“How to Tame a Wild Tongue” writing assignment
1. Why does use Anzaldua’s multiple languages in her essay? What message is she trying to
send her readers?
2. According to Anzaldua, how is language related to identity?
3. What does Anzaldua say is the way to “really hurt” her on page 59? How does this hurt her?
4. What are some of the different “languages” that you speak? Why are some regarded as
proper and formal and others as casual or inappropriate in some contexts?
Category: Sociology
hi, I need help to edit according the feedback this chapter. Please find the pdf
I need help to edit according the feedback this chapter. Please find the pdf with the specific parts to edit.
Find useful resources attached.
Any question please let me know
Research the impact of switching to solely sustainable practices for lumber mill
Research the impact of switching to solely sustainable practices for lumber mills / companies that are included in the practice of deforestation; and what the impact would have on the economy as well as the environment. Include strategies to combat the unsustainable deforestation, such as research of companies that provide resources for helping to restore forests as well, and explain how it would also improve the economic aspect by providing more jobs, and giving funding to companies that actually care about improving the state of the harmful deforestation practices still happening today.
These are the questions you are able to use 1. Reading the main claims What does
These are the questions you are able to use
1. Reading the main claims
What does the text argue?
What statements are put forward as truth or facts?
Are the claims of the text specific or very general?
Are the claims of the text well supported? How are they supported?
What do you think was the most important point / piece of evidence / thing in this reading and why? (choose one)
What is one thing that you felt needed more explanation?
2. Comparative analysis
Pick a concept or idea we have discussed in class. How would this author approach this concept/idea?
Pick another author we have read in class. We’ll call them “Author B” and we’ll call the author of this reading (the one you are writing about in this assignment) “Author A”. How would Author A respond to Author B’s writing?
Does the writer base her / his ideas or assertions on the works of other writers and researchers? How so?
Pick an academic reading from sometime in your life that you really enjoyed. What do you imagine its author think would think about the current reading (explain).
3. Audience
Who is the intended and unintended audience for this reading? That is, who does the author intentionally or unintentionally include or exclude and how?
What does the author want us to do with this information?
What kind of assumptions is the author making about what their audience knows or believes?
What background information would help you better understand this text?
Does the writer make references to events that are not fully explained? How so?
4. Reading what’s absent
What ideas are assumed in the text? What are its assumptions?
Are there big ideas or ideologies on which this text seems to rely? What are those ideas or ideologies?
What is implied by the text that is not all the way spelled out?
As you list the main claims/assumptions of the text, ask yourself for each, what else has to be true for each claim to be true?
Do you sense an “attitude” in the text? Does a particular bias or worldview, perhaps unspoken, seem present?
5. Known and unknown
Are you interested in what you are reading? Do you feel resistant to it? Bored? Surprised? Intrigued? What other emotional reactions do you experience? Reading it, do you feel angry? Sad? Amused? Joyful? Frustrated?
What is your immediate reaction to the main claims of the text? Do you agree, disagree? How strongly? Briefly, say why.
Sometimes the tone or voice of a piece of writing causes us to react. How would you describe the tone of the text? Its voice?
Are there ideas, words, references (as in words/phrases/ideas; not bibliographic references), or anything else in the text you don’t understand? Which ones?
What surprised you about this reading?
WEEK 1: Monday, January 29 – Sunday, February 4
Homework assignment:
Read syllabus and prepare for syllabus quiz in next class.
By next Tuesday’s class (February 6), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., two for one reading and one for the other).In Social Things: Introduction (*Might* be available for free hourly rental here:https://archive.org/details/socialthingsintr0000le… – you have to create a free account to use this site)
In The Sociological Imagination: PDF pgs. 10-18.
WEEK 2: Monday, February 5 – Sunday, February 11
Homework assignment:
By next Tuesday’s class (February 13), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., two for one reading and one for the other).In Social Things: Chapter 1 (*Might* be available for free hourly rental here:https://archive.org/details/socialthingsintr0000le… – you have to create a free account to use this site)
In The Sociological Imagination: PDF pgs. 18-32.
WEEK 3: Monday, February 12 – Sunday, February 18
Homework assignment:
By next Tuesday’s class (February 20), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., two for one reading and one for the other).In Social Things: Chapter 2 (*Might* be available for free hourly rental here:https://archive.org/details/socialthingsintr0000le… – you have to create a free account to use this site)
In The Sociological Imagination: PDF pgs. 202-211.
WEEK 4: Monday, February 19 – Sunday, February 25
Homework assignment:
By next Tuesday’s class (February 27), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., two for one reading and one for the other).In Social Things: Chapter 3
In Understanding Truman Capote (this text can be found on Brightspace): Chapter 1.
WEEK 5: Monday, February 26 – Sunday, March 3
Homework assignment:
By next Tuesday’s class (March 5), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., one for each reading).In Social Things: Chapter 4
In Truman Understanding Capote (this text can be found on Brightspace): Chapter 2 (A Tree of Night and Other Stories).
In A Tree of Night and Other Stories: 101-118 (Master Misery).
WEEK 6: Monday, March 4 – Sunday, March 10
Homework assignment:
By next Tuesday’s class (March 12), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., one for each reading).In Social Things: Chapter 5
In Truman Understanding Capote (this text can be found on Brightspace): Chapter 3.
In Other Voices, Other Rooms: Chapter 1.
WEEK 7: Monday, March 11 – Sunday, March 17
By next Tuesday’s class (March 19), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., one for each reading).In Social Things: Chapter 6
In Truman Understanding Capote (this text can be found on Brightspace): Chapter 4.
In The Grass Harp: Chapter 1
WEEK 8: Monday, March 18 – Sunday, March 24
By next Tuesday’s class (April 2), read the below readings and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total. Answer at least one for each reading (i.e., one for each reading).In Social Things: Chapter 7.
In Truman Understanding Capote: Chapter 5.
In The Muses Are Heard: Chapter 1
WEEK 9: SPRING BREAK: Monday, March 25 – Sunday, March 31
WEEK 10: Monday, April 1 – Sunday, April 7
By next Tuesday’s class (April 9), read the below readings and answer FOUR of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You must answer four of five questions in total. At least one per reading (and two for one reading).In Social Things: Chapter 8.
In Truman Understanding Capote: Chapter 6.
In Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Read at least the first 25 pages.
WEEK 11: Monday, April 8 – Sunday, April 14
By next Tuesday’s class (April 16), read the below readings and answer FOUR of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You must answer four of five questions in total. At least one per reading (and two for one reading).In Social Things: Chapter 9.
In Truman Understanding Capote: Chapter 7.
In In Cold Blood: Read at least the first 25 pages not including the Introduction (this corresponds to pgs. 18-43 in the PDF on Brightspace).
WEEK 12: Monday, April 15 – Sunday, April 21
By next Tuesday’s class (April 23), read the below reading(s) and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total.In Social Things: Chapter 10.
TBD (To Be Determined)
Study for final exam
WEEK 13: Monday, April 22 – Sunday, April 28
By next Tuesday’s class (April 30), read the below reading(s) and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total.In Social Things: Chapter 11.
Study for final exam
WEEK 14: Monday, April 29 – Sunday, May 5
By next Tuesday’s class (May 7), read the below reading(s) and answer three of five questions included under the sub-heading in this syllabus titled, “Typical homework assignment directions”. You need only answer three of five questions in total.In Social Things: Chapter 12.
Study for final exam
Link to Social Things book: https://archive.org/details/socialthingsintr0000leme_edi5/page/n5/mode/2up?view=theater
An individual’s education level may have an impact on how he or she votes. How m
An individual’s education level may have an impact on how he or she votes. How might other factors, such as marital status, employment status, religion, and military service, affect a person’s voting behavior?
Various levels of voting are associated with different gendered identities within race. In what ways might these patterns affect electoral outcomes? What does this suggest for future voting and electoral outcomes?
In what ways do your own political beliefs reflect your identities (race, class, and/or gender), and in what ways do your identities shape your political beliefs?
The labor and civil rights movements had a significant impact on identity and political coalitions. What other movements might have significantly influenced political institutions, identities, and outcomes? What does this suggest regarding the stability of political institutions?
Identity politics is a highly effective organizational tool, but identity movements can become focused on single issues. How might concentration on single issues and single identities serve not only to marginalize, but also to limit the effectiveness of a social movement?
The future belongs to all of us. Each generation, from oldest to youngest, has a stake in how well the political process operates. How might you, even at this point, become more involved in politics? What can you do within your institution or in the wider community to help support positive change?
Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length.
I need the paper to be APA format with in text citations. Here is a rough draft
I need the paper to be APA format with in text citations. Here is a rough draft of the paper with feedback from the professor.
please no AI ChatGPT or plagiarism to complete this assignment https://www.yout
please no AI ChatGPT or plagiarism to complete this assignment
OPTION 1 Instructions: Write a 2-3 page paper that addresses each of the section
Instructions: Write a 2-3 page paper that addresses each of the sections below. In terms of how to structure your paper, I think it might be useful to write a separate paragraph for each part of the question you are addressing. You do not need to number each paragraph but try to answer each question (within the section) in the order they are presented and that should give your paper a nice structure and flow. To complete this assignment you will need to watch the documentary called “13th”. Note: you can access the documentary 13th either on Netflix or on YouTube, here is the YouTube link: https://youtu.be/krfcq5pF8u8
1) Professor Allen (1981) argues that at various points in history, the U.S. criminal justice system has fluctuated between two approaches to handling “criminals”: rehabilitation and punishment. Using our discussions in lecture as a starting point, watch and then reflect back on the documentary 13th and address the question: have the last thirty years of the U.S. criminal justice system been centered around rehabilitation or punishment? Incorporate two examples from the documentary to help support your argument. Be sure to include a time stamp (for example, 23:52) to let the reader know where in the film they are discussing each of your examples.
If you argued that the last thirty years have been centered around punishment, describe one change that you would make to help shift our criminal justice system towards being a system of rehabilitation. If you argued that the last thirty years have been centered around rehabilitation, describe one aspect of the criminal justice system that can be pushed a bit further to become even more focused on rehabilitating people within the system.
Lastly, within lecture we have discussed the concept of racialization or how a group is racialized. First, define racialization for the reader. Then, using the documentary 13th describe one example where we see racialization occurring. Here, as well, be sure to include a time stamp to let the reader know where in the film they are discussing each of your examples. Also, be sure to clearly lay out for the reader what this process of racialization looks like in the example you include.
What role (if any) did the media play (newspaper, television or film) in either perpetuating or constructing the racialization of this group?
Instructions: Write a 2-3 page paper that addresses each section below. In terms of how to structure your paper, I think it might be useful to write a separate paragraph (or two) to answer each section. You do not need to number each paragraph but try to answer each section in the order they are presented and that should give your paper a nice structure and flow. Each paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced and 12 pt. font. Your paper is due on Friday (5/3) by 11:59pm. To submit your paper, you will need to upload it to Canvas, under the Assignments link and under the link called “Essay #3”. Note: you can access the documentary “Dan Rather Reports – A National Disgrace” on YouTube, here is the YouTube link:
Be sure to answer each of the following:
1) Describe one outside (of the school) barrier or one inside (of the school) barrier that students in East St. Louis, Illinois in the Kozol reading Savage Inequalities encounter and discuss how it is an educational inequality that these students experience.
2) Describe one outside (of the school) barrier or one inside (of the school) barrier that students in Detroit Public Schools encounter and discuss its impact as an educational inequality that these students experience.
2b) How were these educational inequalities that you discussed regarding Detroit Public Schools either similar or different from the inequalities you discussed regarding the students at East St. Louis?
3) During lecture, I introduced the concepts of social capital and cultural capital. In the documentary “A National Disgrace” we are introduced to a student named Deanna who is struggling with her educational experience within the Detroit Public School (DPS) system.Deanna’s educational experience becomes so dire that her previously articulated dreams of going to college seem like they might not materialize (or come into existence). However, in the end we see that Deanna does get accepted and goes off to college.
Use one of the forms of capital (social or cultural) to analyze Deanna’s ‘situation’ regarding Deanna’s family, Dan Rather and his production team, and her educational outcome of attending college in the fall. That is, use the concept of social capital or cultural capital to analyze and explain how Deanna went from likely not attending college (and possibly dropping out of school) to applying and being admitted to college in the fall semester. (Hint: pay particularly close attention during the timestamp 1:34:05 – 1:38:30) Good Luck!
Answer the following 10 questions about global social problems. Answer each ques
Answer the following 10 questions about global social problems. Answer each question with 3 sentences or more.
Given the problem of homelessness, how do structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism analyze this social problem?
Thinking about the United States or choosing a specific country, which proposal do you think would have the greatest impact on improving people’s life chances and reducing poverty?
Should there be reparations for post-colonial nations? How are the economies of post-colonial nations still affected by the legacy of colonialism How much do you think the wealth of some Western European countries (Belgium, Germany, France, England, Holland, etc.) is the result of the exploration of African countries?
Describe the factors in modern life that increase the risk of communicable disease and noncommunicable diseases and why they differ between developing and developed societies.
Thinking about the United States or choosing a specific country, point out possible strategies for improving health, especially for the poorest segment of society.
From a global perspective, how do race, ethnicity, and religion affect people’s life chances?
Consider Chapter 6: From difference to discrimination: Fault lines of race, ethnicity, and religion of the textbook, Global Problems, Global Solutions. How do you interpret the statement made by Agustinus Wibowo, an Indonesian Buddhist? “Having the wrong religion could cost you your life.”
Identify ways in which discrimination throughout the lifespan limits women’s and girls’ life chances.
In the book The Moment of Lift, what caught your attention the most and why?
Compare and contrast causes of voluntary and forced migration.
We have to watch the following film https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-the-inte
We have to watch the following film https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-the-interrupters-graphic-language/ After watching the above video, answer the following questions. 1. Define violence as a social problem in the United States and globally. In what ways is the United States a violent nation and is non-violent? Provide supporting evidence from the video and text. 2. Do you believe violence is a matter of deviance, culture, family, race, gender, class, education, or all? Why and why not? Support your position with evidence. 3. Connect different types of violence and the three (3) main sociological perspectives. Provide evidence from the video and text based on the three (3) main sociological perspectives. 4. How does violence impact the various social institutions, health, family, education, employment, criminal justice, and overall community? Provide supporting evidence. 5. What solutions do you propose to address the issue(s) of violence and its effects as a social problem? Which social institution(s) do you propose are best to address violence as a social problem? 6. Referencing one (1) sociological perspective, in what ways do you think it can address violence and remedy its effects as a social problem? 7. What were The Interrupters working to “interrupt”? Do you think their efforts were effective? What do you think was the most effective strategy and your reason why? Provide supporting evidence. 8. Reflecting on your major and/or career pursuits, identify ways community-based violence can be addressed for restoration to a healthy, safe community where inhabitants have a sense of well-being. For question 8 my major is Criminal Justice, nothing specific yet but you can use being a police officer if you want.