Respond by Day 6 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings with another sugg

Respond by Day 6 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings with another suggestion for a coping mechanism he or she might find useful and be specific using the Learning Resources to support your response. Then response to another one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:
Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Respond by Day 5 in one of the following ways to at least one of your colleague

Respond by Day 5 in one of the following ways to at least one of your colleagues whose posting is in response to the portion of the Discussion to which you were not assigned:
Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.

1.   This assignment challenges you to examine the multifaceted forces that inf

This assignment challenges you to examine the multifaceted forces that influence human development and facilitate successful aging. Please type into the attached document “Development Forces and Successful Aging Survey and Research” which contains detailed information on assignment completion.
You will interview three adults from different periods of life (early, middle, and late adulthood). The information gathered needs to include the major developmental forces that have influenced them as a person and their opinions regarding successful aging. Once you have collected the interviewees’ information, locate supportive research that complements your interviews and complete the worksheet by typing your answers directly into this worksheet.
Please use at least two current, scholarly resources in addition to your textbook (three sources total).
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
It is highly likely that you will find yourself in a situation where you are responsible for the care of an individual with Alzheimer’s disease or a significant neurocognitive disorder that profoundly affects their memory. This scenario may arise either within your professional capacity or in your personal life. Preparation is everything! Your task is to develop an educational intervention consisting of 10 to 12 slides aimed at equipping new and prospective caregivers with comprehensive information regarding the expectations and challenges involved in providing care for these individuals. Include the following content in your educational slides:
The neurocognitive disorder you chose (e.g., Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, Korsakoff’s syndrome)
An explanation of at least three cognitive changes occurring in various neurological structures (e.g., neurons, the cortex, white matter)
At least three evidence-based treatments and interventions (e.g., medications, therapies)
Common challenges faced by caregivers (e.g., financial, physical, emotional)
A list of four to six community resources (including virtual) that can offer support to both the caregiver and the patient, including the description of the resource along with its corresponding link for easy access
Your educational presentation should include two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations (the textbook can be considered one source). Credible websites, such as .org, .mil, .gov, and .edu, are acceptable but cannot serve as primary sources to support this assignment.
Please ensure that each slide in your presentation contains bullet points highlighting key information. Additionally, include speaker notes that provide expanded explanations or insights beyond what is already stated on the slide. It is important to note that the speaker notes should consist of a minimum of 100 words per slide. Please remember that the community resources mentioned in the presentation do not count as academic sources.
Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style/format.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, including an APA formatted reference slide, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

  Provide a summary of the case. The case that I selected for thi


Provide a summary of the case.

The case that I selected for this week focused on Aileen Wuornos. Aileen is an american serial killer that killed seven men while she was a prostitute (Aileen Wuornos, n.d.). The men were her clients and most of them were truck drivers. Aileen would try to use the defense that the men raped her or were trying to. Wuornos committed these crimes over the span of almost a year. Aileen was finally caught when her and her girlfriend at the time abandoned the car of one of the victims and pawned some of the victim’s belongings. Aileen and her girlfriend’s fingerprints were matched to a receipt at the pawn shop (Aileen Wuornos, n.d.). Wuornos was found guilty the crimes and received six death sentences. Aileen Wuornos was executed by lethal injection in the state of Florida on October 9, 2002 (Aileen Wuornos, n.d.). 

Explain what role the forensic psychology professional played in selecting the forensic risk assessment instrument used in the case.

The forensic psychologist administered the PCL-R to Aileen Wuornos (Myers et al., 2005). With this instrument, the forensic psychologist was able to determine that Aileen was a psychopath and what led her to be this way. This information can be used in court to show the risk that Aileen proposes to others (Sohn et al., 2020). Also, the forensic psychologists were able to determine the motive behind Aileen’s crimes and conclude whether they were sexually motivated.

Explain characteristics of the assessment that make it effective for this case.

PCL-R looks at different characteristic to see whether or not the offender possesses the characteristics or not. The score is out of 40 and Aileen scored a 32 (Myers et al., 2005). With this information, the forensic psychologist is able to show why she is a danger to others if released. This information can help with sentencing but also show that this was not an isolated event and Aileen may need more services in order to maintain a “normal” life. Being that when administering the PCL-R it is supposed to be a structured interview, the forensic psychologist was able to look into Aileen’s childhood and find out that Aileen had a fairly difficult childhood which could have lead to psychopathy (Myers et al., 2005).

Explain the implications regarding the selection of the assessment instrument and its impact on the outcome of the case.

The PCL-R is used to determine risk and recividism. It can also be used to determine what services would best help an offender. When someone scores high on the assessment, it can be lead to longer sentencing and denial of parole. Also, it can give the forensic psychologist more information about the offender and the characteristics that they possess. It is expected that a qualified professional will administer the assessment in a nonbiased way.

Aileen Wuornos: Biography, Serial Killer, charlize theron monster. (n.d.).
Myers, W. C., Gooch, E., & Meloy, J. R. (2005). The role of psychopathy and sexuality in a female serial killer. Journal of forensic sciences, 50(3), 652–657.
Sohn, J. S., Raine, A., & Lee, S. J. (2020). The utility of the Psychopathy Checklist‐Revised (PCL‐R) facet and item scores in predicting violent recidivism. Aggressive Behavior, 46(6), 508–515.

  Summary of case Sera vs. State is a court case about Steven A. Sera, a sex of

Summary of case
Sera vs. State is a court case about Steven A. Sera, a sex offender. One day his wife Nancy found a videotape that depicted Sera (her husband) performing sexual acts involving multiple women. They were unconscious, sedated with a date rape drug called Rohypnol. In 1998 in Arkansas, Sera was convicted of three counts of introduction a controlled substance into the body of another person, two counts of kidnapping, one count of first-degree sexual abuse, one count of attempted rape and one count of rape. Sera’s federal habeas corpus petition was ultimately refused after the convictions were upheld on appeal. In 1999, Sera entered a guilty plea in Texas for second-degree sexual assault of a woman there; during the assault, he sedated the victim and then anally penetrated her while recording the incident on camera. In Missouri, Sera entered a guilty plea in 2002 to many charges of felony sexual assault against a young woman he was married to; at least once, Sera recorded their interactions on camera.
Role of forensic professional Fast forward to 2017, Sera had an opportunity to request parole. A forensic psychologist and social worker performed various assessments to deem whether he’s eligible. The forensic psychologist here thought it was best to assess him with the Sex Offender Community Notification Assessment (SOCNA) due to his history of criminal convictions and inclination to drug and rape women. He was also interviewed by the forensic psychologist to see if further assessments needed to be done also. In addition to the SOCNA, the used RSVP as well.
Characteristics of Assessments The SOCNA is an assessment I which does an extensive search of sex offense charges, allegations, convictions; an interview with the sex offender for truth verification purposes (to ask about undisclosed victims as well). It ultimately exposes undetected victims for offenses that went under the radar, for which can impact public safety if the person was released on parole. Once assessment is done, sexual offense recidivism is determined, which takes account of factors such as offense, age, and gender of victims. Also, accessibility to victims, relationship status, prior offenses, criminal history, stranger victims, and extra familial victims. This is multifaceted, well-rounded assessment which puts offender under scrutiny to ensure the right protocol is taken.
Implications With all evidence gathered, Sera was diagnosed with an “Unspecified Paraphilic Disorder.” With the pattern of manipulation, drugs, force, and multiple offenses; he had severe antisocial personality characteristics which put him at a level 4. Level 4 deemed his as a sexually dangerous person (SDP).  This indicates that community notification visibility is required. This led to the circuit court’s order be reversed.
Flynn, Sheri. Arkansas Department of Corrections, Sex Offender Community Notification Assessment.
Sex Offender Assessment Comm. v. Sera, 2023 Ark. App. 239, 666 S.W.3d 862 (Ark. Ct. App. 2023)

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 Ashley DiazAug 29 9:41pmManage Discussion by Ashley Diaz Reply from Ashley Dia

 Ashley DiazAug 29 9:41pmManage Discussion by Ashley Diaz
Reply from Ashley Diaz
Post a brief description of your area of research interest in the field of psychology.
The area of subject design to further my research in the field of psychology is aggression in young adolescents in school settings. The goal is to discover the overall cause and affect of aggressive behavior that impacts educational achievement. 
State the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview (positivist, constructivist/relativist, post-positivist).
The philosophical orientation that reflects my world view is based mostly of constructivist. The reason for this is due to the experiences build over my life span thus far. Constructive theory is based on the structure of society and how those structures impact the lives of every day normal people. In viewing the world this way it allows you to see what resources are lacking in specific areas. You also see where support is possibly broken or strong at. For instance an interest may criminal justice students look into is distributive justice which consist people’s perception of distribution of fairness (Babbie, 2008). So in knowing this based on the theory people’s values and goods are evaluated through the experience gained from distributions of sources. In my experience, everyone’s contribution to society is based on personal status and economic status. Example of constructs effect the individual’s life, for example, low income immigrants, struggle because there is more hurdles when having those labels attached to the individual. 
Explain the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this philosophical orientation.
Epistemological is defined as the science of knowing and ontological is explained through everything is real (Babbie, 2008). 
Examples of research approaches quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods
An example of research approach of quantitative is a numerical measurement within a study like measuring frequencies of variable. Qualitative approach consist of nonnumerical measurement and is mainly done through observations. An example of this would be causes of a certain variable (Babbie, 2008).
Babbie, Earl. THE BASICS of SOCIAL RESEARC. (2008) to an external site. 

  Post a brief description of your topic of research interest. Next, state the

Post a brief description of your topic of research interest. Next, state the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview and explain the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this orientation. Then, explain how these assumptions lend themselves to one or more research approaches.
The topic that interest me is school-to-prison pipeline.  The school-to-prison pipeline is the theory that youth from disadvantaged backgrounds end up in juvenile justice at a disproportionate rate because of educational inequalities (Heise & Nance, 2024). This interest me because when juveniles perform delinquent acts, it is not always taken into account the background that they come from and how that can contribute to the delinquency of the juvenile. 
     The philosophical orientation that reflects my worldview is social constructivism. The ontological assumption of this orientation is that reality is subjective and is created by interactions of individuals. This means that we all have a different outlook on the world and there is no “absolute truth” (Eads, 2023). This outlook can be determined by our experiences and interactions with others. In simple terms, no one has the same reality and we are all shaping each other reality. The epistemological assumption of social constructivism is “individual interactions create meaning and knowledge is socially constructed” this means that knowledge can change overtime based on the interactions that are happening at the time (Eads, 2023). This can be based on society or a group of people. Within different groups, there can be different concepts of reality based on cultural norms. 
Social constructivism uses qualitative research to gather the opinions and outlook of individuals (Oldfather et al., 1999). This is because quantitative research ignores the experiences of the individuals and the social processes that impact reality. Qualitative research can include interviews and surveys and allows the researcher to hear the individuals’ own words and their reality based on their interactions with others (Oldfather et al., 1999). Being that these individuals may be from different backgrounds and cultures, it shows how cultural norms and power dynamics can shape their reality.
Eads, R. (2023). Navigating post‐trauma realities in family systems: Applying social constructivism and systems theory to youth and family trauma. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 44(2), 214–224. to an external site.
Heise, M., & Nance, J. P. (2024). Student race, school police, and the school-to-prison pipeline: Mixed evidence of indirect pathways. Journal of School Violence, 23(3), 387–404.
Oldfather, P., West, J., White, J., & Wilmarth, J. (1999). Goal 1: Understanding social constructivism as a basis for meaningful learning and intrinsic motivation. In Learning through children’s eyes: Social constructivism and the desire to learn. (pp. 7–23). American Psychological Association.

You can see that from the past three weeks of material psychology is in many way

You can see that from the past three weeks of material psychology is in many ways a science and a philosophy.  It has emerged from multiple disciplines and therefore in some ways reflects the purely scientific approach to understanding human behavior and mental processes and in some ways, it reflects more theoretical and philosophical approaches.  For this dialogue, provide some examples of how psychology best reflects the scientific approach.  Also, what aspects of psychology that you explored over these past few weeks best reflects a more philosophical approach?  Finally, based on the integration models you learned about in week 1, which model would be most comfortable with a more philosophical approach and which would be more comfortable with a more scientific approach?  Please provide reasons why you believe this to be true.

Discuss the importance of essential structures and quality features of line gra

Discuss the importance of essential structures and quality features of line graphs to increase the integrity of line graphs in applied behavior analysis. Why is this not an issue in other sciences?
Posted references in APA format and cited an
one or more original references. 
 Post consisted of 150 – 200 words

  1. Nature vs. Nurture – means whether development is primarily influenced by

1. Nature vs. Nurture – means whether development is primarily influenced by nature or nurture, biological inheritance or environmental inheritance.
Continuity vs. Discontinuity – means whether development involves gradual, cumulative change (continuity) or distinct stages (discontinuity).
Early vs. Later experiences – means the degree to which early experiences (especially in infancy) or later experiences are the key determinants of children’s development.
When I look at nature vs nurture in my own life, I am one of three siblings and even though we have the same parents genetically, we are very different. Because of our upbringing, my sister and I had to take care of our brother. He was nurtured more than we were, almost babied. I noticed he did not excel in areas of development like my sister and I did. I have always wondered if it was caused by genetics or by experiences.
During my research, I came across an article “Are Siblings Different as Day and Night? Parents perception of Nature vs. Nurture. In this article talks about the parent-child relationship and what influences it, like parents age, education, beliefs, perceptions, and even the stability of the parents’ marriage. The outcome was that Psychosocial influences will effect each child differently, in the same family causing unique and diverse sibling personalities that are different as day and night. I found this interesting because when I think about my siblings, I thought it was based more on genetics and not as much about experience. 
2.  Nature vs. Nurture: This debate centers on whether genetic inheritance (nature) or environmental factors (nurture) play a more significant role in shaping an individual’s behavior, personality, and cognitive development.
Continuity vs. Discontinuity: This issue involves whether development is a smooth, gradual process (continuity) or a series of distinct stages (discontinuity) with sudden changes in behavior or understanding.
Early vs. Later Experience: This debate examines the relative importance of experiences in early childhood versus those that occur later in life in determining an individual’s long-term development and behavior.
Reflection on the “Nature vs. Nurture” Debate: Reflecting on my own experience, the nature vs. nurture debate relates to my development in terms of academic achievement. While I might have inherited a natural curiosity and cognitive abilities from my parents, the environment in which I was raised, including access to educational resources and encouragement from teachers, played a crucial role in shaping my academic success. My personal development appears to be a result of both genetic predispositions and environmental influences working together.