I need an analysis plan for my spss term paper. I don’t really understand it so

I need an analysis plan for my spss term paper. I don’t really understand it so I need help.
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Instructions has been attatched — there would be 6 tasks, 1 to 4 assignment du

Instructions has been attatched

there would be 6 tasks, 1 to 4 assignment due in 7th, assignment 5 due in 12th and research proposal due in 16th of May
Assignment 4 – Literature Review
In a minimum of 500 words, summarize what you learned about your topic from reading the sources on your reading list (Assignment 3). Note that in grading I will consider whether you took my feedback on your reading list into consideration—you must include a minimum of three sociological sources on your list. Treat this assignment as the first draft of your literature review, which should each accomplish each of the following tasks:
1. introduces a problem that can be investigated sociologically.
2. provides existing background information about that problem.
3. synthesizes existing sociological research on the topic, identifying key concepts and theoretical frames that sociologists use to describe your research interests, and explaining in detail what they mean and what they tell us about what you want to study.
4. charts the terrain of existing sociological research, identifying what we have not yet figured out (identifies a gap in the literature) and states this clearly as a research question.
Drawing on what you learn from your literature review, you should edit and revise your research question into a concise question you plan to investigate. You should consider the research questions of the sources you read, using them as a model for how to pose your own original research question.
Formatting specifications:
500 words minimum
short essay, paragraph form
12-point font, double-spaced, Times New Roman
Works Cited/Reference section
Chicago or APA formatted citations listed in a References section

I need help writing a thoughtful autobiography concerning cultural aspects of th

I need help writing a thoughtful autobiography concerning cultural aspects of their life experience. This paper should include such aspects as: cultural background, family structure, specific rules, values and norms that operate in your family and in your life, cultural traditions etc. Information about my cultural autobiography is there just need help combing everything all into one. The paper should be 1-3 pages. (Double spaced)

*Final Project Reflection Paper Guidelines** 3-5 PAGES For the Group Project **

*Final Project Reflection Paper Guidelines** 3-5 PAGES For the Group Project
– Begin by briefly summarizing the final project and its objectives.
– Introduce the purpose of the reflection paper: to provide a critical analysis of the process of completing the final project, including challenges faced, group dynamics, and personal insights gained.
**Project Overview:**
– Provide a brief overview of your final project, including the scenario developed, analysis conducted, and reconstruction plan proposed.
– Mention the medium chosen for the presentation and any unique features or aspects of your project.
**Process and Methodology:**
– Describe how your group approached the final project, including the methods used for scenario development, analysis, and reconstruction planning.
– Discuss any challenges encountered during the project and how your group addressed them.
– Reflect on the effectiveness of your group’s collaboration and communication strategies.
**Group Dynamics:**
– Evaluate the level of participation and contribution from each group member.
– Reflect on how your group managed disagreements or conflicting ideas.
– Discuss strategies to ensure equal participation and collaboration among group members.
**Creativity and Enjoyment:**
– Reflect on the most enjoyable aspects of the project and why they were enjoyable.
– Discuss whether you felt the project allowed for creativity and innovation.
– Share any ideas or elements of your project that you found particularly creative or unique.
**Impact and Insights:**
– Reflect on whether the thought experiment of imagining societal collapse and reconstruction made you think more deeply about the world we live in and the future of our societies and cities.
– Discuss any insights or perspectives gained from the project that you hadn’t considered before.
– Reflect on the relevance of urban sociology concepts in understanding and addressing real-world societal challenges.
– Summarize the key points discussed in your reflection paper.
– Reflect on the overall value of the final project experience and its impact on your understanding of urban sociology and society.
– Discuss any lessons learned or areas for improvement in future collaborative projects.
**Additional Questions for Reflection:**
1. How did your group navigate the scenario development process, considering the complexities of societal collapse and reconstruction?
2. Did the project spark any new ideas or perspectives on the role of urban communities in shaping society’s future?
3. How did your group incorporate urban sociology theories and concepts into your analysis and reconstruction plan?
4. Reflecting on the project, do you feel more equipped to analyze and address societal challenges in real-world contexts critically?
5. How did the project enhance your understanding of the interconnectedness between social, economic, and political factors in urban communities?
6. In what ways did the project encourage interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration?
7. How did the project contribute to your personal and academic growth in urban sociology?

No CHATGPT or AI, I will hire you for future work if you provide quality work. M

No CHATGPT or AI, I will hire you for future work if you provide quality work. My next work is an essay I’m planning on paying $150 for, for 5 pages 🙂
Paper 2 Guidelines
Your paper is due by 11:59pm on Friday, May 3. No late papers will be accepted without documentation of extenuating circumstances. You can upload your finished paper to Canvas.
Access the following article:
Pamela J. Smock and Christine R. Schwartz. 2020. “The Demography of Families: A Review of Patterns and Change”. Journal of Marriage & Family 82: 9-34.
Smock and Schwartz – The Demography of Families.pdfDownload Smock and Schwartz – The Demography of Families.pdf
After accessing the article, read the Introduction section and answer the following question (in 2 to 3 sentences):
1. What is the framework/subtheme employed by the paper?
Then read ONE of the following sections: Marriage & Remarriage; Divorce; Cohabitation; or Fertility.
2. After reading this section, explain the main findings summarized in that section of the article and connect these findings back to the framework/subtheme of the article (in 1 to 2 pages).
Then read ONE of the following sections: Same-Gender Unions; Immigrant Families; or Children’s Living Arrangements.
3. After reading this section, explain the main findings summarized in that section of the article and connect these findings back to the framework/subtheme of the article (1 to 2 pages).
Your paper does not need to be essay format, but it still should be double spaced, with 12-point font and blue or black ink. Please use a professional font (Garamond, Times New Roman, Cambria, Verdana are good fonts to use).
Include a header with your name, the date, and the title of the course.
Please include page numbers anywhere on your paper.
You DO NOT need to include references or a works cited.

SOC 3393 Final Exam Answer four questions: you MUST answer ONE question from

SOC 3393 Final Exam
Answer four questions: you MUST answer ONE question from Section A, TWO questions from Section B, and ONE question from Section C.
In total you must write four essays (minimum of 8 pages, total). Your answer for each should consist of an application essay that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the sociological traditions and related readings, your ability to think critically about them, and your ability to apply them properly to each question. You must cite directly from the course readings to prove your answers – using only the class lecture notes will result in a failing grade. As with the final paper, this exam will be submitted to SafeAssign by the professor prior to grading.
1. What influence did philosophy have on the Durkheimian tradition and the micro-interactionist tradition? Examine how the history of these traditions evolved from other disciplines, and what concepts from previous discipline informed the key theorists, and allowed them to built their own research and traditions.
2. Compare the micro-interactionist tradition to any of the previous macro-traditions (conflict, rational/utilitarian, Durkheimian). What is the micro-interactionist critique of the macro approach? What concepts do you identify as the strongest/weakest from these theorists? What theorists do you think does the best job of bridging these two ways of studying the micro- and macro-worlds?
3. Examine Durkheim’s claim that social density contributes to (or detracts from) the moral unity of society. How convincing is Durkheim’s explanation of social bonds and social solidarity on the “health” (physical, emotional, mental, moral) of a society? What other theorists from our readings give the strongest support to Durkheim’s ideas, in your view?
4. Discuss Addams’, DuBois’, and Freud’s critical contributions to sociology. Elaborate on your answer using their research, concepts, and theoretical approaches. How, in your view, did they expand the focus of classical sociological theory?
5. Discuss Cooley’s, Mead’s, and Blumer’s theories on the development of the “self”. How do their theories relate back to concepts from previous macro traditions (Durkheimian, conflict, rational/utilitarian)? Which theorist do you consider as having the strongest theory on the “self”?

6. Examine how Addams’ and DuBois set a standard for American sociology. What made their works unique, and how did these works reflect the specific conditions within the U.S.? What challenges to traditional perspectives did they present? How do their theories relate back to concepts from other classical traditions (Durkheimian, conflict, rational/utilitarian, microinteractionist)?
7. How did other academic disciplines (economics, anthropology, history, etc.) and scientific rigor influence the works of Durkheim, Marx, Weber, and the microinteractionist tradition? Give specific examples of this influence to highlight your argument.

Purpose: Social media platforms( instagram,tiktok, facebook, YouTube ) have been

Purpose: Social media platforms( instagram,tiktok, facebook, YouTube ) have been seen over the years for causing many of the mental problems young children and teens have suffered with over the years. What if there is a link between juvenile delinquency and the platforms?teenagers use these platforms as a way to garner attention from their peers, but over the years, these platform have become a hierarchy problem, with people the flashiest, and most dangerous garnering the most attention. As kids try to replicate this same come up(minority groups) they have had to likely due deviant things to gain these new heights of “fame”. It has been said that video games like call of duty, gta, and other violent games have been responsible for the desensitizing of children to the harsh realities of their crime. – Interconnection between the three( mass media, games , and drill music) Is social media a cause or mechanism? Is video games a cause or mechanism? Is Drill music a cause or mechanism? I don’t need a super heavy background on the topics , just a moderate one. But their relations and how they have impacted juvenile delinquents is needed. In 1-3 paragraph towards the conclusion can you also look at solutions ,recommendations or solutions that can be implemented to help the youth

Sociology 1 Paper 2: My Playing Field Application and Analysis Instructions For

Sociology 1 Paper 2: My Playing Field Application and Analysis
Instructions For Paper 2
The assignment is to apply the course material to your specific playing field/your life and analyze your playing field/life from a sociological perspective. Make sure you have reviewed your notes from the online lecture titled “The Family” as the concept “playing field” is introduced in that lecture and that you understand the concept “playing field” before you begin this assignment (review online Family lecture).
The assignment is to discuss three main characteristics of your playing field and explain how each has affected you. You are required to include family as one of your main topics and must choose from the following main topics for your other two main topics: gender, social class, education, race and ethnicity, or religion. Your paper must include one very lengthy paragraph for each of the three main topics you have chosen.
You will apply the course material and subtopics covered in the course materials on each main topic to examples of your specific playing field and your specific experiences; directly relate the material and subtopics presented in the course material on each main topic to your specific experiences. Each main topic section must include at least six subtopics. In terms of subtopics, each of the topics covered in the lectures, chapters in the textbook, assigned articles, and films/film clips for each main topic are considered subtopics. For example some of the subtopics associated with the main topic gender are: gender socialization, gender role expectations, gender inequality, patriarchy, pay gap (data), glass ceiling, male privilege, glass escalator, second shift, gendered division of labor, gender and the media/Kilbourne research, feminization of poverty, feminism, etc. You are required to discuss your specific experiences on each of the subtopics you include in your paper, directly apply the material.
You must apply the terms/concepts, research data/findings, and social theories related to the main topics to your playing field/your experiences. Go through the chapters in the textbook, online lectures, and articles/other course material provided in the lessons on each of the main topics you are including in your paper and apply the relevant material to your playing field/your experiences (this is the way you will go about working on this assignment).
It is required that you utilize the online lectures material, textbook material, and articles/other course material for each main topics included in your paper.
A minimum of six instances of application of terms/concepts/research data is required in each main topic section (application of the material with each subtopic); a minimum of eighteen instances of application of terms/concepts/research data throughout your paper. Clear and complete application and analysis required. In some instances a subtopic is a key term (for instance, patriarchy is a subtopic and a key term), in other instances this is not the case (divorce is a subtopic for a family section, however, it is a common word, not a key term…you would need to apply the research data on divorce – causes and effects – to be considered application).
It is also required that you apply a minimum of one social theory in each main topic section; a minimum of three social theories are required throughout your paper. It is required that you utilize at least three different theories throughout your paper and that at least one of the theories included is one of our three main theories. Apply the social theories presented in the course material: structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, social learning theory, or theories of deviance. Theories must be directly applied to your specific playing field/experiences. Do not discuss the theories in general, directly apply them to your playing field and your experiences and explain application. Explain the theory and explain application. Social theory can be applied to a specific example or can be applied to the overall theme of the main topic section. Clear and complete application and analysis is required.
In some instances students will need to predict the long term effects of particular experiences, predict according to the research data/findings on the topics. In terms of predictions ask yourself, how, according to the data presented in the course, the events have affected you or will affect you in the future. If the effects presented in the research/study findings for a particular issue do not apply to you then you can state what the effects generally are (according to the research data/findings) and then discuss what the outcome(s) were for you and explain why.
It is not required that you include sensitive issues if you are not comfortable doing so. In this case it is suggested that you focus on other aspects of your playing field.
Important information on how to work on your outline for this assignment
The best way to go about working on your paper is to go through the course material for each main topic you have chosen to include in your paper (online lectures, chapters in the textbook, and articles/other course material from the lesson plan on the main topic) and make a list of the subtopics and material/data/key terms/theories that you will include in each main topic section. You should not write about your life and then try to place terms within your paper after.
Paper Organization and Format
Papers must be in essay format (no bullet points or subheadings).
Paper must be typed, double-spaced, and 12 font.
Name and course information must be on the upper left-hand side of the first page of your paper (there will be some space on the right-hand side of the top of your paper for me to type in comments/feedback).
Paper title should be centered on the first page of your paper (there will be some space on the right-hand side of the top of your paper for me to type in comments/feedback).
All use of application must be bolded (bold theories, terms/concepts, and use of research/study data or statistics; do not bold entire sentences.).
Introduction: Begin your paper with an introduction which explains the nature of the assignment, a thesis statement (a few sentences that state the focus of your essay/paper and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about). Explain the concept “playing field”. Explain that this paper is about your playing field/your experiences. Include key terms and concepts where necessary in your introduction. State the three main topics your paper will focus on (list the topics in the order in which you will address them in your paper).
Body of your paper: One lengthy paragraph per main topic. Therefore, the body of your paper will include three main topic-focused paragraphs. Lengthy paragraphs are expected.
Conclusion: Conclude your paper with a conclusion, summarize the concept of playing field, restate your thesis, and reinforce the main idea. Include any final thoughts on the topic. Include key terms/concepts as needed.
In-text citations required throughout your paper (when quoting any material and when applying statistics and research data).
Works cited: Works cited page must be the last page of your paper (your paper and your works cited page must be saved as one document; you will not be permitted to upload two separate documents). Cite each of the lectures you utilized for your paper (you should be utilizing the lecture material on each of the main topics you are including in your paper), the textbook (utilize the material from the chapters in the textbook on each main topic you are including in your paper), and articles/other material (utilize the assigned articles/other material from the lessons on the main topics you are including in your paper). You must cited correctly (see resources on citing posted on in Canvas. Cite each lecture utilized separately by lecture title. If your paper does not include a works cited page your paper will be considered plagiarized per the rules of plagiarism and you will not earn any points for this assignment.
Your paper should be approximately eight pages in length (excluding your works cited page); however, there is not a page maximum).
Other Requirements
All information must be stated in your own words.
Turnitin is used to detect plagiarism and use of AI (artificial intelligence) programs. I will also utilize other AI detectors. Review class policy on plagiarism (syllabus).
Paper must be saved in the correct format (.doc, .docx, or .pdf; if you have a Mac computer or are using Google Docs you will need to save your paper in pdf format).
You will write in the first person for this assignment (I, my, me). Do not write in the second person (you, your).
Proofread your paper! Read your paper aloud to yourself to notice errors or unclear statements. If needed, visit the Writing Center on campus for assistance with your paper.
APA or ASA format should be utilized for citation purposes.
Grading will be based on adherence to the requirements, use of application (application of theories, terms/concepts, and research/study data; application of online lecture material, text, and other linked materials), use of examples of personal experiences, direct application, clear and complete application and analysis, grammar and spelling, writing format/skills, and comprehensive coverage. Make sure you read the grading rubric for this assignment before you begin the paper assignment and that you refer to the paper instructions and grading rubric often while working on this assignment. Utilize the grading rubric to complete a self-assessment of this assignment.
Instructions For Submitting Your Paper
Use Chrome as your internet browser and upload your paper from a computer (not your phone). You must upload your paper to the Turnitin link provided via on our Canvas course website by the due date and time (do not attach your paper in the gradebook; you must upload your paper the Turnitin link). Click on the Turnitin link and upload and submit your paper. Go to the “Grades” to verify that there is an icon under “paper 2” indicating that your paper was submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that your paper is fully and properly submitted.
Discussion Board
It is also required that you post a portion of your paper on the discussion board. Please see the discussion board for specific requirements. The discussion board portion of this assignment is worth additional points (separate from the paper itself) and the discussion board forum will not be available until after the due date/time for the paper assignment.
Final Note
This paper is time consuming and is considered a comprehensive and final assignment for the class. Please take the time to be thorough with this assignment. Your paper will not be accepted unless it is uploaded to the Turnitin link by the due date and time. Please do not wait until the last few minutes to begin the process of submitting your paper. This paper is worth 100 points.
video link https://youtu.be/FbeaG1tUOIY?si=7SKxxQCxYN1uo_ow

Write about the difference between suicide rates in Wyoming and Washington DC. T

Write about the difference between suicide rates in Wyoming and Washington DC. This paper must be in APA format with at least 3 in-text citations. At a minimum, you will include why there are differences including ethnicity, economic status, weather, education, incarceration rates, and occupations. Include at least 3 scientific studies in your findings.

Ask any questions , will also be doing the presentation after you accept this, i

Ask any questions , will also be doing the presentation after you accept this, i can create different order for presentation. Make sure to work on the presentation first & then paper because presentation is due before.
Self-Guided Exploration Project
The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to deeply explore a topic related to American Indian/Alaska Native people. Each student will identify a topic (e.g., tribe, event, individual, cultural art, practice, policy, etc.), develop a plan to learn about that topic, and regularly share (informally) with the class information about that topic. Students are encouraged to select topics that pique their interests; topics need not be directly related to social welfare.
1) Submit Topic & Plan – Each student should identify a topic and propose a brief plan of action (1 page), including references and sources for exploring the topic.
2) Research Paper – Develop an 8-10 page research paper on the topic, including relevant facts, context, and meaning surrounding the topic. Incorporate and document sources of information on the topic (including written scholarly sources, but also oral history, tribal or other AI/AN records, interviews, memoirs, etc.). Use APA style and references.
3) Presentation -Students must create a brief (5 minutes) online presentation to be shared with classmates. Students have considerable flexibility in how they present their exploration topic, they may use Powerpoint, video, audio, or any other format or medium to share this presentation.
Paper and presentation should address the following elements:
• Introduce and explain the topic.
• Provide context on the topic (e.g., the topic’s relationship to a particular time, event, Tribe, policy, contemporary representation, etc.).
• Connect the topic to materials covered in the course.
• Explore the topic’s relevance to social welfare. How is/might knowledge of this topic be incorporated into social welfare practice, policy, or research?
This is my topic for the project : Topic: The Trail of Tears
The event from the 1830s which forced the evacuation and relocation of Native Americans, especially the Cherokee Nation, from their ancestral homelands in the Southeast to modern-day Oklahoma is known as the “Trail of Tears,” a tragic period in American history. I chose to talk about the Trail of Tears because it is a painful and important event in American history that has affected Indigenous populations in the country for a long time. Indigenous peoples have been systematically oppressed and dispossessed, as seen by the forcible displacement of Native American tribes. The Trail of Tears is a moving reminder of the wrongs committed against Native Americans by the US government, showcasing their tenacious grit and fortitude in the face of hardship. Recognizing the Trail of Tears’ historical relevance is essential to understanding the current battles for social welfare, justice, and Indigenous sovereignty. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the U.S. government to organize this tragic trek, caused thousands of Native Americans to be uprooted and many more to perish from malnourishment, famine, and exposure to hostile environments. A permanent legacy of pain and resiliency among impacted Indigenous communities, the Trail of Tears stands for a grave injustice and a grave violation of Indigenous sovereignty and rights.
Friedman, G. (2023). Illegible Histories, Invisible Movements: Indigenous Refusal in Blake Hausman’s Riding the Trail of Tears. PMLA : Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 138(1), 83–97. https://doi.org/10.1632/S0030812922000979
Jackson, J., & Vallowe, M. (2021). Cherokee Historical Fiction and Indigenous Science Fiction in Riding the Trail of Tears. Melus, 45(4), 113–132. https://doi.org/10.1093/melus/mlaa052
Comments from Customer
I have uploaded full instructions, theres no instructions beyond that. Let me know if understood. I have also uploaded examples of presentation so you can tell me how many pages will be needed? Thank you