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THEO 108
The prompt is designed to stimulate your thinking and assess the knowledge gleaned from the
textbook and course reading. You will then utilize this information by applying in an essay
where you utilize theological tools to build a case for angels and demons. This practice will
prepare you to answer questions regarding the faith outside the classroom setting.
Dr. Wilmington makes the claim that most of the world today pictures the devil, angels, and
demons as medieval and mythical “Disney” characters and thus they have been ignored and/or
downplayed by most of the population or elevated to the point of worship.
In this essay, build a case for the existence of Satan, demons, and angels. In the first section,
explain the work and ministry of angels as it pertains to both heaven and earth.
In the second section, explain some of the foundational ideas surrounding demons. Who do they
serve, how do they serve him, and what are their activities? Be sure to use relevant Scripture and
supporting sources to substantiate your response.
Items to include are outlined as follows:
 1000-1300 words in length.
o Double spaced
o 12 pt. Times New Roman font
o 1” margins
o No extra space between lines or paragraphs
o Leveled headings are required.
 Turabian formatting must be utilized.
 The Bible (relevant scriptural passages) must be used but does not count toward the two
(2) source requirement. The Bible passages must be used in context.
 It is expected that the course textbook be utilized within the essay. It does not count
toward the two (2) source requirements.
 At least two (2) additional sources must be used.
o This can include any of the course documents, readings, lectures.
o This can include any additional academic/scholarly sources from outside this
course. It is preferred that the Jerry Falwell Library be utilized to obtain your
additional sources.
o Tertiary sources (i.e. encyclopedia, Wikipedia, dictionary, etc.) do not count
toward the two (2) additional source requirements. You can still use them, but
they do not count toward the requirement.
o Any academic/scholarly source used in the essay must be properly cited following
Turabian formatting.THEO 108
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

The student will be assigned one of the four canonical Gospels and write a paper

The student will be assigned one of the four canonical Gospels and write a paper, not to exceed 12 pages, double-spaced, excluding title page, footnotes, and bibliography, in which the student identifies and traces through the Gospel the primary Christological interpretation of Jesus employed by that Gospel writer; for example, “Jesus as miracle worker;” or “Jesus as Son of God;” or “Jesus as Servant of the LORD;” etc. In the paper, the student must identify the particular stories and passages in the Gospel where this portrayal is emphasized, as well as his or her reasons for thinking so. The student must work chiefly with the text of the assigned Gospel, though secondary sources must also be used, especially academic commentaries on the biblical text, as “conversation partners” with whom to test the student’s hypothesis. The student will be assigned a Gospel on which to work based on the first letter of his or her last name: A-F (Matthew), G-L (Mark), M-R (Luke), S-Z (John). The paper must be in current Turabian format with all sources documented with appropriate footnotes and bibliography. References to the text of the Gospel may be included in the body with parenthetical citations. (CLOs: A, B, C, D, E.)
I have to wait until May to get my assigned paper.

Please write a six-to-seven page paper on the nature of biblical prophecy, the r

Please write a six-to-seven page paper on the nature of biblical prophecy, the role of the biblical prophet, and the relevance of biblical prophecy to our times. Insights from biblical scholars are encouraged. The paper should include information from other sources as they support your understanding of the subject, but should not consume the bulk of your term paper.
The paper is to be 12 font with double spaced format and must include footnotes and a bibliography. (I am aware that some of you likely have not had the FBBC course on composition. Consequently, some leniency will be exercised by the instructor in evaluating style matters. Examples of the Turabian Style for footnotes and bibliography are available on line. So, attempt to provide footnotes and bibliography.).

The student will read the four gospels and write a four-page paper on why he or

The student will read the four gospels and write a four-page paper on why he or she connects with a particular portrait of Jesus offered in one of the four gospels.
John’s Jesus who is sent to reveal the Father and redeem humankind.
In the paper reference the texts –show me the ‘footprints’ of your reading in the Gospel you select.

Some Native American religious rituals involve the use of psychoactive substance

Some Native American religious rituals involve the use of psychoactive substances (such as peyote, ayahuasca, iboga, mushrooms, etc.) to induce religious visionary experiences.
Identify one specific indigenous tribe in North America, Central America or South America that uses a psychoactive substance in a religious context.
Provide a brief historical recap of the substance’s use. Explain the function that the substance serves in the ritual. What are the rules surrounding its use? Who can partake of it? When can it be ingested? Then, identify any cultural or political controversies surrounding the tribe’s use of the substance. How has controversy affected the ritual use of the substance today?
What is your opinion on the use of psychoactive substances in ceremonial religious contexts like the one you identified? Should religious groups possess the freedom to engage in these ceremonial activities, even when they are in conflict with a nation’s laws? Why or why not?

I’ve attached the instructions for the integrations paper. The syllabus that I’v

I’ve attached the instructions for the integrations paper. The syllabus that I’ve attached has all the reading and articles that we are to use to reference for the paper. Please let me know if you need anything else please let me know.

The Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to be eight full pages in length, in A

The Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to be eight full pages in length, in APA format, with a minimum of five cited scholarly references from the Belhaven Virtual Library or one of the textbooks (no more than 2 references can come from a textbook). Be sure to include the appropriate cover page and reference page in addition to the eight pages, following APA style. This assignment MUST be submitted in Canvas. The assignment will be assessed according to the Worldview Paper Rubric. See Appendix A for specific guidelines.
Purpose of this Assignment
The purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life:
• Vocation, Academic Major, and Career
• Church Membership
• Singleness, Marriage, & Family
• Community Service & Citizenship
• Stewardship
Preparation for the Assignment
To prepare for this assignment, students should first read God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Edward Veith, Jr.
Parameters of this Assignment
The Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to be eight full pages in length, in APA format, with a minimum of five cited scholarly references from the Belhaven Virtual Library or one of the textbooks (no more than 2 references can come from a textbook). Be sure to include the appropriate cover page and reference page in addition to the eight pages, following APA style. When completed upload the assignment into Canvas. The assignment will be assessed according to the Worldview Paper Rubric.
To prepare to write this paper, we recommend that the student first read God at Work, take the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment (from BUS280), and take the free assessment at Reflect on what you discover in each and be prepared to integrate your discoveries, as well as the Christian Worldview, into each of the following areas:
The suggested format of your paper is as follows:
▪ Introduction – Thoroughly introduce your entire paper.
▪ Vocation, Academic Major, and Career
o Reflect upon the 16personalities explanation of your potential careers and workplace habits, and strengths & weakness, as well as your StrengthsFinder results if competed in a previous course.
o Taking into account your current or prospective workplace responsibilities, and your strengths and personality characteristics, seek to develop a plan to best maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Address the question of whether God has called and equipped you for your current work or for work under consideration, or whether you might better fit somewhere else.
o Think about how the Christian Worldview impacts your academic major, your workplace and your response to various ethical questions that may arise in that setting. How will you integrate the Christian Worldview as you practice in your academic field of specialization throughout your career? How will your practice of your major change in light of your Christian Worldview? Provide specific examples.
o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.
▪ Church Membership
o Focus on how important church membership is to you personally and how important it is in the Christian Worldview.
o How do you describe the health of the church you attend?
o How has the church aided in developing you spiritually and reinforcing your relationship with Jesus Christ?
o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.
▪ Singleness, Marriage, & Family
o Reflect on the 16personalities explanation or your personality in romantic relationships and parenting situations.
o What is your personal view in light of the Christian worldview on singleness, marriage, and family? Describe your position.
o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.
▪ Community Service & Citizenship
o Reflect on the 16personalities overall explanation of your personality and how your personality relates to friendships.
o Describe your duty as a citizen of your nation. Describe your commitment to community service and to being an agent of cultural transformation. How does your Christian Worldview impact your response in both areas?
o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.
▪ Stewardship
o How does the Christian Worldview inform the stewardship of your time? Of your talent? Of your treasure? Of your testimony?
o How does stewardship provide an accounting for every aspect of life (vocation)?
o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.
▪ Conclusion – Thoroughly wrap up your entire paper.

Directions: In this class, you will construct an 8-page paper on a Biblical or t

Directions: In this class, you will construct an 8-page paper on a Biblical or theological topic of your choice. In your research process, you will formulate a question about your topic, research information on that topic, and then develop a thesis statement which responds to your question. You will build your paper around your thesis statement and support your thesis with what other experts/scholars say about your topic and question. Most importantly, you will demonstrate your own understanding and interpretation of the Bible through the inclusion of sсrіptures that support your thesis. Requirements: A Turabian-formatted title page A strong thesis that responds to your driving question. Note: someone should be able to disagree with your thesis statement. If not, then it’s not a thesis statement. 8 pages in length (title page and bibliography do not count toward the page length requirement). 5 academic sources, formatted as Turabian footnotes in the paper (The Bible can count as one source). Websites and news articles may be used sparingly, but do not count toward your 5 academic sources. It’s best to use scholarly books and academic journal articles. A bibliography including the 5 academic sources used in the paper. Please note that the Bible should not be included in the bibliography. Entire paper must be written in third-person A minimum of 5 sections are required for this paper. Use Turabian guidelines for setting up section headings. MAKE SURE THIS PAPER SHOWS CONTROVERSY WITH THIS TOPIC AS WELL. Writing Task #1: For this task, please create your Turabian-formatted title page and write your introduction section to the paper. Make sure to include a strong thesis statement in your introduction. Please upload the assignment to Canvas as a pdf file. Footnotes should be formatted according to the Turabian format. Writing Task #2: For this task, please submit at least two full pages of the body of your paper. Writing Task #3: For this task, please submit at least two additional pages of the body of your paper. Writing Task #4: For this task, please submit at least two additional pages of the body of your paper. Writing Task #5: For this task, please submit the conclusion of your paper (typically one page or more) and your bibliography.