regarding supervision, information you gained from past courses and personal

regarding supervision, information you gained from past courses and personal experiences with supervision, and compare that to your experiences thus far this semester with field supervision.  Areas to consider should be: 
1. Relationship and boundaries with field supervisor thus far
2. Scheduling and structure of supervision, content and depth of discussions
3. Whether supervision is task focused and/or clinically/professional growth focused.
4. Your comfort level in engaging in courageous (difficult) conversations with supervisors, and your comfort level with accepting and reflecting on constructive feedback from a supervisor.

   one-page reflective journal  Is what you are currently reading/viewing or

one-page reflective journal 
Is what you are currently reading/viewing or studying challenging you in anyway? In what way?
What is puzzling you as you are reading at present? (About the author, ideas, etc.) What specific questions are being raised by what you are reading?
Can you make any connections between what you are reading/viewing and everyday life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are studying, or your own life?
What are you learning about yourself from what you are reading/viewing/studying? (Your own values, attitudes, and beliefs)

  Create a “yearbook” presentation of psychological concepts and theories – pas

Create a “yearbook” presentation of psychological concepts and theories – past and present. For each course outcome, choose at least one time period. Then identify the significant findings that happened during the time. For example, for Course Outcome #1, you could choose the findings in the 1900s, the work of Sigmund Freud, or the early 2000s for more recent findings related to psychodynamic therapy and defense mechanisms. Include information about the major figure or figures of the time, where applicable.
Make clear connections to key concepts and theories related to each course outcome using scholarly sources and relevant images. The 7 course outcomes that must be addressed in your presentation are listed in the “Outcomes & Resources” section below.
PowerPoint length: 14-21 slides (not including title, introduction, and references slides)
Font should not be smaller than size 16-point
References slide (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the edapt and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome)

In this discussion you will use the five sources you selected last week to crea

In this discussion you will use the five sources you selected last week to create a brief summary of your research topic. The document itself will only be a page but you will also be required to provide an APA formatted title page (see 2.2  for title page 2.3-2.8), abstract (2.9-2.10), and reference list (2.12).  Your submission should have the following:
1.) Title page
2.) Abstract page
3.) One page with 5 sources cited in text
4.) Reference page with five sources from module 4
Please progress through this module as follows:
APA manual: Chapter 2
Sager, E. (1976). Operational definition. Journal of Business Communication, 14(1), 23–26. to an external site.
Watch videos within module Operational definitions: to an external site.

Subjectivity: to an external site.

For this assignment, you will choose to assess social media platform(s) (Instag

For this assignment, you will choose to assess social media platform(s) (Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) through the lens of a social psychologist.
In a 500–750-words address the following prompts: 
Explain what the “social self” refers to. In what ways have others influenced the development of your social self? Analyze the role of culture, spirituality, group and individual influences on the development of your social self and behaviors. Offer an example of a script and a schema that you have developed as a result of these influences, as well.  
Describe how the chosen social media platform illustrates elements of the social self (social identity, personal identity, and group identity). Offer specific examples from your chosen platform and provide scholarly resources to support your writing.
Explain at least three examples of impression management techniques that you saw on the chosen social media platform. Identify which technique was illustrated in each example. How did the person’s nonverbal signals also affect your perception and first impression of them? Explain and offer examples.
Cite a minimum of two to three peer reviewed scholarly resources

 Explain how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the differenc

 Explain how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model’s view of health and the view of the biopsychosocial model; and describe the work of professionals in the fields of health psychology and behavioral medicine.  

  Question A To what extent is our response to stress affected by genetics? How

Question A
To what extent is our response to stress affected by genetics? How can individuals better cope with stress? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post.
Question B
There are people who argue we cannot fully experience happiness without fully experiencing unhappiness. Do psychologists agree or disagree? Why?

 Description The purpose of this assignment is to address the importance of soc

The purpose of this assignment is to address the importance of social and cultural competency in social psychology research, as well as your own life.
In a 500–750-word address the following 
In what ways does social psychology differ from other areas of psychology, and what are the big questions social psychologists research? Explain and offer examples of how at least two specific research methods (reference Chapter 2 of your eBook) might be used to explore some of these big questions. 
Describe the importance of social and cultural competency. How and why is social and cultural competency important to social psychology research specifically? What problems might occur if social and cultural competency are neglected in psychological research? Offer specific examples and provide supportive evidence for your explanation.
Explain how social and cultural competency are reflected in GCU’s Statement on Civility, Compassion, and the Way of Jesus (refer to the Topic 1 resources). Explain examples of how you might exhibit social and cultural competency in your own life. 
Cite a minimum of two to three peer reviewed scholarly resources   

In what ways does social psychology differ from other areas of psychology, and

In what ways does social psychology differ from other areas of psychology, and what are the big questions social psychologists research? Explain and offer examples of how at least two specific research methods (reference Chapter 2 of your eBook) might be used to explore some of these big questions. 
Describe the importance of social and cultural competency. How and why is social and cultural competency important to social psychology research specifically? What problems might occur if social and cultural competency are neglected in psychological research? Offer specific examples and provide supportive evidence for your explanation.
Explain how social and cultural competency are reflected in GCU’s Statement on Civility, Compassion, and the Way of Jesus (refer to the Topic 1 resources). Explain examples of how you might exhibit social and cultural competency in your own life.  
Cite a minimum of two to three peer reviewed scholarly resources