Instructions: Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20

Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list then display the following data:
The lowest number in the list
The highest number in the list
The total of the numbers in the list
The average of the numbers in the list
Q2. Total Sales
Design a program that asks the user to enter a store’s sales for each day of the week. The amounts should be stored in a list. Use a loop to calculate the total sales for the week and display the result.

 Instructions: Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20

Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list then display the following data:
The lowest number in the list
The highest number in the list
The total of the numbers in the list
The average of the numbers in the list
Q2. Total Sales
Design a program that asks the user to enter a store’s sales for each day of the week. The amounts should be stored in a list. Use a loop to calculate the total sales for the week and display the result.

  Q2. Write the following codes and submit the files in the “Submission.” Note.

Q2. Write the following codes and submit the files in the “Submission.” Note. You first need to write the code related to Q1(a), then write the code related to part Q1(b).  Both files need to be saved in the same place.
1. A summary of the program, what does the program do
2. Screenshot of the Running program
a). Note , that you must save the following code Q1(a) with the name “” 
# The BankAccount class simulates a bank account.
class BankAccount:
    # The __init__ method accepts an argument for
    # the account’s balance. It is assigned to
    # the __balance attribute.
    def __init__(self, bal):
        self.__balance = bal
    # The deposit method makes a deposit into the
    # account.
    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.__balance += amount
    # The withdraw method withdraws an amount
    # from the account.
    def withdraw(self, amount):
        if self.__balance >= amount:
            self.__balance -= amount
            print(‘Error: Insufficient funds’)
    # The get_balance method returns the
    # account balance.
    def get_balance(self):
        return self.__balance
b): You can save the following code with any name, but the Q1(a) must be saved as because you are import this file as shown in the following code.
# This program demonstrates the BankAccount class.
import bankaccount
def main():
    # Get the starting balance.
    start_bal = float(input(‘Enter your starting balance: ‘))
    # Create a BankAccount object.
    savings = bankaccount.BankAccount(start_bal)
    # Deposit the user’s paycheck.
    pay = float(input(‘How much were you paid this week? ‘))
    print(‘I will deposit that into your account.’)
    # Display the balance.
    print(f’Your account balance is ${savings.get_balance():,.2f}.’)
    # Get the amount to withdraw.
    cash = float(input(‘How much would you like to withdraw? ‘))
    print(‘I will withdraw that from your account.’)
    # Display the balance.
    print(f’Your account balance is ${savings.get_balance():,.2f}.’)
# Call the main function.

   ,, I will upload more information about it to know better about the material

 ,, I will upload more information about it to know better about the material
Hi all, the instructions for the final project are attached. You are allowed to finish the project within 2 days at most.
you can choose and tell me which option is easy and fast you can work on it
Download Final_Project-1.pdf
Training dataset for Option 2:
Requirements: 2days

  For your final project in the Business Applications course, you will be taske

For your final project in the Business Applications course, you will be tasked with creating a Python program that demonstrates your understanding of various fundamental concepts covered throughout the semester. Your project should showcase your ability to utilize if statements, for loops, while loops, file input/output operations, functions, and lists in the context of developing a practical business application.
Project Requirements:
1. Choose a Business Scenario: Select a specific business scenario or problem that your program will address. This could be anything from inventory management to sales analysis, customer database management, or financial forecasting.
2. Implement If Statements: Utilize if statements to implement decision-making logic within your program. For example, you may use if statements to check conditions such as inventory levels, customer preferences, or sales targets.
3. Incorporate For Loops: Use for loops to iterate over sequences of data or perform repetitive tasks efficiently. This could involve processing lists of products, analyzing sales data over a period of time, or generating reports for multiple customers.
4. Utilize While Loops: Employ while loops where appropriate, especially for scenarios where you need to repeatedly perform a task until a certain condition is met. This could include tasks like continuously updating inventory levels, processing customer orders, or iterating through a dataset until a specific criteria is satisfied.
5. Read and Write to a Text File: Implement file input/output operations to read data from external sources (such as a text file) and write output back to a file. This could involve reading customer information from a text file, logging sales transactions, or storing inventory data for future reference.
6. Define Functions: Organize your code into functions to encapsulate specific tasks or operations. This promotes code reusability and maintainability. Functions could be used for tasks such as calculating total sales, updating inventory levels, or generating reports.
7. Utilize Lists: Use lists to store and manipulate collections of data within your program. This could include maintaining lists of products, customer information, sales transactions, or any other relevant data for your chosen business scenario.
Project Deliverables:
1. Project Proposal: Provide a brief overview of your chosen business scenario and outline the specific features and functionality you plan to implement in your Python program (one page, single space).
2. Python Code: Submit your Python code files containing the implementation of your business application. Make sure your code is well-structured, well-commented, and follows best practices for readability and maintainability.
Evaluation Criteria:
Your final project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Completeness: Does the project meet all the specified requirements, including the use of if statements, for loops, while loops, file input/output operations, functions, and lists?
2. Functionality: Does the project effectively address the chosen business scenario? Does it perform the intended tasks accurately and efficiently?
3. Code Quality: Is the code well-structured, well-commented, and easy to understand? Does it follow best practices for Python development?
4. Creativity: Does the project demonstrate creativity and innovation in its approach to solving the business problem?

  For your final project in the Business Applications course, you will be taske

For your final project in the Business Applications course, you will be tasked with creating a Python program that demonstrates your understanding of various fundamental concepts covered throughout the semester. Your project should showcase your ability to utilize if statements, for loops, while loops, file input/output operations, functions, and lists in the context of developing a practical business application.
Project Requirements:
1. Choose a Business Scenario: Select a specific business scenario or problem that your program will address. This could be anything from inventory management to sales analysis, customer database management, or financial forecasting.
2. Implement If Statements: Utilize if statements to implement decision-making logic within your program. For example, you may use if statements to check conditions such as inventory levels, customer preferences, or sales targets.
3. Incorporate For Loops: Use for loops to iterate over sequences of data or perform repetitive tasks efficiently. This could involve processing lists of products, analyzing sales data over a period of time, or generating reports for multiple customers.
4. Utilize While Loops: Employ while loops where appropriate, especially for scenarios where you need to repeatedly perform a task until a certain condition is met. This could include tasks like continuously updating inventory levels, processing customer orders, or iterating through a dataset until a specific criteria is satisfied.
5. Read and Write to a Text File: Implement file input/output operations to read data from external sources (such as a text file) and write output back to a file. This could involve reading customer information from a text file, logging sales transactions, or storing inventory data for future reference.
6. Define Functions: Organize your code into functions to encapsulate specific tasks or operations. This promotes code reusability and maintainability. Functions could be used for tasks such as calculating total sales, updating inventory levels, or generating reports.
7. Utilize Lists: Use lists to store and manipulate collections of data within your program. This could include maintaining lists of products, customer information, sales transactions, or any other relevant data for your chosen business scenario.
Project Deliverables:
1. Project Proposal: Provide a brief overview of your chosen business scenario and outline the specific features and functionality you plan to implement in your Python program (one page, single space).
2. Python Code: Submit your Python code files containing the implementation of your business application. Make sure your code is well-structured, well-commented, and follows best practices for readability and maintainability.
Evaluation Criteria:
Your final project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Completeness: Does the project meet all the specified requirements, including the use of if statements, for loops, while loops, file input/output operations, functions, and lists?
2. Functionality: Does the project effectively address the chosen business scenario? Does it perform the intended tasks accurately and efficiently?
3. Code Quality: Is the code well-structured, well-commented, and easy to understand? Does it follow best practices for Python development?
4. Creativity: Does the project demonstrate creativity and innovation in its approach to solving the business problem?

  1. Write the following codes and submit the files in the “Submission.” Submis

1. Write the following codes and submit the files in the “Submission.”
1. A summary of the program, what does the program do
2. Screenshot of the Running program
import tkinter
def main():
    # Create the main window widget.
    main_window = tkinter.Tk()
    #Enter the tkinter main loop.
# Call the main function.
import tkinter
class MyGUI:
    def __init__(self):
        # Create the main window widget.
        self.main_window = tkinter.Tk()
        # Create a Label widget containing the
        # text ‘Hello World!’
        self.label = tkinter.Label(self.main_window,
                                   text=’Hello World!’)
        # Call the Label widget’s pack method.
        # Enter the tkinter main loop.
# Create an instance of the MyGUI class.
my_gui = MyGUI()

   Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint

Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots.
1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the
2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this assignment).
3. Program the Robot: Complete the chosen activities using ensuring thorough documentation.
4.  Presentation: Using screenshots, screen sharing, screen capture, etc., need a PowerPoint presentation in which you discuss:
The      activities you selected
Steps      taken for each activity
Your      results for each activity
Any      other observations or ideas you feel are relevant.
Use      PowerPoint to compile your presentation.
Include      video in the PowerPoint of your activity in action and relevant      screenshots.
Discuss      the selected activities, steps taken, results, and other relevant      observations.

   Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint

Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots.
1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the
2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this assignment).
3. Program the Robot: Complete the chosen activities using ensuring thorough documentation.
4.  Presentation: Using screenshots, screen sharing, screen capture, etc., need a PowerPoint presentation in which you discuss:
The      activities you selected
Steps      taken for each activity
Your      results for each activity
Any      other observations or ideas you feel are relevant.
Use      PowerPoint to compile your presentation.
Include      video in the PowerPoint of your activity in action and relevant      screenshots.
Discuss      the selected activities, steps taken, results, and other relevant      observations.

   Homework Assignment #2  1. Please use SQLite3 and the financial data provided

Homework Assignment #2 
1. Please use SQLite3 and the financial data provided in class(sp500_mafa2024.db) to estimate the ROA, Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, PPE (property, plant and equipment) to Total assets, Debt to Total Assets ratios for the information technology industry, and the consumer staples industry respectively from 2012 to 2022. Furthermore, please provide histograms of these ratios for each industry. You need to submit the python code and the histogram outputs.
2. Please explain how business models drive the characteristics of financial ratios for these two industry.