Each response should be about 2-3 pages (12 pt. font, standard margins, double-spaced). Do not repeat the question in your answer.
Category: Sociology
1. What does this episode teach us about society? 2. What information is present
1. What does this episode teach us about society? 2. What information is presented? 3. How was the information gathered? 4. What is the perspective of the hosts or story-tellers? 5. In what ways is the episode a commentary on society? 6. Does the narrative have some historical and/ or cultural significance? 7. What additional thoughts and opinions you have about the episode? What did it make you think about?
2 year on the management speciality, course name: Innovation in Society * Take
2 year on the management speciality, course name: Innovation in Society
* Take Back the Future Project-It was a team project about Innovations, our chosen topic was: Ai in education
*No GPT or any other AI should be detected
Important Info
The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)
For this journal assignment, you will explore your own identities by addressing
For this journal assignment, you will explore your own identities by addressing the following:
Considering at least three of your core identities, give an example of how each impacts (or is noticeable in) your daily life.
1. Race(black)
2. Experience( over 20 years in the u.s. Army)
3. Gender (female)
Of the identities you listed above, which has contributed most to your overall identity? Does the identity you feel is most significant in your life vary depending on the social context you may be in? In other words, does the identity you feel is most important vary throughout the day depending on the social situation you are in? Be sure to explain why or why not.
Thinking about these three identities, do you feel that your membership in these groups leads you to experience certain privileges or certain inequalities in our society? Give examples of these privileges and/or inequalities.
The following short videos may help you address these questions:
Newman, D.M. (2016). Identities and inequalities: Exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, & sexuality (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com/
Identities & Inequalities Links to an external site.
Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality Links to an external site.
What is Privilege? Links to an external site.
I am including instructions for the assignment, along with the article and chapt
I am including instructions for the assignment, along with the article and chapter 7 as reference. Let me know if you need anything else.
Our assignment this week allows us to see our weekly objectives being applied in
Our assignment this week allows us to see our weekly objectives being applied in “real time”!
Step 1: Choose 2 different avenues within the internet which you currently utilize on a regular basis. This could include social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc.), a standard search tool within your preferred browser (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.), or specific stores, restaurants, or subscriiptions to specific sites.
Step 2: Utilizing the 2 avenues chosen from step 1, address the following:
· Search a basic topic(s) in both avenues that interests you. This could be searching a social media site for a specific location, group, or service needed; a search through the internet about a topic you would like to know more about; or searching a specific item within one of your subscribed stores/restaurants/subscriiptions.
· Make note of any ads/pop-ups that you see throughout your two different searches.
· WAIT at least one day, and connect back into your social media site, specific locations in which you performed the initial search AND your personal email. Make note of any NEW ads/pop-ups you see that were not delivered to you within your initial search. Look in your spam/junk emails and note how many of those emails delivered AFTER the initial searches connect with the topic you searched.
Step 3: Present your findings with the class! ***( will need a transcriipt to perform this)++ This presentation can be in the form of a PowerPoint with voice-over, or a speech delivered through video (YouTube). Within your presentation, please be sure to maintain individual privacy while sharing the following results:
· Which two avenues were utilized to perform your searches? What topic(s) was/were searched?
· As you read through material provided from your searches, what type of ads/pop-ups did you see within both avenues used for your searches? Did it make a difference if you were searching from your cell phone, tablet, or computer?
· After your waiting period from the initial searches, what ads/pop-ups/emails did you see that were directly related to your searches? Were those ads/pop-ups/emails different than the ones recognized initially? Did they originate from the same entity (companies/websites), or were there additional entities (companies/websites) included after that wait period?
· Share how you recognized the application of “nudging” applied after your searches. Did those “nudges” entice you to continue your search/make additional choices or purchases? Did you ever feel your privacy was violated after recognizing how the algorithms and “nudges” were related directly to your original searches? Explain why you feel this way.
· Suggest in your own opinion how the current laws/regulations regarding the application of these algorithms should be changed (or should they?) to maintain our individual privacy over the internet.
I am an international student, so please, please write my paper with easy words.
I am an international student, so please, please write my paper with easy words. The level of the paper must be that of a complete college freshman. thank you!
This paper will help you evaluate a current social issue from a sociological perspective/ paradigm (one of the three main theories we’ve studied in this class).
What Do you Have to Do?
Select a contemporary social issue (a topic for your paper) to research and to analyze from the perspective of a sociological paradigm (topic examples below). You will need to research your topic and provide current facts/stats/data on your topic in society today. Be sure to include plenty of in-text citations.
Papers must include one sociological paradigm. Pick only one of the 3 main theories to apply to your topic (conflict theory, functionalism, or interactionism). Discuss it directly and apply it thoroughly! If your topic is the gender pay gap, and you pick conflict theory, explain how conflict theory would analyze the pay gap.
Paper structure: Introduction, Body of Paper (where you discuss your research findings and apply your theory), and Conclusion. Be sure to use sociological terms from this course to discuss your topic!
Papers must be 4-5 pages, 12 pt. double-spaced.
Papers must include at least 5 resources from: books, academic articles, or sociological journals
Papers must include MLA in-text citations and a Works Cited list (alphabetized).
Papers must have a Turnitin score, and it must be under 30%, for credit on this assignment.
There are many topics you can consider for your paper. You may find that your topic is very general and you will then need to narrow it down. Some topics could include:
Gun control, media bias, cyber bullying, sexual harassment, the death penalty, undocumented workers, New Jim Crow, gender exploitation, social media issues, police corruption, gambling in athletics, cheating in academic settings, relationships, homelessness, crossing borders, white privilege, driving while Black/Brown, juvenile delinquency, environmental racism, LGBTQ+ rights, whistle blowers, unnecessary surgery (medical sociology), global warming, BLM, etc. “
Each response should be about 2-3 pages (12 pt. font, standard margins, double-s
Each response should be about 2-3 pages (12 pt. font, standard margins, double-spaced). Do not repeat the question in your answer.
This is a take-home exam. It assesses your mastery of the course material thus f
This is a take-home exam. It assesses your mastery of the course material thus far.
Please focus on making your responses thorough and thoughtful. You must write a minimum of
200 words for each response. (That said, “A” exams generally fall in 400-600 word range per
response.) There is no maximum word limit. Please provide at least two concrete examples
from the readings to illustrate your responses. (You are welcome to quote from the texts, but I do
not want responses that are entirely copied and pasted from the texts). You may also draw upon
personal experiences in your responses, but they should be contextualized through reference to
course material. If you have any questions about what is expected, please let me know well in
advance of the due date in class, during office hours, or via email. Please proofread, as spelling,
clarity, and grammar count.
(20 pts. each)
1. What makes suicide a sociological and anthropological phenomenon rather than purely a
psychiatric issue? What makes Ittetsu Nemoto, the Japanese Buddhist priest, such an effective
counselor to his suicidal and lonely patients?
2. What does W.E.B Dubois mean by the term “double consciousness?” How does this “peculiar
sensation” affect people of color as they go about their lives in a racist society?
3. According to James Baldwin, how does racism produce feelings of ‘nobodiness’ and anger?
How can people regain a sense of ‘somebodiness’ and self-confidence?
4. Simone de Beauvoir writes, “One is not born, but rather becomes a woman.” How is gender
socially constructed and learned? Describe some of the ways that patriarchy subjugates women
and relegates them to a secondary status in society? (You can draw on de Beauvoir, bell hooks,
and/or the Anita Hill documentary, “Anita,” if you were able to view it).
5. What does bell hooks mean by the term “homeplace” and what relevance did it have to the
lives of black women, in particular? In what ways is it a site of “affirmation” and “resistance”?
Compare and contrast how Comte, Marx and Durkheim theories relate to V for Vende
Compare and contrast how Comte, Marx and Durkheim theories relate to V for Vendetta movie. Give example of conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. The first file I am sending is instructions and the second file is what I had to start to get this assignment approved