proof of this process. The research paper should be a minimum of 6-10 pages not including the cover page, abstract, table of contents, or cited works. Recommended Outline of the Research Paper (e.g., superscript/paragraph names and order) Title Page: See MLA/APA writing styles. Abstract: (i.e., this page is not mandatory but will be a plus). It describes the entire document in one paragraph on a single page and comes after the title page. Table of Contents: (i.e., this page is not mandatory but will be a plus). Introduction: ·       Open this section with a direct statement regarding the research topic and its purpose, next: 1.     Theory: The theory should be a theoretical viewpoint or worldview/lens that you use to present/explain your research question. For example, if my research question was “The Societal Impact of COVID-19.” Two possible theories are used as a universal point of reference, see below. For example: one could use conflict theory and argue that COVID-19 had a more devastating impact on the lower-class population due to their lack of resources compared to upper-class members. Hence, I would look for articles supporting this overall theory. Or Another example: one could use functionalism and argue that COVID-19 has had a positive effect on society by performing a level of structural interconnectedness (e.g., solidarity), vaccine success, and economic stability, to efficiently address the challenges that the disease caused.    2.     Hypothesis: Your expressed educated guess regarding your research question. What do you think your topic will reveal through the research? 3.     Method of Analysis (e.g., selected research approach quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method). ·       Note: For this section, the arrangement or order (e.g., 1-3) is at the authors’ discretion, next: Main Body/Literature Review: 1.     Not less than five scholarly articles, more is better. 2.     Other basic articles that make the author’s point. 3.     This section reports what the research posits (i.e., argues) about your research question/topic. ·       Remember this section should not include a personal narrative about the research topic. Interpret the results: 1.     Interpret the results of the raw data or secondary data. 2.     Explain the significance of the data. Conclusion/Report the findings: 1.     Speak to whether your hypothesis was supported or not by the research! 2.     In this section, personal views and experiences about the topic can be expressed. 3.     Gaps or missing elements you believe that are missing in the research. Reference Page/Cited Works: ·       This is the final page that lists cited works and must be in either MLA/APA formatting style.

SOC 300 Global Capitalism Final Paper: 35% of your grade Due SUNDAY MAY 5th (by

SOC 300 Global Capitalism
Final Paper: 35% of your grade
Due SUNDAY MAY 5th (by 11:59pm)
Revisit Fukuyama’s “End of History” essay and argue in favor or against its main theses. In developing your argument, make use of the semester’s readings to support your points (discuss at least 3 other authors in addition to Fukuyama).
9-10 pgs double-space, Times New Roman 12-point font, and 1-inch margins.
Develop the answer in detail, unpacking the concepts in a nuanced manner, including the theories the authors are arguing against (when applicable), and the evidence or examples used by the authors to substantiate the claims.
Cite readings (both in the form of direct quotes and paraphrasing). Use parenthetical citations pointing to specific pages. When discussing authors, aim for at least every-other paragraph to have a citation. Citing lectures is not an acceptable replacement for citing the readings. You can use lecture notes only to guide you through the readings and in outlining the structure of your essays.
Include a works cited page. Any format is acceptable.
Your grade will be based on: the accurate reproduction of the authors’ points, the clarity of your writing (avoid vague statements!), the organization and structure of the essay, and originality.

You will be required to write an 8–10-page research paper. My paper will talk ab

You will be required to write an 8–10-page research paper. My paper will talk about youth in gangs, the model minority myth, and incorporate insights from Victor Rios book, ″Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys.″ Please feel free to come up with a simple but effective research. Below, I have attached what I have written so far, but I feel it needs revision and focus.