Read Ch.6
Each assignment presents unique questions related to the text’s concepts, requiring APA citations to support your arguments. Furthermore, each response must be at least 150 words long.
1. When discussing new media, how do social learning processes intersect with your own life?
2. What are cognitive and affective learning? Exploring their nuances and practical applications in real-world scenarios, discuss how both concepts differ.
3. How do the learning processes associated with video games differ from those of other media, and how might this distinction manifest in society?
4. Why have some traditionally shied away from considering media as a learning mechanism? Reflect on historical perspectives and societal attitudes toward media, and provide examples to illustrate reasons for this avoidance.
Category: Sociology homework help
Answer each question separately, linking the text CH. 20 and 21 concept and the
Answer each question separately, linking the text CH. 20 and 21 concept and theories.
1. Discuss the principal critiques of the functional perspective.
2. Outline the requisite functions of effective decision making. Are there any cases in which one might be more important than the others? Explain.
3. How does a group chain onto a fantasy?
4. At times, a group’s fantasy theme may not be supported by those outside the group. Can you think of a situation or circumstance when sharing fantasies may build up a group’s identity but still be problematic?
Chose a start time and note all the media you consume within a 24 hour period.
Chose a start time and note all the media you consume within a 24 hour period. Select an average day for you. Use the hour by hour chart attached below to record all the media you come in contact with (billboards, graffiti, social media, television, online streaming, magazines, etc.).
At the end of 24 hours, review your chart and think about the following:
Which one form of media did you use the most? How much time did you use it?
Which one form of media did you use the least (but still use)? How much time did you use it?
How much time was spent communicating with another person over media (phone, messaging, e- mail, etc.)?
How much time was spent using media that was monologic (one-sided, such as TV or radio, streaming media)?
What surprised you about the amount of time you spent engaged in the use of media? Why?
Based on this exercise, will you do anything differently (increase or decrease) in using media? Why? or Why not?
What are the primary messages in the media you consume? Is there a pattern?
What are the unexpected or subconscious messages in the media you consume? For example, how often do you find yourself purchasing something that came up as you were scrolling? Or deciding to do something because you saw an ad or a post of someone else doing it?
Please keep your analysis to 500-700 words.
Turn in your 24 hour chart and your analysis as one pdf file.
1) Compare and contrast the “American Accents” documentary to the “American
1) Compare and contrast the “American Accents” documentary to the “American Tongues” documentary. That is to say provide an overall critique of the three parts to “American Accents” after your viewing of American Tongues
2) What have you learned about language and culture via this latest 3 part documentary?
3) a. According to the NPR Radio News Program “How did the Baltimore Accent Happen?” who are EZE Jackson and Tommy Sinbazod? b. Why are they important here?
4) a. What features, aspects of the Baltimore accent did the two linguists in the radio program highlight and discuss?
5) As a Baltimore resident, have you made judgements about people who speak the Baltimore accent? Have you ever been judged yourself for speaking it?
6) a. According to the Linguists and the historians on the radio program, how did the Baltimore accent happen? What gave rise to it? b. With the growing Latinx Population in Baltimore, is there a Spanish Language Baltimore accent. Why or Why not?
7. What was your thoughts on the Baltimore accent prior to this section on Language and Culture? Has it remained the same or has it changed? Why / Why Not?
You are required to number your responses, submit your work as a PDF, and to
You are required to number your responses, submit your work as a PDF, and to be detailed and thorough in all your responses. I expect it will take at least one paragraph to answer each question. I strongly recommend you review the Helpful Hints under the Welcome Aboard! folder before completing this assignment to make sure you are following all the directions.
1. Write a short summary of “The $12 Million Stuffed Shark” and explain how it is relevant to the material we covered in this unit.
2. Where should sociologists focus their study: high culture or popular culture? Why?
3. Apply some of the theories from cultural sociology that we have learned thus far to explain the origin, production, and reception of some new form of music or new genre of television. Who are the creators, who are the receivers, and what is their relationship to the social world? What insitutions mediate the connection between the creators/receivers and the social world?
4. Many school districts in Texas have been banning books recently. Read up on this unfolding story at to an external site. and do some research on your own about this issue. Drawing on your knowledge of cultural sociology, explain both the pros and cons of this censorship.
the $12 million stuffed shark:
You are required to number your responses, submit your work as a PDF, and to be detailed and thorough in all your responses. I expect it will take at least one paragraph to answer each question. I strongly recommend you review the Helpful Hints under the Welcome Aboard! folder before completing this assignment to make sure you are following all the directions.
1. Write a short summary of “The $12 Million Stuffed Shark” and explain how it is relevant to the material we covered in this unit.
2. Where should sociologists focus their study: high culture or popular culture? Why?
3. Apply some of the theories from cultural sociology that we have learned thus far to explain the origin, production, and reception of some new form of music or new genre of television. Who are the creators, who are the receivers, and what is their relationship to the social world? What insitutions mediate the connection between the creators/receivers and the social world?
4. Many school districts in Texas have been banning books recently. Read up on this unfolding story at to an external site. and do some research on your own about this issue. Drawing on your knowledge of cultural sociology, explain both the pros and cons of this censorship.
the $12 stuffed million shark:$12+Million+Stuffed+Shark:+The+Curious+Economics+of+Contemporary+Art&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bpSdVN2_NIijNpung_gC&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=The%20%2412%20Million%20Stuffed%20Shark%3A%20The%20Curious%20Economics%20of%20Contemporary%20Art&f=false
You are required to number your responses, submit your work as a PDF, and to
You are required to number your responses, submit your work as a PDF, and to be detailed and thorough in all your responses. I expect it will take at least one paragraph to answer each question. I strongly recommend you review the Helpful Hints under the Welcome Aboard! folder before completing this assignment to make sure you are following all the directions.
1. Write a short summary of “The $12 Million Stuffed Shark” and explain how it is relevant to the material we covered in this unit.
2. Where should sociologists focus their study: high culture or popular culture? Why?
3. Apply some of the theories from cultural sociology that we have learned thus far to explain the origin, production, and reception of some new form of music or new genre of television. Who are the creators, who are the receivers, and what is their relationship to the social world? What insitutions mediate the connection between the creators/receivers and the social world?
4. Many school districts in Texas have been banning books recently. Read up on this unfolding story at to an external site. and do some research on your own about this issue. Drawing on your knowledge of cultural sociology, explain both the pros and cons of this censorship.
the $12 million stuffed shark:
You are required to number your responses, submit your work as a PDF, and to be detailed and thorough in all your responses. I expect it will take at least one paragraph to answer each question. I strongly recommend you review the Helpful Hints under the Welcome Aboard! folder before completing this assignment to make sure you are following all the directions.
1. Write a short summary of “The $12 Million Stuffed Shark” and explain how it is relevant to the material we covered in this unit.
2. Where should sociologists focus their study: high culture or popular culture? Why?
3. Apply some of the theories from cultural sociology that we have learned thus far to explain the origin, production, and reception of some new form of music or new genre of television. Who are the creators, who are the receivers, and what is their relationship to the social world? What insitutions mediate the connection between the creators/receivers and the social world?
4. Many school districts in Texas have been banning books recently. Read up on this unfolding story at to an external site. and do some research on your own about this issue. Drawing on your knowledge of cultural sociology, explain both the pros and cons of this censorship.
the $12 stuffed million shark:$12+Million+Stuffed+Shark:+The+Curious+Economics+of+Contemporary+Art&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bpSdVN2_NIijNpung_gC&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=The%20%2412%20Million%20Stuffed%20Shark%3A%20The%20Curious%20Economics%20of%20Contemporary%20Art&f=false
I need you to read the discussion answer the questions, I need 8 sentences to co
I need you to read the discussion answer the questions, I need 8 sentences to complete the discussion and 4 sentences for a reply.
I need you to read the discussion answer the questions, I need 8 sentences to co
I need you to read the discussion answer the questions, I need 8 sentences to complete the discussion and 4 sentences for a reply.
Anger, Disappointment, Happiness, Disbelief, Eroticism, Boredom, Inviting, Comfo
Anger, Disappointment, Happiness, Disbelief, Eroticism, Boredom, Inviting, Comforting, Contempt and Disgust. If a woman was to display one of the emotions, how would the woman’s display of the emotion (especially in the workplace) be perceived and how does that differ from how a male’s display of the emotion would be perceived? If both language and emotion is how we communicate in our society, and if they both carry distinct meanings, how do we use both to bring about language neutrality?
Review the Learning Resources on leadership skills and the role of human re
Review the Learning Resources on leadership skills and the role of human resources.
You may wish to revisit People First San Diego’s websiteLinks to an external site.. For this Assignment, focus on the organization’s mission, vision, and diversity and inclusion statement located on the Who We Are tab.
Explore the following scenario. Consider how you would address the situation and consult with the human resources department.
You serve as the Director of Clinical Services within the People First San Diego organization. In team meetings, longtime employee Patrice, a woman in her later 50s, is often belittling and condescending toward Bo, another social worker. Patrice rolls her eyes at Bo’s ideas and mutters under her breath. Further, Patrice often needs to be corrected for using the wrong pronoun to describe Bo (who uses “they” and “them”). You are not sure why this dynamic is occurring, but you suspect it has something to do with Bo being young and identifying as nonbinary.
Patrice may see herself as the “old guard” who needs to establish order and police the team. Bo has not voiced any concern about the situation; however, other members of the team have expressed discomfort to you. When you address the comments individually with Patrice, she explains that she doesn’t realize she has been doing it and implies that you are being too “touchy.” The comments and behavior continue, and you are not sure what to do. You decide to consult with the human resources department.
By Day 7
Submit a 2-page p*****(not including title page and references) in which you:
Explain the role of human resources within an organization and how the department supports managers.
Analyze the personnel situation within the People First San Diego scenario.
What type of conflict is occurring?
To what extent does the situation violate the mission, vision, and/or diversity and inclusion statement of the organization or violate the law?
Describe how you would address the personnel situation through consultation with human resources.