Given the findings in the Lemola (2015) article, would you expect some developme

Given the findings in the Lemola (2015) article, would you expect some developmental consequences of being born premature to continue into adulthood?  What might those be?  What would explain these long-term developmental consequences?
Be sure to include a quote from the article or textbook in your main posting.  Be sure to include a critical thinking question (“how?” “why?”) in your response posting.
What’s Going On In There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years.

Lise Eliot

Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: Bantam; 1 edition (October 3, 2000)
ISBN:  978-0553-3782-52

Choose one special need children can have and research, describe, give example

Choose one special need children can have and research, describe, give examples, and discuss how you would work with a child with that special need in your classroom. 5 pages are required including the title page and reference page. Remember to give references, citations

In this assignment, students will conduct some outside research and create a sho

In this assignment, students will conduct some outside research and create a short PowerPoint presentation explaining their findings. The research can be web-based if it is from a reputable source, but all outside information used must be cited in APA format in a final reference slide of the presentation.
Three theoretical perspectives on play with two slides each (6 slides total). The three perspectives can include what major theorists have said about play (such as Vygotsky) or theories about the nature of play (such as the types of play).
Relevant images on each slide. The images should support the content but not replace the content.
A reference slide
Images are used for support, not to replace the student’s own writing.

Book:Tanner, L. N. (1997). Dewey’s Laboratory School: Lessons for Today. Teacher

Book:Tanner, L. N. (1997). Dewey’s Laboratory School: Lessons for Today. Teachers College Press. ISBN: 978-0807736180
1. The introduction provides the foundation for the book report by presenting the basic information about the book (title, author, subject) and a brief overall of the content you will present in your book report. (One paragraph)
The background section will provide the context for the book you chose. You can discuss the historical context for the book as it relates to field of early education, the purpose of the book, the theoretical foundation for the book, and why the content of this book is significant. (Two paragraphs minimum)
Key Ideas
In this section, students should consider the content of the entire book carefully and select four key ideas they learned from the book. These should each be identified and described with several supporting quotes from the book. (Approximately three to four pages)
In this section, student should describe the significance of the key ideas presented in this book as they relate to field of early childhood studies. (Approximately one page)
This last section of the paper should provide a summary of the paper, highlighting key elements from the paper. (One paragraph)
APA requirements for this assignment are as follows: Title page (no headings need to be included); pages numbered; overall APA formatting with one inch margins, double spacing, and recommended font; in text citation, reference page with correct article information. APA will count for 10% of the grade for this assignment, although papers with significant APA errors will be returned for revision prior to grading.Your reference page should include your course text and your chosen book in perfect APA format at minimum.
Your reference page should include your course text and your chosen book in perfect APA format at minimum. 
The significance of the ideas from the book with respect to the field of early childhood studies is clearly discussed.

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to observe emergent literacy in acti

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to observe emergent literacy in action. Reading is a social activity and young children enjoy engaging with a caregiver who is reading a book. In this activity, you will observe how a toddler responds to a book and interact with a preschooler who is supposed to listen quietly during one reading, and then engage during the second reading.  
Required Length: Between 500-750 words, double-spaced, APA format 
Read a book with two children: a toddler and a preschooler 
Engage in a book reading with the toddler. Observe how the toddler interacts with you and with the book. What evidence of emergent literacy did you notice? For example, does the toddler watch you or look at the book? Does the toddler look at the words or the pictures? Does the toddler discuss anything in the book and expand on it.   
Engage in a book reading with the preschooler. Read two storybooks (can be the same or different). The first time, require the preschooler to sit silently and attend, while you simply read the book. The second time, use dialogic reading techniques discussed in class; ask questions, invite input, and welcome comments.  
Develop a report of your observation (see table below and refer to Rubric as needed) 
Procedures: Reading with the toddler: Identify how the caregiver socializes and engages the child to build his/her use of language. Document each socialization strategy each caregiver used with their child. 
Reading with the preschooler:  Identify the child’s stage of development as described in the textbook and developmental charts, giving specific examples to support your conclusion. Comment about the development of the child as it relates to language and social interactions. 
Describe similarities and differences in the reading with both children in terms of their abilities to engage the book. Compare and contrast how the pre-schooler reacted differently to listening quietly to engaging interactively. 
Develop a report of your observation in APA format: Including a Title page, Abstract, Main Body, and Reference

Formative Learning Activity This activity will review your comprehension of the

Formative Learning Activity
This activity will review your comprehension of the reading and formulate a Response Assignment to Chapter 11. All chapter(s) can be found on the Canvas Modules. The purpose of the assignment is to test your comprehension of a chapter of the textbook, and your ability to summarize the chapter into key concepts and terms. Instructions
This activity will require you to formulate a Response Assignment. The Response Assignment is to be 250 words and 1 page in length, with in-text citations using MLA or APA format if the textbook is quoted. This is assignment is not to be completed in a full-length essay format (with introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs). The assignment is to be formatted to fit the standard of a response or reflection paper, including your name, date, professor’s name on the top left-hand corner, and title at the top of the page, i.e. “Reading Response #6.” You may write one full paragraph so long as it completes the one page requirement, but be sure to include an introductory and concluding sentence. Utilize Times New Roman font, size twelve, one-inch page margins, and double-spaced lines. Introducing Social Research Methods: Essentials for Getting the Edge. Licensed under John Wiley & Sons Ltd., ISBN:978-1-118-87424-0. 

ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION Federal law mandates that students with disabilities are

Federal law mandates that students with disabilities are educated in the general education environment to the “greatest extent appropriate” for meaningful academic and social interactions (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2004). The IEP team is tasked with determining the greatest extent appropriate, which can be a challenging and controversial task. What should be considered? What are the challenges? What are the benefits for students with disabilities and for their typical peers when students are included in the general education?
Write a 3-4 page paper regarding the inclusion of special education students in general education classrooms including the following points. Use research to support your analysis.
Discuss the challenges of inclusion for students with disabilities.
What are the challenges?
What are the strategies that can support these challenges?
Discuss the benefits of inclusion for students with disabilities.
What are the benefits for students with disabilities?
What are the benefits for the typical peers in the classroom.
Should all students with disabilities be included in the general education and to what extent?
Discuss the trends of inclusion for students with disabilities.
Are students being included now more than before or is it decreasing?
Are there certain disabilities that tend to be more excluded or included?
Are there other trends happening?
ProTip: The three primary bullets above can be used as your outline for your paper. Include APA headings for each of these sections to ensure that all criteria is included. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion.
Provide a minimum of three reliable research reference points. Up to two references can be from class materials (textbook, articles, videos, etc.). Include at least one additional reference obtained through research.

Provide an overview of the chapter in a paragraph and a separate overview paragr

Provide an overview of the chapter in a paragraph and a separate overview paragrahp for two of the assigned videos this week.  (An average paragraph is 6 sentences)
Choose three main points that were most interesting to you for the reading and a separate 3 for the two videos, including the page number from the chapter and name the videos you watched. Provide an indepth explanation of each point you chose and share your thoughts.
For one of the points you shared from the reading and one of the points you shared from the videos, share how this applies to your life. You can discuss your own childhood, your own children, the children you teach, and any other related experiences.
Please format your responses by listing each number and your response:
Overview of the chapter and videos.  (4 points)
Three main points for reading and videos. The page number must be included and the video name, as well as your explanation and thoughts on each point listed. (3 points)
For at least one of the points you listed from the reading and one from the videos, share your own experiences. (3 points)

Provide an overview of the chapter in a paragraph and a separate overview paragr

Provide an overview of the chapter in a paragraph and a separate overview paragrahp for two of the assigned videos this week.  (An average paragraph is 6 sentences)
Choose three main points that were most interesting to you for the reading and a separate 3 for the two videos, including the page number from the chapter and name the videos you watched. Provide an indepth explanation of each point you chose and share your thoughts.
For one of the points you shared from the reading and one of the points you shared from the videos, share how this applies to your life. You can discuss your own childhood, your own children, the children you teach, and any other related experiences.
Please format your responses by listing each number and your response:
Overview of the chapter and videos.  (4 points)
Three main points for reading and videos. The page number must be included and the video name, as well as your explanation and thoughts on each point listed. (3 points)
For at least one of the points you listed from the reading and one from the videos, share your own experiences. (3 points)

Discussion Forum # 2 Chapter 12: Learning About Who Makes Up a Family and Fairn

Discussion Forum # 2
Chapter 12: Learning About Who Makes Up a Family and Fairness
Chapter 12 addresses all variations of family structures. The author begins by sharing statistics emphasizing that 50% of children in the United States will have experienced their parent’s separation, and half of them will witness a second marriage breakup during their lifetime, which may result in children most likely living in single-parent homes, blended families, grandparent’s homes, etc.  Although families come from a variety of family structures, the author mentions it does not reveal the way a family may function. Biases are usually generated according to family structures; however, it is important to keep in mind that in all families, love, joy, harmony, and discord are present.
In this discussion, you will reflect on what has been told to you in regard to family structures. You will analyze a common term society uses, and finally, you will share how you would support a child’s feelings of having two moms and two dads. 
Do you think that using the term “Broken Families” when referring to single families, transnational families, and blended families is the correct term to use? Why or why not?
Referring to the Video: Honey Maid Documentary: Not Broken. What was the message of the video? What were the boy’s feelings about having two moms and two fathers?
Honey Maid Documentary: #NotBroken

Honey Maid: #NotBroken Keys

Your  post must be two paragraphs in length (250 to 275 words), show your depth of understanding, and use your own words.