SOC480 – Literature Review – 100 points Research your topic choice and write a s

SOC480 – Literature Review – 100 points
Research your topic choice and write a scholarly literature review on the social problem in the United States.

Literature Review must:
1.) Synthesize at least 10 sociology and/or criminology peer-reviewed scholarly articles into a literature review on your topic in the U.S.
2.) Connect your topic to at least two categories of identity (race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, etc.) and explain the affects of inequality on people experiencing your social problem.
3.) Utilize one sociology or criminology theory as the framework for your social problem.
4.) Include sociological concepts throughout.
Paper requirements:
1.) Well organized and clear, including cover page, introduction with thesis statement, literature review, conclusion, & reference page
2.) At least 10 sociology and/or criminology sources (articles or books) are cited properly according to APA or ASA standards, both in-text and in reference page. Sources must be no older than 2014 – no master’s thesis, dissertations. or conference papers allowed
3.) Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are error free
4.) Double spaced, 10 to 12 point font, 1 inch margins
5.) Minimum of 7 pages and a maximum of 10 pages (not including cover page or reference page)
6.) Each resource in your reference page must be cited in the paper. Likewise, every resource cited in the paper needs to be included in the reference page.
Structure of the Paper
I. Introduction
The topic is introduced, and the thesis statement gives clear direction to what factors will be discussed throughout the paper. Includes current data reflecting social problem status.
[Suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs – 1 page]
(15 points possible based on content and style)
II. Literature Review
Demonstrate your ability to locate, identify, and write about sociology/criminology scholarship related to your topic/social problem. The result should be a detailed discussion of what the scholarly literature tells you is the current status of your topic/social problem. Synthesize don’t summarize. Clearly discuss the social problem using sociological concepts throughout. Analyze your topic/social problem through the lens of at least one sociology or criminology theory. Discuss how inequality is related to at least 2 social factors or categories of identity (race/ethnicity, class, sexuality, gender, religion, etc.). Scholarly, sociology/criminology, peer reviewed sources must all be fairly recent (2014 – present).
[Suggested length: 5-6 pages]
(50 points possible based on content and style)
III. Conclusion
Make succinct and precise conclusions based on the literature review and introduction. Insights into the problem are appropriate and implications are clear.
[Suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs – 1 page]
(15 points possible based on content and style)
IV. References
Use the American Sociological Association (ASA) or American Psychological Association citation styles (APA). Must be in correct format, both in-text and reference page. Any sources cited in-text MUST be included in reference page and any sources included in reference page MUST be cited in-text. No sources over 10 years old, no dissertations, master’s thesis, or conference papers allowed.
[Suggested length: minimum 10 scholarly sources that you independently located and used]
(20 points possible based upon content and style)
Goals of the Paper:
Please note that Soc 480 is a “capstone” class and is meant for you to demonstrate all that you have learned in the major. The department wants you to be able to do all this by the end of Soc 480:
Student Learning Objectives for Sociology:

1. Analyze and interpret the diversity of social experience associated with criminology and social justice issues, especially as they relate to race, class, gender, age, sexual preference, religion, and nationality. 

2. Assess competing theoretical approaches to criminology and social justice issues of publics with differing and multiple interests; specify structural or institutional sources of these criminology and social justice issues; and propose and assess policies, interventions and/or modes of advocacy that will enact positive change.

3. Locate, analyze, assess, and communicate criminology and social justice scholarship.
4. Articulate the ethical and social justice implications of criminology and justice studies.
Student Learning Objectives for Soc 480:

1. Demonstrate competency in key sociological theoretical approaches and concepts.

2. Apply concepts of diversity including but not limited to race, class, sexual orientation, age, religion, and nationality, physical abilities. 

3. Formulate a research question within a sociological framework. 

4. Compile academic research articles from academic databases for sociology and related fields (e.g. women studies, race and ethnicity, etc.). 

5. Demonstrate knowledge of a full scope of research methods including application.

6. Write a literature review that conforms to professional standards of scholarship. 

7. Envision areas and ways for future social change. 

8. Develop civic values and skills.

Write a 8 page paper double spaced Times New Roman that follows the following ou

Write a 8 page paper double spaced Times New Roman that follows the following outline.
Topic: What impact does social environment have on life course perspective: Advantaged neighborhoods vs. disadvantaged
Introduction (page 1)Introduce the topic and provide background information on the importance of social environment in shaping life course perspectives.
State the purpose of the paper and outline the key points that will be discussed.
Definitions and what consists of each neighborhood (page 2)Define what is meant by advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods in the context of social environment.
Provide an overview of the characteristics usually associated with each type of neighborhood.
Source Review (page 3)Review relevant literature on the impact of social environment on life course perspectives, focusing on studies that compare advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Discuss theories and ideas that explain how social environment influences individual development over the life course.
The factors in advantaged neighborhoods (page 4)Describe the positive factors present in advantaged neighborhoods, such as higher socioeconomic status, better access to education and healthcare, safer environments, and stronger social support networks.
Discuss how these factors contribute to positive life course outcomes for individuals living in advantaged neighborhoods.
The factors in disadvantaged neighborhoods (page 5)Describe the challenges and negative factors present in disadvantaged neighborhoods, such as poverty, crime, limited access to resources, poorer quality education and healthcare, and social isolation.
Discuss how these factors can impact life course perspectives and lead to negative outcomes for individuals in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Include sources or examples (page 6)Include case studies or examples that talk about the differences between life course perspectives in advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Use real-world examples or research findings to support your analysis.
It’s impact on education, employment, and health (page 7)Discuss the specific impact of social environment on key areas of life course development, such as educational attainment, employment opportunities, and health outcomes.
Compare outcomes between individuals from advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods.
What problems can come from the findings and what can solve them (page 8)Discuss the implications of your findings for social policy and practice, particularly in terms of addressing disparities between advantaged and disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Propose potential interventions or strategies to improve life course perspectives for individuals in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Conclusion (page 9)Summarize the main findings and restate the importance of understanding the impact of social environment on life course perspectives.
Discuss any short comings of the study and suggest directions for future research in this area.
Topic: What impact does social environment have on life course perspective: Advantaged neighborhoods vs. disadvantaged
Sources to include:
Krohn, M. D., Ward, J. T., Thornberry, T. P., Lizotte, A. J., & Chu, R. (2011). The Cascading Effects of Adolescent Gang Involvement Across the Life Course. Criminology, 49(4), 991-1028.
The study by Krohn et al. (2011) studies how teenage gang membership affects people’s life courses in the long run. It reveals a cycle in which being involved in a gang as a teenager has a detrimental impact on later life, including higher rates of criminal behavior, use of drugs, and worse school performance. In order to reduce the long term effects of gang membership on people’s lives, the study highlights the importance of early intervention and prevention approaches.
WEIGHT, FAMILY ADVERSITY. AND. New Frontiers in Socialization, 7, 263-295.
The impact of parental adversity on socialization results are studied in the Disadvantage and Course-Persistent (2002) study. It draws attention to the ways that low birth weight and adversity in the family can lead to long-term socialization disadvantages that impact things like academic performance, behavioral outcomes, and general well-being. In order to improve the socialization outcomes of people who are born with low birth weight and those who experience family hardship, the study emphasizes the necessity of support and assistance structures.
Eriksson, K. H., Hjalmarsson, R., Lindquist, M. J., & Sandberg, A. (2016). The Importance of Family Background and Neighborhood Effects as Determinants of Crime. Journal of Population Economics, 29, 219-262.
Eriksson et al. (2016) study how local influences and familial history affect people’s likelihood of engaging in criminal activity. It emphasizes how important a role a family’s background plays in determining how likely an individual is to commit crimes, including elements like parental socioeconomic status and criminal history. The research also emphasizes how community attributes, including resource accessibility and poverty levels, affect local crime rates. Understanding these factors is crucial in order to develop focused measures and regulations meant to reduce criminal activity and enhance the welfare of society.
Warner, T. D., & Settersten Jr, R. A. (2017). Why neighborhoods (and how we study them) matter for adolescent development. Advances in child development and behavior, 52, 105-152.
In the 2017 paper, Warner and Settersten Jr. address the significance of neighborhoods and their research in comprehending the development of adolescents. They stress that communities have a big impact on how teenagers live their life in terms of their social lives, school performance, and general well-being. The study emphasizes the necessity of thorough research approaches that take into account social and cultural elements that impact teenage growth in addition to the physical features of neighborhoods. Policies and initiatives aiming at establishing surroundings that are supportive of teenage development and achievement can be supported by an understanding of the influence of neighborhoods.
Elliott, D. S., Wilson, W. J., Huizinga, D., Sampson, R. J., Elliott, A., & Rankin, B. (1996). The Effects of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Adolescent Development. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 33(4), 389-426.
Elliott et al.’s (1996) study looks at how neighborhood disadvantage affects teenage development, specifically paying attention to social disorder, poverty, and crime rates in areas. It reveals that living in underprivileged areas is linked to increased rates of juvenile delinquency and unfavorable consequences, such as poor academic performance and involvement in criminal activity. The study emphasizes how important it is to address neighborhood issues in initiatives to promote healthy adolescent development and lower delinquency rates.

Social Inequality and Social Change Exercise Part 2 Description: This part of th

Social Inequality and Social Change Exercise Part 2 Description: This part of the assignment aims to help you to begin building your own theory of social change. Based on your chosen problem definition from part 1, what strategies you may consider addressing the problem? Assignment: Consider the scope of the social issue you discussed in the previous paper. While you are not going to be able to fix the issue, as a macro social worker, your job will be to develop services, programs, or effects to address a part of the issue. Often, funders require that you submit your proposals for grant funding and explain your plan through a theory of change. In this assignment you will identify ONE impact and create a theory of change focusing on that impact goal. The paper should be double spaced-spaced, with one-inch margins, APA. Don’t forget to include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Work through the ten steps of developing a theory of change (Noble article), in addition to the outlined requirements. The steps outlined below provide you with a framework for your paper. *Tips for this assignment, complete steps 1-4 first, create the logic model next, then write up sections 5,6,7,8. After that, write up the remaining sections 9-14.* *Sections in blue are also outlined in the Noble article* Paper Outline 1) Cover Page 2) Introduction paragraph a. Intro to the problem (brief overview of the problem from paper 1 i. Should include which groups does the problem impact? who are you trying to help? 3) Change mechanisms/quality  what are you hypothesizing that will generate the change you are proposing? a. Explain how each activity will cause the outcomes you want to see 4) Sequencing – Explain the sequencing for each process, only if the logic model needs more elaboration. If the logic model speaks for itself, then it is not necessary to do this piece. 5) Develop a visual logic model, Theory of change (see example in Noble article) a. Tip- create the visual theory of change first, then write the paper sections 5,6,7,8. Creating the visual is easier than trying to write out the process. b. Tip- start with the impact, the outcomes, then activities. Focus on Quality and Mechanisms after the first three have been identified c. It is highly recommended that you have the instructor review your theory of change prior to writing up the paper d. Assumptions 6) Theory of change laid out (use as many rows as needed) a. if we….. then…… b. example i. if we deploy racial healing then we will promote empathy ii. if we promote empathy then we… iii. if we…. 7) Stakeholders & Enabling Factors Analysis 8) Evaluation a. You should be able to evaluate/measure each activity to show if the activity was successful in achieving the corresponding output. b. You do not need to develop an actual evaluation tool, but you will need to explain how you would measure/evaluate each activity i. Example: the number of people served; the number of regions reached in a specific amount of time; etc. 9) Conclusion paragraph

MODULE NAME- Sociology of the environment. Please choose One of the following ti

MODULE NAME- Sociology of the environment. Please choose One of the following titles. Essays should be 3000 words in length (incl. bibliography), Give full details of any sources used.. There are a wide range of electronic resources available on Canvas or through UCC Library.(if you need any articles or anything let me know and I can send them). I also attatched photos of what we studied each week.

Complete a biopsychosocial assessment on an elderly person, age 75 or older. Be

Complete a biopsychosocial assessment on an elderly person, age 75 or older. Be sure to assess the client’s weaknesses and strengths in the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of their elderly person. In an essay (1,000-1,250 words), cite three to five sources and address the following: Using a multidimensional theory of human behavior in the social environment, discuss how they have been impacted throughout their lives. Describe major milestones of physical, psychological, and social development of late adulthood. Explain how the elderly person handled the social role transitions and life events of late adulthood. Describe the risk and protective factors of late adulthood. Describe the impact of culture, race, religion, and gender on the elderly person. Access and read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. Explain how the Christian worldview affects the social role transitions and life events of late adulthood. Describe the impact of sexual identity and different or changing family structures (divorce, dating, empty nest syndrome) on the elderly person. Refer to Social Work Disposition #7: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to Clients in your essay and how this is an important aspect to consider when completing a biopsychosocial assessment.

Please respond 1. How is suicide viewed in Japan? How is this perspective differ

Please respond
1. How is suicide viewed in Japan? How is this perspective different from other cultures?
2. How does the Buddhist priest, Ittetsu Nemoto, connect with his suicidal and lonely patients? That is, what are his strategies to reach them?
3. What were some of the life experiences that led him to try these novel but rather successful strategies?
4. What do you think of Nemoto and his approach? What worked? What didn’t?

“How to Tame a Wild Tongue” writing assignment 1. Why does use Anzaldua’s multip

“How to Tame a Wild Tongue” writing assignment
1. Why does use Anzaldua’s multiple languages in her essay? What message is she trying to
send her readers?
2. According to Anzaldua, how is language related to identity?
3. What does Anzaldua say is the way to “really hurt” her on page 59? How does this hurt her?
4. What are some of the different “languages” that you speak? Why are some regarded as
proper and formal and others as casual or inappropriate in some contexts?

Research the impact of switching to solely sustainable practices for lumber mill

Research the impact of switching to solely sustainable practices for lumber mills / companies that are included in the practice of deforestation; and what the impact would have on the economy as well as the environment. Include strategies to combat the unsustainable deforestation, such as research of companies that provide resources for helping to restore forests as well, and explain how it would also improve the economic aspect by providing more jobs, and giving funding to companies that actually care about improving the state of the harmful deforestation practices still happening today.