I need to develop a research proposal of 4000 words (+/- 10% leeway), including

I need to develop a research proposal of 4000 words (+/- 10% leeway), including a critical review of relevant literature, excluding the reference list and any appendices. I have uploaded a tutorial file that contains important information about the assignment, and the assignment file with all the details is also uploaded. If you have any questions or need more information or materials regarding the assignment, please let me know. The number of sources and charts, required for the assignment, is flexible, depending on the research and the writer.

5 Questions that need to be answered. Questions with guidelines are attached. Al

5 Questions that need to be answered. Questions with guidelines are attached. Also, the other class reading is “Disaster Recovery, 2nd edition by Brenda Phillips. I have the ebook and can share the login if need be. I believe the 1st edition PDF is free online.

I need a risk management process for the risk of lack of training from the compa

I need a risk management process for the risk of lack of training from the company for the end-user of the new Radiology equipment provided by a company, Need to cover the following:
1- Identify the loss exposure (one of the losses is losing the reputation and low bad customer experience)
2- measure and analyze the loss exposures.
3- select appropriate combination of techniques for treating the loss exposure: Risk control , Risk financing
4- implement and monitor the risk management program as attached picture.
Also you can use the attached template as reference. The homework should be in Word and presentation as well.

1. click on the link to watch the scenario. 2. flow the all steps in guidelines

1. click on the link to watch the scenario.
2. flow the all steps in guidelines for case study file attached.
3. prepare a report without references just do the all steps and for any missed information assume it based on the scenario (hypothetical).
4. use the empty forms file attached.(as needed)

1. Review the Incident Action Plan Excel file. 2. Explain why having access to t

1. Review the Incident Action Plan Excel file.
2. Explain why having access to this tool and knowing how to use it will enhance your ICS knowledge.
The Microsoft Excel file is the preferred version to use. (see attachment)
The ICS forms can also be downloaded from FEMA here: https://training.fema.gov/icsresource/icsforms.aspx

Guideline for Individual Project Presentation 1) Identify six risks associated w

Guideline for Individual Project Presentation
1) Identify six risks associated with you and your family. Six risks include three short-term risks and three long-term risks.
2) Present the tools you plan to use to mitigate the risks.
3) Present the rationales for selecting and applying the tools.
4) The number of slides should be 25 to 30 and the presentation time should be 20 to 25 minutes.
Please note that for every risk you address, you need to quantitative your assessment/measurement. For example, if you use insurance to transfer a type of insurance, you need to specify the dollar amount you need and why. Also, you need to estimate if you have resources (i.e., enough income) to meet the needs.
Requirements: 25-30 slides

Assignment This week we start documenting the process of your risk calculator. I

This week we start documenting the process of your risk calculator. It is important you fully understand how your risk calculator works and can explain the decisions you made. This do this your final paper needs to be clearly laid out. By writing an outline, it will help you organize your ideas into a logical and cohesive paper. Think about the core sections besides the abstract/summary, introduction, and conclusion. For example, is your risk calculator based on an existing model? Perhaps give some background to your organization so help describe the scenario and set the baseline for your decision(s). This can be a decimal outline (section broken down into roman numerals). OR if you want to be a little more descriiptive, you can use a full sentence outline as well. During week one you focused on references. This week you will submit the layout of the paper in an outline.
Use APA dotted decimal format. Include any references you may have to this point.
Body of the Paper (break down and elaborate here)
Please use the references attached below.

Outline the legal and ethical considerations for companies who are preparing a c

Outline the legal and ethical considerations for companies who are preparing a crisis contingency plan.
2 What is your risk assessment team’s assessment of how organizations can better prepare their staff for new crisis threats such as cyber security and artificial intelligence